
674 lines
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2023-06-18 23:16:41 +08:00
# [4.5.0]( (2020-06-24)
### Bug Fixes
* Avoid double escaping when using post description ([#190]( ([44d4198](
* Do not load the script in 404 page ([#200]( ([87e8586](, closes [#199](
* make dark theme brighter ([#195]( ([4e9c8fe](
* mermaidConfig is not defined error ([f0b87b2](
* missing read-more on home-posts page ([#198]( ([831d8fb](
* Safari doesn't support addEventListener on media queries ([#184]( ([0fccbcc](
* Search index should include sections & co. if these have content ([#192]( ([e2948b2](
* Unrelated localStorage changes would cause switch to light theme ([#194]( ([db102eb](
* wrong utterances theme ([9a041c1](
### Code Refactoring
* Do not use inline scripts ([#173]( ([f160158](, closes [#145](
* Improve code highlighting ([#188]( ([cf603f3](, closes [#169](
* Make title.html partial more readable, fix title for taxonomy pages ([#187]( ([ea09a86](
* Rename $Deliver into $ for clarity ([#177]( ([81a773d](
### Features
* allow to limit the number of tree posts ([#196]( ([6f3aeba](, closes [#97](
* apply `markdownify` to post title ([#183]( ([1322fdd](, closes [#179](
* support dark theme for mermaid ([066138a](, closes [#205](
* support override system preferences for dark mode ([29bd11e](, closes [#201](
* **i18n:** add Malaysian and Norwegian languages ([#202]( ([f782a59](
* Highlighting customization now works by overriding CSS variables, no longer by overriding theme-specific files
* Markdown in page titles will be processed now
* `Deliver` parameter to various templates is now called `$`
* custom.js is loaded at the top of the page now, before the page elements are available
# [4.4.0]( (2020-05-23)
MemE `v4.4.0` comes with some big code refactoring by @palant, which makes MemE even more faster. Big thanks!
Also, make sure to follow [the instructions]( when you update MemE to the latest version!
### Bug Fixes
* allow `.Params.indent` to override global settings ([188fc17](
* Do not rely on JavaScript to determine header width ([#168]( ([820e0ab](
* generation failed error caused by `readFile` ([62f6934](, closes [#133](
* Get rid of unnecessary safeHTML usage ([#135]( ([91e84a1](, closes [#134](
* Improve accessibility of the theme switcher ([#160]( ([e5e6230](
* Make sure to turn relative links absolute in feeds ([#170]( ([4c6097a](, closes [#141](
* pass `$Content` to custom/content.html ([df739fa](
* Remove unnecessary safeJS/safeURL calls ([a94cc42](
* Respect user's preferred theme even when JavaScript isn't enabled ([#169]( ([46522c6](
* search on mobile and make url relative ([#172]( ([5a3470a](, closes [#171](
* Typos in README ([#161]( ([0cd2733](
* When scrolling to an anchor, account for the header height ([#158]( ([115914a](, closes [#146](
* **a11y:** delete `maximum-scale` ([37632a7](
* **json-ld:** missing `image` in non-mainSections page ([26baf9d](
* **post-copyright:** missing colon when `website` param is not set ([86bfc77](, closes [#116](
* **style:** add tab-size support for firefox ([afb0b4a](, closes [#105](
* **style:** font-size bug in mobile safari ([4094ff7](, closes [#109](
* **style:** make color in dark mode less dazzling ([9d35969](
* **style:** make color in dark mode less dazzling ([e580a16](
* **style:** margin issue of caption in layout "poetry" ([3754acc](
* **style:** margin issues of layout "poetry" ([bbef0de](
* **style:** overflow and font-size bug in safari ([e2646e3](, closes [#109](
* unescaped ampersand(&) in xml ([b1890ee](, closes [#103](
### Code Refactoring
* Make templates return results properly ([#153]( ([418f72d](, closes [#137](
### Features
* add hashtags to share URLs ([#100]( ([a323e45](
* Added search capability via lunr ([#165]( ([fb54c61](, closes [#163](
* Allow customization of post metadata ([#138]( ([6cc1621](, closes [#136](
* Allow extending header ([#142]( ([5353fec](
* Allow to limit the number of articles listed per taxonomy entry ([#148]( ([f3d9ad0](, closes [#147](
* support social media icons ([fd1546e](, closes [#123](
* **i18n:** add Brazilian Portuguese translations ([#102]( ([c4adfc5](
* Various templates under `utils/partials/` will return results directly rather than via `.Scratch` now.
## [4.3.1]( (2020-04-03)
### Bug Fixes
* **style:** add transition, fix color contrast ([e9880d7](
* **style:** font-size of copy button ([ed015a9](
* **style:** make color in dark mode less dazzling ([c0e0927](
* **style:** make color in dark mode less dazzling ([cef984d](
* **style:** make the bg-color of dark mode darker ([676fee1](
* clipboard polyfill ([05a365b](
* i18n of script and style ([e7871bb](
* make dark mode more gorgeous ([06f79af](
* make dark mode respect system preferences ([10d6cca](
### Features
* change default highlight theme ([e7e61d4](
# [4.3.0]( (2020-03-20)
MemE v4.3.0 makes some brand new features and *breaking changes*, so please be sure to check [the modification history of `config.toml`]( and update the related items after the update!
### Bug Fixes
* add “contributors” to license ([f58f9aa](
* add backdrop-filter support for safari ([fae1f2a](
* add fallback for backdrop-filter ([60f611b](
* correct favicon's MIME type ([f8ba8aa](
* correct zh-cn translation of license ([070b1d3](
* emphasis point position U+2022 `•` ([1cc02c3](
* google fonts style loading fails on firefox ([e5ad6fe](
* header layout flex ([44b352e](
* hide back-to-top on mobile ([4c670b5](
* improve post-copyright style ([a498cad](
* increase the margin of toc-num ([8d9bad0](
* missing div tag in dark mode's regex ([c1cda8b](
* optimize header-inner's display experience ([fd95216](
* optimize user experience ([e9f6d90](
* remove `subset=chinese-simplified` ([de4def3](
* remove crappy param `compatibleWithLaTeX` ([dc0c4ef](, closes [#50](
* render links only if it exists ([fc0fae8](
* style of header when `enableNavToggle = false` ([6c3356e](
* style of langs on mobile ([83f1046](
* style of medium zoom ([5f49a0e](
* style of menu bar ([0845e86](
* use `em` tag for emphasis point ([a599634](
### Code Refactoring
* remove i18n's region subtag ([9f5916a](
### Features
* add autohide param for copy button ([bdb6077](
* add copy button and scroll for code blocks ([94d7e05](, closes [#76](
* add mermaid support ([#75]( ([431ef63](
* added german translation ([#74]( ([19892fc](
* brand new header layout flex ([a11c06a](
* new param `displayFooterInHome` ([075c8d2](
* new param `tocNum` ([f30d684](, closes [#71](
* responsive table & set its width to 100% ([a995897](
* support instant page ([6a9876b](
* support unordered toc ([9093207](
* update google fonts css api to v2 ([67bb2c5](
### Performance Improvements
* add throttle for scroll and resize listener ([6945afd](
* defer google fonts and add preconnect rel ([5ff821d](
* drop instantclick support ([b9cea3b](
* remove outdated keywords meta ([fa5bf38](
* replace `calc()` with `rem` ([acf1cae](
* use cilent side js selector for medium zoom ([4eb0408](
* `compatibleWithLaTeX` is removed
If you have enabled this param before, you can replace this feature with HTML `<div>` or `<span>` tag, e.g.
inline math `<span>$...$</span>`
...which prevents LaTeX code from being processed by the Markdown renderer.
Sorry for the inconvenience *again* :(
## [4.2.1]( (2020-02-20)
### Revert
* cancel use `Page.GetTerms` ([1331c92](
# [4.2.0]( (2020-02-20)
### Bug Fixes
* correct zh-cn translation of weibo ([9937e20](
* drop cap after hr ([223b67b](
* emphasis point position U+2022 `•` ([b07107b](
* fonts-src.scss & drop outdated code ([ebccc0f](
* generate qrcode fails when url is too long ([73a0d30](
* json-ld, open-graph ([6dc995a](
* make color in dark mode less dazzling ([262ddb1](
* render minimal-footer-about only if it exists ([3be7996](
* style of blockquote ([a31369a](
* style of footnote-icon, drop-cap ([ac0684c](
* style of layout home-poetry, home-footage ([76018fb](, closes [#59](
* style of qrcode ([5c81c01](
* style of qrcode again ([1e6791b](
* style of text-decoration, scrollbar, code ([b553842](
* style of tree categories page ([d2ea8c0](
* subset glyph-correction ([ffc6aa7](
* tree-categories, tree-sections ([04bde37](
* twitter-cards ([123eea1](
### Code Refactoring
* main.scss and scss folder structure ([abba97f](, closes [#52](
* restructure partials folder ([299c218](, closes [#68](
### Features
* add `displayShareOnText` param ([77d1ee4](
* support share on socials ([#62]( ([eae4359](
* use `Page.GetTerms` ([110064a](, closes [#67](
* **third-party:** update mathjax to v3.0.1 ([d6ea45b](
* partials folder structure is changed
* scss folder structure is changed
# [4.1.0]( (2020-01-30)
### Bug Fixes
* `homePoster`, `fofPoster` in main.scss ([e6105a9](, closes [#51](
* data-attributes.scss ([67bf0f5](
* delimit function ([1ab41b1](
* do not justify if its type is poetry ([0bd42e7](
* regex of compatibleWithLaTeX ([b2bed6b](
* regex of compatibleWithLaTeX again ([af1de8b](
* regex of content.html ([6bb169d](
* regex of drop cap and indent ([e4d4fd8](
* regex of external links and hosting ([ca47e40](
* regex of indent ([d49e3a6](
* regex of indent again ([09f4e53](
* regex of markdownify.html ([853db3d](
* regex of paragraph indent ([c7ce9bb](
* regex of paragraph indent again ([88ea2c6](
* style of medium zoom ([8918a4b](
* style of table and highlight ([5e7b9cc](
* styles related to text-align and indent ([0c46faa](
### Code Refactoring
* load highlight, emphasis-point on demand ([bd6ca2b](
* simplify service worker notification ([ff1d110](
### Features
* do not indent the first paragraph ([eaefda4](, closes [#36](
### Performance Improvements
* remove useless video regex ([011fc32](
## [4.0.1]( (2020-01-09)
### Bug Fixes
* missing `<p>` tag when content has one line ([d7f4b8f](, closes [#49](
* regex of content.html ([01039b7](
* style of footnotes ([f4a3dd0](
# [4.0.0]( (2020-01-08)
As I described in [#26](, I want to make MemE support Hugo's new default Markdown rendering engine Goldmark, and this is it. In this version, MemE will support Goldmark and *no longer support* Blackfriday.
### Notes
1. Goldmark problems, see [#43 (comment)](
2. Compatibility with LaTeX, see [gohugoio/hugo#6544](
[Previously](, I suggested adding some backslashes to escape some characters to solve the syntax conflict between Markdown and LaTeX. Now, I think that is not the *right* way -- it's troublesome and stupid.
In v4.0.0, MemE adds a new `compatibleWithLaTeX` option as a temporary workaround. But note that it has some limitations, such as it can't exclude equations inside code block, it supports `$ ... $` and `$$ ... $$` only.
And at last, apology for my wrong suggestion, which may take some of your time to modify the equations again.
3. With Hugo brand new Markdown renderer Goldmark, [#14]( should be fixed.
**MemE v4.0.0 requires Hugo v0.62.2 or higher.**
## [3.4.5]( (2020-01-08)
### Bug Fixes
* cannot change highlight theme in dark-mode.js ([b81d551](
* style of back-to-top ([e5bda3a](
* style of post-meta, busuanzi-site-uv-and-pv ([a4e4137](
* style related to flex ([ad0f403](
* Use .Permalink instead of combining URLs ([f1d4906](
* wrong utterances theme after theme is changed ([4389ddf](
### Features
* add "custom/content.html" partial ([3cc100b](
* add "custom/script.html" partial ([d442001](
* autohide back-to-top toggle ([6659f25](
* medium zoom for images ([b7cf602](
* new `disableMathJaxMenu` option ([b759b6e](
* smooth scroll ([aaa5a42](
* support `tab-size` CSS property ([56a9e1d](
* support busuanzi view counter [#40]( ([09e9976](
* support utterances and a couple of bug fixes ([8339f71](
## [3.3.9]( (2019-12-18)
### Bug Fixes
* add `MathJax.texReset();` ([fc08a2c](
* change margin of `<blockquote>` to `2em, 0` ([d04efe7](, closes [#39](
* chaos caused by unreset `.Scratch` ([3e862b4](
* load fonts-src on demand ([d4edbff](
* minimal-footer style ([6729a2e](
* missing license info in json-ld ([20f7eef](
* srcollbar style ([288a00d](
* style of code in pre ([dce3462](
* style of mathjax ([8efdca6](
* style of thead, th, td, dt ([6a11b06](
* ugly encoded URLs in post-copyright ([0efad4c](, closes [#24](
* use greater width for max-width ([8c4aae2](
* use U+0020 instead of `&nbsp;` No-Break Space ([46660e2](
* valine comment [#22]( ([935c9d5](
* wrong whitespace position ([56578ac](
### Code Refactoring
* modular instantclick & fix a mistake ([6a49a25](
* simplify dark mode ([cc7b36b](
* using data attributes ([13a67ac](
* better responsive design ([c4dad06](
* use `justify-content` ([a9ccb77](, closes [#38](
* separate `maxWidth` from responsive.scss ([88e66e1](
* modular homepage for better customization ([4aeb5e2](
### Features
* *reactive* dark mode! ([8d24690](
* add something for better customization ([0679e3b](
* Force HTTPS Redirection ([355e0c8](
* new data attribute `data-layout` ([1a8df79](
* support Google AdSense [#23]( ([9cbb874](
* support Valine comment [#22]( ([15a86ac](
* support video footnote ([8324b3d](
* Version 3.0 of MathJax [#34]( ([8746889](
* vertical bar structure for minimal footer ([12a326b](, closes [#35](
### Performance Improvements
* load valine.js only when button is clicked ([dee283f](
## [3.2.7]( (2019-11-19)
### Bug Fixes
* chmod 644 instantclick.js ([02f130f](
* link text of tags in minimal-footer ([5806692](
* missing categories problem ([5c44452](
* missing tags when its name is complicated ([aa106a7](
* whitespace problem in site-info in footer ([f471af6](
* wrong keywords when its name has whitespaces ([c8d534e](
### Code Refactoring
* use `mainSections` and more ([c6a38e5](, closes [gohugoio/hugoThemes#756](
* modular for better customization ([0f1f9ca](
* postSections & feedSections is removed
# [3.0.0]( (2019-11-09)
MemE has a brand new `config.toml` (in config-examples folder) with detailed instructions now! I highly recommend you replace your existing config.toml with it. Although this may take a while to reconfigure the configuration.
Moreover, MemE modifies the color values of dark mode to make dark mode less depressed. Please change `primaryColorDark` to `201, 65%, 62%` if you are not using the latest version of `config.toml`.
MemE 主题现在有一个全新的 `config.toml` 了(在 config-examples 文件夹内),且里面包含详细的说明!我强烈建议你用它替换你现有的 config.toml 文件,尽管这可能需要一些时间重新配置。
此外MemE 主题修改了一些深色模式的颜色值,以使深色模式不那么压抑。对于这点,如果你没有使用最新版本的 `config.toml`,请你将其中的 `primaryColorDark` 设置为 `201, 65%, 62%`
### Bug Fixes
* contrast ratio of highlight style ([39da81c](
* contrast ratio of highlight style ([22480e6](
* headings link style ([fc99fc6](
* make the color less depressed ([4c37e04](
* post-copyright style ([a7dedde](
* post-copyright style again ([37d275e](
* regex of emphasis point ([6babe81](
### Features
* new image filter for dark mode ([5beb752](
* new option for current menu item ([edc7dc8](
* **#15:** new home page layout `page` ([7ae2902](, closes [#15](
* `darkImage` option is removed
You can delete `darkImage` in config.toml or posts Front Matter now.
* config.toml changed
Please change `primaryColorDark` to `201, 65%, 62%` by yourself.
## [2.3.7]( (2019-10-09)
### Bug Fixes
* display post-nav in postsSection only ([5e503e6](
* move `<script>` to the front of `</body>` ([0323fda](
* post-gitinfo style ([8dd960f](
* post-nav style ([7402415](
## [2.1.5]( (2019-10-04)
### Bug Fixes
* **#11:** glyph-correction on WebKit ([5e4e934](, closes [#11](
* **#11:** U+00B7 ([76f6371](, closes [#11](
* footnote `hr` style ([5f8598b](
* use relURL for fonts ([de6916f](
### Code Refactoring
* separate fonts src from `fonts.scss` ([8de3b8d](
* separate the video from hosting ([10e8ff3](
### Features
* add `enableFingerprint` for style & script ([ebaa065](
* change some URLs to relative to support IPFS ([6b678da](
* video hosting URL ([9b15d2e](
* fonts.scss changed
If you have customized `fonts.scss`, be sure to check this change before updating.
* config.toml option changed
# Image Hosting
# Only support absolute URLs relative to root,
# eg: /../../*.jpg
enableImageHost = false
imageHostURL = ""
# Use host URL for head meta tags also
headAlso = false
# Video Hosting
# Only support absolute URLs relative to root,
# eg: /../../*.mp4
enableVideoHost = false
videoHostURL = ""
## [2.1.3]( (2019-09-09)
### Bug Fixes
* delete duplicate site title ([77a80fd](
* delete duplicate site title again ([5ac16dd](
* drop cap style ([0843057](
* minimal footer style ([b7b45e5](
* minimal-footer-about style ([5e33b95](
### Features
* PWA Update Notification ([1998160](
# [2.0.0]( (2019-09-01)
### Bug Fixes
* 404 page style ([14cd035](
* add a reference link ([527ee80](
* add anchorize ([863a920](
* add anchorize ([fcfa11e](
* anchor icon style ([7461bf5](
* contents-title-indent style ([0cae9d8](
* default primary color ([b2d3d27](
* delete anchorize ([f0dc4a9](
* empty title when set `slug` in ([f25707d](
* footnotes style ([b26ed8e](
* home layout poetry style ([6838af8](
* list-item style ([5d16c7d](
* logic thing ([84d8306](
* overflow ([61952a2](
* poetry style ([bc2f1ae](
* post gitinfo style ([8ecbc1a](
* post-gitinfo style ([ef34487](
* post-gitinfo style ([916e77e](
* post-gitinfo style ([90daf2a](
* pre font-size ([c1ed711](
* pre style ([23ba309](
* **Atom, RSS:** use original content ([3abc6bd](
* some styles ([ec683a9](
* some styles ([a1bbece](
* some styles ([d778034](
### Features
* add `displayPostGitInfo` option ([5d395f9](
* add fontFamilyMenu option ([1269b9c](
* add variables to help users customize ([043127a](
* new `related` Front Matter ([dc983e5](
* new Front Matter options ([b1326cd](
* You must add `displayRelatedPosts = true` in
# [1.0.0]( (2019-08-23)
### Bug Fixes
* 404 page link multilingualize ([2dbe047](
* add `repoEditURL` option ([3574d51](
* add back to top z-index value ([406e064](
* add Chinese translation for minute ([a2eb95a](
* change `post-gitinfo` font-size ([fbfff7e](
* change post-gitinfo icon style ([8aa27f0](
* change syntax highlight style ([5f878db](
* correct translation ([bc84426](
* delete some testing files & update theme logo ([bed70d6](
* delete useless space in footer ([5716c6d](
* enable host only when env is production ([cec4264](
* fix dark-mode.js ([a1f88d7](
* fix katex & disqus ([8d25519](
* fontFamilyTitle ([ed69ee8](
* headings link style ([c6cc945](
* headings link style ([c2b5784](
* i18n reading time ([ab53e7d](
* image hosting ([35e51cb](
* link style ([cd9f032](
* list link ([2fc2416](
* list style ([a4ef7cb](
* minimal footer link style ([828eb4f](
* open graph ([56971af](
* post copyright ([c14b26c](
* post-nav style ([0996696](
* post-tags style ([3688a7e](
* reading time bug ([23aaaf0](
* related-link style ([ad7836d](
* replace .Pages with .Site.RegularPages ([d49918f](
* replace .Site.RegularPages with .Pages ([6c1f263](
* reverse ([d95f896](
* section list empty title ([f5ce845](
* support caption markdown ([9109b5b](
* sw.js & footnote link ([9e7589b](
* syntax highlight style ([08b7d94](
* syntax highlight style ([3111b2e](
* syntax highlight style ([6b2f4f5](
* table link style ([2d33f2c](
* table style ([1e2f8ce](
* table style ([38fb35c](
* title font family ([3ce0486](
* toc link ([4180784](
* update logo again ([3c8174e](
* use monospace font for `post-gitinfo` ([5e7156b](
### Code Refactoring
* change header and menu option ([4baf725](
### Features
* add back to top support ([bf4d8a3](
* add displayPostDescription option ([af94d6d](
* add Service Worker support ([76ba288](
* add syntax highlight option ([2ca9432](
* config.toml option changed
displayHeader -> enableHeader
displayMenu -> enableMenu