# Please do NOT edit this file! # # This file stores all SVG images used by MemE. # # If you want to customize or add an icon, please create # a new `SVG.toml` file in your site `data` directory. # # Note that you really don’t need to copy the entire file # for customization. In Hugo, data files can be # overwritten by *key*! # # Also, please be sure to add `class` attribute into the SVG. # The value, `brand` for brand; `icon` for icons, i.e. # `` # `` # Brand # Designed with Inkscape # Font family: Linux Biolinum brand = '' # Icons # Font Awesome # https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free # https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/master/svgs # Simple Icons # https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons home = '' user-circle = '' wpexplorer = '' grav = '' tags = '' th = '' archive = '' link = '' angle-up = '' heart = '' calendar-alt = '' calendar-check = '' calendar-times = '' folder = '' pencil-alt = '' clock = '' plus-circle = '' tag = '' code-branch = '' info = '' question = '' edit = '' arrow-up = '' eye = '' user = '' sun = '' moon = '' search = '' # Social Icons rss = '' envelope = '' github = '' twitter = '' facebook = '' linkedin = '' telegram = '' weibo = '' douban = '' qq = '' qzone = '' qrcode = '' # Chinese Zodiac # https://github.com/forsigner/fexo/blob/master/source/fonts/fontello.ttf # Extracted with FontForge # Minified by https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/ rat = '' ox = '' tiger = '' rabbit = '' dragon = '' snake = '' horse = '' goat = '' monkey = '' rooster = '' dog = '' pig = ''