########################################## # Site Settings baseURL = "https://example.com/" title = "Hugo Theme MemE" languageCode = "en" hasCJKLanguage = false # Copyright information (Markdown supported) copyright = "[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en)" # Name of theme theme = "meme" # `hugo new` automatically opened text editor newContentEditor = "" # i18n defaultContentLanguage = "en" defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false # Pluralize titles in lists? pluralizeListTitles = false # The length of text in words to show in summary summaryLength = 42 # Enable Emoji emoticons support? enableEmoji = false # Text to display for footnote return links footnoteReturnLinkContents = "↩" # Enable `.GitInfo` object for each page? enableGitInfo = false # Enable generation of `robots.txt` file? enableRobotsTXT = true # Number of items per page in paginated # lists (valid for the `posts` homepage # layout in MemE) paginate = 5 # URL related disablePathToLower = false relativeURLs = false uglyURLs = false # URL structure [permalinks] categories = "/categories/:slug/" tags = "/tags/:slug/" # Taxonomies [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" # Modified date [frontmatter] lastmod = ["lastmod", ":git", ":fileModTime", ":default"] # Markdown renderer [markup] defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark" [markup.goldmark] [markup.goldmark.extensions] definitionList = true footnote = true linkify = true strikethrough = true table = true taskList = true typographer = true [markup.goldmark.parser] attribute = true autoHeadingID = true autoHeadingIDType = "github" [markup.goldmark.renderer] hardWraps = false unsafe = true xHTML = false [markup.highlight] codeFences = true guessSyntax = false lineNos = true lineNumbersInTable = true noClasses = false [markup.tableOfContents] startLevel = 2 endLevel = 6 ordered = true # HTML minify [minify.tdewolff.html] keepWhitespace = false # Author’s information [author] # Name name = "reuixiy" # Email email = "reuixiy@gmail.com" # Motto or introduction motto = "Viva La Vida" # Avatar avatar = "/icons/apple-touch-icon.png" # Personal website, default: baseURL website = "https://io-oi.me/" # Twitter twitter = "reuixiy" # Related content [related] threshold = 80 includeNewer = true toLower = true [[related.indices]] name = "categories" weight = 100 [[related.indices]] name = "tags" weight = 95 [[related.indices]] name = "date" weight = 10 pattern = "2006" # MIME type of Atom [mediaTypes."application/atom+xml"] suffixes = ["xml"] # Custom Atom template of MemE [outputFormats.SectionsAtom] mediaType = "application/atom+xml" baseName = "atom" # Custom RSS template of MemE [outputFormats.SectionsRSS] mediaType = "application/rss+xml" baseName = "rss" # Search index for lunr.js [outputFormats.SearchIndex] mediaType = "application/json" baseName = "search" # Search index for Algolia [outputFormats.Algolia] mediaType = "application/json" baseName = "algolia" isPlainText = true notAlternative = true # Hugo’s output control [outputs] page = ["HTML"] # home = ["HTML", "SectionsAtom", "SectionsRSS", "SearchIndex", "Algolia"] home = ["HTML", "SectionsAtom", "SectionsRSS", "SearchIndex"] section = ["HTML"] taxonomy = ["HTML"] term = ["HTML"] # Maximum number of items in the Atom & RSS feed [services.rss] limit = -1 ########################################## # Menu Settings # MemE supports the following four menus: # 1. main Menu bar below the header # (center layout) or inside # the header (flex layout) # 2. home Links at the bottom of the # homepage (valid for the # `poetry` and `footage` # homepage layout) # 3. socials Social bar (minimal footer # in about page) # 4. links Link bar (minimal footer # in about page) # The configuration instructions in the # menu are as follows: # pageref/url internal/external URL # name Text (won’t display if it # is left empty("") or does # not exist) # weight Position # pre Type of link (internal or # external) # post Icon (won’t display if it # is left empty("") or does # not exist) # identifier Icon’s class name # (there are three special # values for header layout # flex: `theme-switcher`, # `lang-switcher`, `search`) [menu] ## Menu bar # [[menu.main]] # pageref = "/" # name = "Home" # weight = 1 # pre = "internal" # post = "home" [[menu.main]] pageref = "/posts/" name = "Posts" weight = 2 pre = "internal" post = "archive" [[menu.main]] pageref = "/categories/" name = "Categories" weight = 3 pre = "internal" post = "th" [[menu.main]] pageref = "/tags/" name = "Tags" weight = 4 pre = "internal" post = "tags" [[menu.main]] pageref = "/about/" name = "About" weight = 5 pre = "internal" post = "user-circle" [[menu.main]] weight = 6 identifier = "theme-switcher" [[menu.main]] weight = 7 identifier = "lang-switcher" [[menu.main]] weight = 8 identifier = "search" post = "search" ########################################## # Theme Settings [params] ###################################### # Header enableHeader = true enableHeaderAutoHide = false # Note: works for header layout flex only displayHeaderInHome = true # Note: invalid for header layout flex headerBackground = "linear-gradient(90deg, #f795331a 0, #f370551a 15%, #ef4e7b1a 30%, #a166ab1a 44%, #5073b81a 58%, #1098ad1a 72%, #07b39b1a 86%, #6dba821a 100%)" # Note: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/background headerLayout = "flex" # Note: center or flex # Hide menu bar and display a toggle # on narrow screen? enableNavToggle = true navHeight = "10em" # Note: menu bar height when it’s # toggled ###################################### # Brand Bar (inside header) # Use SVG? siteBrandSVG = false # If true, put your SVG in the `SVG.toml` # file and configure the following options. # Unit: px siteBrandSVGWidth = 250 siteBrandSVGHeight = 100 siteBrandSVGFill = "#fff" # If false, your site title will be # used as the default and displayed as # text. The font size and font color # can be configured below. The font # family can be configured in typography # section at the bottom of this file. # Unit: em siteBrandFontSize = 1 siteBrandFontColor = "var(--color-contrast-high)" ###################################### # Menu Bar enableMenu = true # Note: invalid for header layout flex displayMenuInHome = true # Note: invalid for header layout flex # Highlight current menu item by section? activeInSection = false # Note: if true, the menu item in the # post page will be highlighted # also if that post’s section is # the `url` of that menu item ###################################### # Homepage Layout # For homepage layout, MemE has the # following four different types: # 1. poetry A few lines of verse # 2. footage With fullscreen background videos # 3. posts List of post’s summary # 4. page Normal page/post homeLayout = "posts" ## Poetry # Verse (Markdown supported) homePoetry = [] # Padding of links at the bottom # Unit: em homeLinksPadding = 1 ## Footage homePoster = "" homeVideoWebm = "" homeVideoMp4 = "" homeLogo = "" homeLogoLink = "" homeTitle = "" homeMotto = "" homeDescription = "" homeKeywords = "" homeLinksDelimiter = "" ###################################### # Site Info siteLogo = "/icons/apple-touch-icon.png" # Note: used for JSON-LD, Open Graph siteDescription = "MemE is a powerful and highly customizable GoHugo theme for personal blogs." # Note: used for HTML head meta, JSON-LD, # Open Graph, Atom, RSS siteCreatedTime = "1969-07-20T20:17:43+00:00" # ATTENTION: keep this format, change # the number siteTwitter = "reuixiy" # Note: used for Twitter Cards ###################################### # Category By # MemE supports category by: # 1. sections # 2. categories # The sections is based on the site’s # `content` directory structure; the # categories is based on the post’s # Front Matter. First of all, category # means tree structure (nested, with # sub-category). To achieve it, Hexo # uses the second method, while Hugo # uses the first method. Due to the # different design philosophy, the # difference between Hexo and Hugo has # been made. Therefore, this option # was designed here to be user friendly # to those who come from Hexo. But note # that the second method cannot be # implemented perfectly in Hugo. I # recommended you adapt to Hugo’s design # philosophy if you want to keep the # tree organization structure of your # posts. categoryBy = "categories" # ATTENTION: If you set it to `sections`, # be sure to delete `categories` # in `taxonomies` at the top # of this file. Otherwise, # the categories page will # be invalid. Also, you need # to create a new # `content/categories/_index.md` # file by yourself. ###################################### # Categories Page # Enable tree structure layout? enableTree = true # ATTENTION: This option cannot be # disabled if you set # `categoryBy` to `sections` # Display title of posts? displayPosts = true # Display count of posts under each # category? displayPostsCount = true # Set to a non-negative number to limit # the number of posts displayed per # category/section. limitPostsLimit = -1 ###################################### # Tags Page enableTagCloud = true fontUnit = "em" largestFontSize = 2.5 smallestFontSize = 1 ###################################### # List Page listWidth = 36 # Note: you can leave it empty("") to # fallback to the default value: 42 # Unit: em displayListTitle = true listDateFormat = "January 2" # ATTENTION: be sure to follow the # specified format # https://gohugo.io/functions/format/ listDatePosition = "right" # Note: left or right # Separate the list by month? groupByMonth = true # Enable Chinese zodiac? chineseZodiac = true # Translate the year? (valid for title) i18nYear = false # Translate the month? (valid for title) i18nMonth = false ###################################### # Taxonomy List Page # Note: for categories page, you can # set `enableTree` to false to # get a normal taxonomy list # page; for tags page, you can # set `enableTagCloud` to false # to get a normal taxonomy list # page. # Display count of posts in each # taxonomy term? displayTaxonomyTermCount = true # Set to a non-negative number to limit # the number of posts displayed per # taxonomy term. limitEntriesLimit = -1 ###################################### # Post Sections # Note: the name of the section is the # name of the folder under the # site’s `content` directory. # mainSections = ["posts"] ###################################### # Atom & RSS # Include full content? includeContent = true # Note: If false, only the summary of # the post will be included. The # summary, Hugo automatically # takes the first 70 words (you # can customize this via # `summaryLength`) of your content # as its summary by default. # Alternatively, you may use the # (with no whitespace) # summary divider to split summary # manually. Or use the `summary` # variable in post’s Front # Matter to assign it manually. # The priority of them: assign # manually > split manually > # split automatically. Additionally, # `description` in post’s Front # Matter has a higher priority # than assign manually in the # custom Atom & RSS template of # MemE. ###################################### # Dark Mode enableDarkMode = true defaultTheme = "light" # Note: light or dark hideThemeToggle = false hideThemeToggleInHome = false # Note: If dark mode is enabled and # theme toggle is hidden, your # readers may still read your # blog in dark mode if the # reader’s system is set to dark # mode. Similarly, if dark mode # is enabled and is set to the # default theme, your readers # may still read your blog in # light mode, even if you have # hidden the theme toggle. # Unless you enable the following # option. overrideSystemPreferences = false ###################################### # Web App # Note: go to https://realfavicongenerator.net/ # to generate related icons and # files, unzip after downloading, # and keep only android-chrome-512x512.png, # apple-touch-icon.png, mstile-150x150.png, # safari-pinned-tab.svg, favicon.ico, # site.webmanifest these files, # delete the rest. Then move # these files to the ~/blog/static/icons/ # directory, move favicon.ico, # site.webmanifest to the ~/blog/static/ # directory, and finally rename # site.webmanifest to manifest.json, # and check and modify related # content (the path of the icons). themeColor = "#fff" themeColorDark = "#16171d" safariMaskColor = "#2a6df4" msApplicationTileColor = "#fff" ###################################### # HTML Head Meta, SEO & Social Discovery jsonLD = true openGraph = true twitterCards = true # ATTENTION: If you set twitterCards # to `true`, be sure to # enable openGraph also. # Otherwise, the Twitter # Cards info will be # incomplete. autoDetectImages = true # Note: It is recommended to enable it. # Otherwise, you must manually # specify `images` in post’s # Front Matter or links you # shared on social networks or # APPs will not be able to # display a summary view with a # large image. ###################################### # Customize the CDN for importing third-party libraries # note:When not needed, please delete (comment) this item # or empty the quotation marks. at this point, # The default CDN is "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net" # cdnCustomized = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net" ###################################### # Service Worker # Note: render only in production # environment enableServiceWorker = false ###################################### # KaTeX (chemical equation supported) enableKaTeX = false # Note: *global settings* # `katex` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here ###################################### # MathJax (chemical equation supported) enableMathJax = false # Note: *global settings* # `mathjax` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here disableMathJaxMenu = false ###################################### # Mermaid (https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid) enableMermaid = false # Note: *global settings* # `mermaid` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here mermaidTheme = 'default' mermaidThemeDark = 'dark' ###################################### # Comments # Note: render only in production # environment enableComments = false # Note: *global settings* # `comments` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here # directly load the comments after pages loaded autoLoadComments = false ## Disqus enableDisqus = false disqusShortname = "" ## Valine enableValine = false valineAppId = "" valineAppKey = "" valinePlaceholder = "Just go go" valinePath = "" valineAvatar = "mm" valineMeta = ["nick", "mail", "link"] valinePageSize = 10 valineLang = "en" valineVisitor = false valineHighlight = true valineAvatarForce = false valineRecordIP = false valineServerURLs = "" valineEmojiCDN = "" valineEmojiMaps = {} valineEnableQQ = false valineRequiredFields = [] # Note: https://valine.js.org/ ## Utterances enableUtterances = false utterancesRepo = "" utterancesIssueTerm = "pathname" utterancesTheme = "github-light" utterancesThemeDark = "photon-dark" utterancesLabel = "" # Note: https://utteranc.es/ ## Gitalk enableGitalk = false gitalkClientID = "your_client_id" gitalkClientSecret = "your_client_secret" gitalkRepo = "your_repository" gitalkOwner = "your_gitalk_owner" gitalkAdmin = ["your_gitalk_admin"] gitalkLable = ["Gitalk"] gitalkDistractionFreeMode = false gitalkPerPage = 10 gitalkLanguage = "en" gitalkPagerDirection = "last" gitalkCreateIssueManually = false gitalkProxy = "https://cors-anywhere.azm.workers.dev/https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token" gitalkEnableHotKey = true # Note: https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk ###################################### # Google Analytics # Note: render only in production # environment enableGoogleAnalytics = false trackingCodeType = "gtag" # Note: gtag or analytics trackingID = "" ###################################### # Google Site Verification googleSiteVerification = "" ###################################### # Google AdSense # Note: render only in production # environment googleAdClient = "" ## Auto Ads enableGoogleAutoAds = false ## Ad Units enableGoogleAdUnits = false googleAdSlot = "" ###################################### # Yandex.Metrika # https://metrika.yandex.ru/ # Note: render only in production # environment yandexMetrikaId = "" ###################################### # Post Settings # The color change duration of the # hyperlink (in seconds) duration = 0.5 # Primary color of light mode primaryColorLight = "220, 90%, 56%" # Primary color of dark mode primaryColorDark = "201, 65%, 62%" # ATTENTION: only HSL color values ​​are # supported # The content width of the post postWidth = 36 # Note: you can leave it empty("") to # fallback to the default value: 42 # Unit: em # Is the post original? original = true # Note: will affect the author and # copyright information of the # post # *global settings* # `original` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here ###################################### # Post Description displayPostDescription = true ###################################### # Post Meta Info enablePostMeta = true # Note: *global settings* # `meta` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here enablePostMetaInHome = true # Note: valid for the `posts` and # `page` homepage layout only postMetaDateFormat = "2006.1.2" # ATTENTION: be sure to follow the # specified format # https://gohugo.io/functions/format/ displayPublishedDate = true publishedDateIcon = "calendar-alt" displayModifiedDate = true modifiedDateIcon = "calendar-check" displayExpiredDate = true expiredDateIcon = "calendar-times" displayCategory = true categoryIcon = "folder" categoryDelimiter = "/" displayWordCount = true wordCountIcon = "pencil-alt" displayReadingTime = true readingTimeIcon = "clock" displayBusuanziPagePV = false busuanziPagePVIcon = "eye" # Note: render only in production # environment # Homepage is not supported yet # https://busuanzi.ibruce.info/ ###################################### # Markdown Related # Open external links in a new tab? hrefTargetBlank = true ###################################### # Table of Contents enableTOC = false # Note: *global settings* # `toc` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here displayTOCTitle = true displayTOCNum = true # Note: *global settings* # `tocNum` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here linkHeadingsToTOC = true ###################################### # Headings Anchor enableHeadingsAnchor = true # Note: *global settings* # `anchor` in post’s Front Matter # has a higher priority than here # Level range of headings headingsOpt = "1-6" # Note: regex format, default value # is 1-6, which is 1|2|3|4|5|6, # which is h1 to h6. anchorSymbol = "#" # Note: the anchorIcon has a higher # priority than anchorSybol # Default: § anchorIcon = "link" # Note: you can leave it empty("") to # fallback to the anchorSymbol enableAnchorLink = true enableAnchorAutoHide = true ###################################### # Caption enableCaption = true captionPrefix = "◎ " ###################################### # Image Hosting # Note: render only in production # environment # # only support absolute URLs # relative to root, e.g. # /images/meme.jpg # (~/blog/static/images/meme.jpg) enableImageHost = false imageHostURL = "https://example.com/" # Replace the image link in the HTML # head meta also? headAlso = false ###################################### # Video Hosting # Note: render only in production # environment # # only support absolute URLs # relative to root, e.g. # /videos/meme.mp4 # # and the HTML code you add must # start with `