38 lines
1.3 KiB
38 lines
1.3 KiB
{{- $ := index . "$" -}}
{{- $path := "" -}}
{{- with .File -}}
{{- $path = .Path -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $path = .Path -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $htmlTitle := .title -}}
<!-- Home -->
{{- if eq $.Kind "home" -}}
{{- $htmlTitle = $htmlTitle | default $.Site.Title -}}
<!-- Taxonomy -->
{{- else if eq $.Kind "taxonomy" -}}
{{- $htmlTitle = $htmlTitle | default ($.Type | title) -}}
<!-- Taxonomy Term -->
{{- else if eq $.Kind "term" -}}
{{- $taxonomyTermTitle := $htmlTitle | default $.Data.Term | default (delimit (last 1 (split (strings.TrimSuffix "/_index.md" $path) "/")) " ") -}}
{{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf "/%s" $.Data.Plural) -}}
{{- $htmlTitle = printf "%s: %s" (.Title | default (.Type | title)) $taxonomyTermTitle -}}
{{- end -}}
<!-- Section -->
{{- else if eq $.Kind "section" -}}
{{- $htmlTitle = $htmlTitle | default (delimit (last 1 (split (strings.TrimSuffix "/_index.md" $path) "/")) " ") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $htmlTitle = partial "utils/markdownify.html" (dict "$" $ "raw" $htmlTitle "isContent" false) -}}
{{- $rawTitle := $htmlTitle | plainify | htmlUnescape -}}
{{- $title := $rawTitle -}}
{{- if ne $.Kind "home" -}}
{{- $title = printf "%s | %s" $title $.Site.Title -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- return dict "rawTitle" $rawTitle "title" $title "htmlTitle" $htmlTitle -}}