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Raw Blame History

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# Site Settings
baseURL = ""
title = "Hugo Theme MemE"
languageCode = "en"
hasCJKLanguage = false
# Copyright information (Markdown supported)
copyright = "[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0]("
# Name of theme
theme = "meme"
# `hugo new` automatically opened text editor
newContentEditor = ""
# i18n
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false
# Pluralize titles in lists?
pluralizeListTitles = false
# The length of text in words to show in summary
summaryLength = 42
# Enable Emoji emoticons support?
enableEmoji = false
# Text to display for footnote return links
footnoteReturnLinkContents = "↩"
# Enable `.GitInfo` object for each page?
enableGitInfo = false
# Enable generation of `robots.txt` file?
enableRobotsTXT = true
# Number of items per page in paginated
# lists (valid for the `posts` homepage
# layout in MemE)
paginate = 5
# URL related
disablePathToLower = false
relativeURLs = false
uglyURLs = false
# URL structure
categories = "/categories/:slug/"
tags = "/tags/:slug/"
# Taxonomies
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
# Modified date
lastmod = ["lastmod", ":git", ":fileModTime", ":default"]
# Markdown renderer
defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
definitionList = true
footnote = true
linkify = true
strikethrough = true
table = true
taskList = true
typographer = true
attribute = true
autoHeadingID = true
autoHeadingIDType = "github"
hardWraps = false
unsafe = true
xHTML = false
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = false
lineNos = true
lineNumbersInTable = true
noClasses = false
startLevel = 2
endLevel = 6
ordered = true
# HTML minify
keepWhitespace = false
# Authors information
# Name
name = "reuixiy"
# Email
email = ""
# Motto or introduction
motto = "Viva La Vida"
# Avatar
avatar = "/icons/apple-touch-icon.png"
# Personal website, default: baseURL
website = ""
# Twitter
twitter = "reuixiy"
# Related content
threshold = 80
includeNewer = true
toLower = true
name = "categories"
weight = 100
name = "tags"
weight = 95
name = "date"
weight = 10
pattern = "2006"
# MIME type of Atom
suffixes = ["xml"]
# Custom Atom template of MemE
mediaType = "application/atom+xml"
baseName = "atom"
# Custom RSS template of MemE
mediaType = "application/rss+xml"
baseName = "rss"
# Search index for lunr.js
mediaType = "application/json"
baseName = "search"
# Search index for Algolia
mediaType = "application/json"
baseName = "algolia"
isPlainText = true
notAlternative = true
# Hugos output control
page = ["HTML"]
# home = ["HTML", "SectionsAtom", "SectionsRSS", "SearchIndex", "Algolia"]
home = ["HTML", "SectionsAtom", "SectionsRSS", "SearchIndex"]
section = ["HTML"]
taxonomy = ["HTML"]
term = ["HTML"]
# Maximum number of items in the Atom & RSS feed
limit = -1
# Menu Settings
# MemE supports the following four menus:
# 1. main Menu bar below the header
# (center layout) or inside
# the header (flex layout)
# 2. home Links at the bottom of the
# homepage (valid for the
# `poetry` and `footage`
# homepage layout)
# 3. socials Social bar (minimal footer
# in about page)
# 4. links Link bar (minimal footer
# in about page)
# The configuration instructions in the
# menu are as follows:
# pageref/url internal/external URL
# name Text (wont display if it
# is left empty("") or does
# not exist)
# weight Position
# pre Type of link (internal or
# external)
# post Icon (wont display if it
# is left empty("") or does
# not exist)
# identifier Icons class name
# (there are three special
# values for header layout
# flex: `theme-switcher`,
# `lang-switcher`, `search`)
## Menu bar
# [[menu.main]]
# pageref = "/"
# name = "Home"
# weight = 1
# pre = "internal"
# post = "home"
pageref = "/posts/"
name = "Posts"
weight = 2
pre = "internal"
post = "archive"
pageref = "/categories/"
name = "Categories"
weight = 3
pre = "internal"
post = "th"
pageref = "/tags/"
name = "Tags"
weight = 4
pre = "internal"
post = "tags"
pageref = "/about/"
name = "About"
weight = 5
pre = "internal"
post = "user-circle"
weight = 6
identifier = "theme-switcher"
weight = 7
identifier = "lang-switcher"
weight = 8
identifier = "search"
post = "search"
# Theme Settings
# Header
enableHeader = true
enableHeaderAutoHide = false
# Note: works for header layout flex only
displayHeaderInHome = true
# Note: invalid for header layout flex
headerBackground = "linear-gradient(90deg, #f795331a 0, #f370551a 15%, #ef4e7b1a 30%, #a166ab1a 44%, #5073b81a 58%, #1098ad1a 72%, #07b39b1a 86%, #6dba821a 100%)"
# Note:
headerLayout = "flex"
# Note: center or flex
# Hide menu bar and display a toggle
# on narrow screen?
enableNavToggle = true
navHeight = "10em"
# Note: menu bar height when its
# toggled
# Brand Bar (inside header)
# Use SVG?
siteBrandSVG = false
# If true, put your SVG in the `SVG.toml`
# file and configure the following options.
# Unit: px
siteBrandSVGWidth = 250
siteBrandSVGHeight = 100
siteBrandSVGFill = "#fff"
# If false, your site title will be
# used as the default and displayed as
# text. The font size and font color
# can be configured below. The font
# family can be configured in typography
# section at the bottom of this file.
# Unit: em
siteBrandFontSize = 1
siteBrandFontColor = "var(--color-contrast-high)"
# Menu Bar
enableMenu = true
# Note: invalid for header layout flex
displayMenuInHome = true
# Note: invalid for header layout flex
# Highlight current menu item by section?
activeInSection = false
# Note: if true, the menu item in the
# post page will be highlighted
# also if that posts section is
# the `url` of that menu item
# Homepage Layout
# For homepage layout, MemE has the
# following four different types:
# 1. poetry A few lines of verse
# 2. footage With fullscreen background videos
# 3. posts List of posts summary
# 4. page Normal page/post
homeLayout = "posts"
## Poetry
# Verse (Markdown supported)
homePoetry = []
# Padding of links at the bottom
# Unit: em
homeLinksPadding = 1
## Footage
homePoster = ""
homeVideoWebm = ""
homeVideoMp4 = ""
homeLogo = ""
homeLogoLink = ""
homeTitle = ""
homeMotto = ""
homeDescription = ""
homeKeywords = ""
homeLinksDelimiter = ""
# Site Info
siteLogo = "/icons/apple-touch-icon.png"
# Note: used for JSON-LD, Open Graph
siteDescription = "MemE is a powerful and highly customizable GoHugo theme for personal blogs."
# Note: used for HTML head meta, JSON-LD,
# Open Graph, Atom, RSS
siteCreatedTime = "1969-07-20T20:17:43+00:00"
# ATTENTION: keep this format, change
# the number
siteTwitter = "reuixiy"
# Note: used for Twitter Cards
# Category By
# MemE supports category by:
# 1. sections
# 2. categories
# The sections is based on the sites
# `content` directory structure; the
# categories is based on the posts
# Front Matter. First of all, category
# means tree structure (nested, with
# sub-category). To achieve it, Hexo
# uses the second method, while Hugo
# uses the first method. Due to the
# different design philosophy, the
# difference between Hexo and Hugo has
# been made. Therefore, this option
# was designed here to be user friendly
# to those who come from Hexo. But note
# that the second method cannot be
# implemented perfectly in Hugo. I
# recommended you adapt to Hugos design
# philosophy if you want to keep the
# tree organization structure of your
# posts.
categoryBy = "categories"
# ATTENTION: If you set it to `sections`,
# be sure to delete `categories`
# in `taxonomies` at the top
# of this file. Otherwise,
# the categories page will
# be invalid. Also, you need
# to create a new
# `content/categories/`
# file by yourself.
# Categories Page
# Enable tree structure layout?
enableTree = true
# ATTENTION: This option cannot be
# disabled if you set
# `categoryBy` to `sections`
# Display title of posts?
displayPosts = true
# Display count of posts under each
# category?
displayPostsCount = true
# Set to a non-negative number to limit
# the number of posts displayed per
# category/section.
limitPostsLimit = -1
# Tags Page
enableTagCloud = true
fontUnit = "em"
largestFontSize = 2.5
smallestFontSize = 1
# List Page
listWidth = 36
# Note: you can leave it empty("") to
# fallback to the default value: 42
# Unit: em
displayListTitle = true
listDateFormat = "January 2"
# ATTENTION: be sure to follow the
# specified format
listDatePosition = "right"
# Note: left or right
# Separate the list by month?
groupByMonth = true
# Enable Chinese zodiac?
chineseZodiac = true
# Translate the year? (valid for title)
i18nYear = false
# Translate the month? (valid for title)
i18nMonth = false
# Taxonomy List Page
# Note: for categories page, you can
# set `enableTree` to false to
# get a normal taxonomy list
# page; for tags page, you can
# set `enableTagCloud` to false
# to get a normal taxonomy list
# page.
# Display count of posts in each
# taxonomy term?
displayTaxonomyTermCount = true
# Set to a non-negative number to limit
# the number of posts displayed per
# taxonomy term.
limitEntriesLimit = -1
# Post Sections
# Note: the name of the section is the
# name of the folder under the
# sites `content` directory.
# mainSections = ["posts"]
# Atom & RSS
# Include full content?
includeContent = true
# Note: If false, only the summary of
# the post will be included. The
# summary, Hugo automatically
# takes the first 70 words (you
# can customize this via
# `summaryLength`) of your content
# as its summary by default.
# Alternatively, you may use the
# <!--more--> (with no whitespace)
# summary divider to split summary
# manually. Or use the `summary`
# variable in posts Front
# Matter to assign it manually.
# The priority of them: assign
# manually > split manually >
# split automatically. Additionally,
# `description` in posts Front
# Matter has a higher priority
# than assign manually in the
# custom Atom & RSS template of
# MemE.
# Dark Mode
enableDarkMode = true
defaultTheme = "light"
# Note: light or dark
hideThemeToggle = false
hideThemeToggleInHome = false
# Note: If dark mode is enabled and
# theme toggle is hidden, your
# readers may still read your
# blog in dark mode if the
# readers system is set to dark
# mode. Similarly, if dark mode
# is enabled and is set to the
# default theme, your readers
# may still read your blog in
# light mode, even if you have
# hidden the theme toggle.
# Unless you enable the following
# option.
overrideSystemPreferences = false
# Web App
# Note: go to
# to generate related icons and
# files, unzip after downloading,
# and keep only android-chrome-512x512.png,
# apple-touch-icon.png, mstile-150x150.png,
# safari-pinned-tab.svg, favicon.ico,
# site.webmanifest these files,
# delete the rest. Then move
# these files to the ~/blog/static/icons/
# directory, move favicon.ico,
# site.webmanifest to the ~/blog/static/
# directory, and finally rename
# site.webmanifest to manifest.json,
# and check and modify related
# content (the path of the icons).
themeColor = "#fff"
themeColorDark = "#16171d"
safariMaskColor = "#2a6df4"
msApplicationTileColor = "#fff"
# HTML Head Meta, SEO & Social Discovery
jsonLD = true
openGraph = true
twitterCards = true
# ATTENTION: If you set twitterCards
# to `true`, be sure to
# enable openGraph also.
# Otherwise, the Twitter
# Cards info will be
# incomplete.
autoDetectImages = true
# Note: It is recommended to enable it.
# Otherwise, you must manually
# specify `images` in posts
# Front Matter or links you
# shared on social networks or
# APPs will not be able to
# display a summary view with a
# large image.
# Customize the CDN for importing third-party libraries
# noteWhen not needed, please delete (comment) this item
# or empty the quotation marks. at this point,
# The default CDN is ""
cdnCustomized = ""
# Service Worker
# Note: render only in production
# environment
enableServiceWorker = false
# KaTeX (chemical equation supported)
enableKaTeX = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `katex` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
# MathJax (chemical equation supported)
enableMathJax = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `mathjax` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
disableMathJaxMenu = false
# Mermaid (
enableMermaid = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `mermaid` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
mermaidTheme = 'default'
mermaidThemeDark = 'dark'
# Comments
# Note: render only in production
# environment
enableComments = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `comments` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
# directly load the comments after pages loaded
autoLoadComments = false
## Disqus
enableDisqus = false
disqusShortname = ""
## Valine
enableValine = false
valineAppId = ""
valineAppKey = ""
valinePlaceholder = "Just go go"
valinePath = ""
valineAvatar = "mm"
valineMeta = ["nick", "mail", "link"]
valinePageSize = 10
valineLang = "en"
valineVisitor = false
valineHighlight = true
valineAvatarForce = false
valineRecordIP = false
valineServerURLs = ""
valineEmojiCDN = ""
valineEmojiMaps = {}
valineEnableQQ = false
valineRequiredFields = []
# Note:
## Utterances
enableUtterances = false
utterancesRepo = ""
utterancesIssueTerm = "pathname"
utterancesTheme = "github-light"
utterancesThemeDark = "photon-dark"
utterancesLabel = ""
# Note:
## Gitalk
enableGitalk = false
gitalkClientID = "your_client_id"
gitalkClientSecret = "your_client_secret"
gitalkRepo = "your_repository"
gitalkOwner = "your_gitalk_owner"
gitalkAdmin = ["your_gitalk_admin"]
gitalkLable = ["Gitalk"]
gitalkDistractionFreeMode = false
gitalkPerPage = 10
gitalkLanguage = "en"
gitalkPagerDirection = "last"
gitalkCreateIssueManually = false
gitalkProxy = ""
gitalkEnableHotKey = true
# Note:
# Google Analytics
# Note: render only in production
# environment
enableGoogleAnalytics = false
trackingCodeType = "gtag"
# Note: gtag or analytics
trackingID = ""
# Google Site Verification
googleSiteVerification = ""
# Google AdSense
# Note: render only in production
# environment
googleAdClient = ""
## Auto Ads
enableGoogleAutoAds = false
## Ad Units
enableGoogleAdUnits = false
googleAdSlot = ""
# Yandex.Metrika
# Note: render only in production
# environment
yandexMetrikaId = ""
# Post Settings
# The color change duration of the
# hyperlink (in seconds)
duration = 0.5
# Primary color of light mode
primaryColorLight = "220, 90%, 56%"
# Primary color of dark mode
primaryColorDark = "201, 65%, 62%"
# ATTENTION: only HSL color values are
# supported
# The content width of the post
postWidth = 36
# Note: you can leave it empty("") to
# fallback to the default value: 42
# Unit: em
# Is the post original?
original = true
# Note: will affect the author and
# copyright information of the
# post
# *global settings*
# `original` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
# Post Description
displayPostDescription = true
# Post Meta Info
enablePostMeta = true
# Note: *global settings*
# `meta` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
enablePostMetaInHome = true
# Note: valid for the `posts` and
# `page` homepage layout only
postMetaDateFormat = "2006.1.2"
# ATTENTION: be sure to follow the
# specified format
displayPublishedDate = true
publishedDateIcon = "calendar-alt"
displayModifiedDate = true
modifiedDateIcon = "calendar-check"
displayExpiredDate = true
expiredDateIcon = "calendar-times"
displayCategory = true
categoryIcon = "folder"
categoryDelimiter = "/"
displayWordCount = true
wordCountIcon = "pencil-alt"
displayReadingTime = true
readingTimeIcon = "clock"
displayBusuanziPagePV = false
busuanziPagePVIcon = "eye"
# Note: render only in production
# environment
# Homepage is not supported yet
# Markdown Related
# Open external links in a new tab?
hrefTargetBlank = true
# Table of Contents
enableTOC = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `toc` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
displayTOCTitle = true
displayTOCNum = true
# Note: *global settings*
# `tocNum` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
linkHeadingsToTOC = true
# Headings Anchor
enableHeadingsAnchor = true
# Note: *global settings*
# `anchor` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
# Level range of headings
headingsOpt = "1-6"
# Note: regex format, default value
# is 1-6, which is 1|2|3|4|5|6,
# which is h1 to h6.
anchorSymbol = "#"
# Note: the anchorIcon has a higher
# priority than anchorSybol
# Default: §
anchorIcon = "link"
# Note: you can leave it empty("") to
# fallback to the anchorSymbol
enableAnchorLink = true
enableAnchorAutoHide = true
# Caption
enableCaption = true
captionPrefix = "◎ "
# Image Hosting
# Note: render only in production
# environment
# only support absolute URLs
# relative to root, e.g.
# /images/meme.jpg
# (~/blog/static/images/meme.jpg)
enableImageHost = false
imageHostURL = ""
# Replace the image link in the HTML
# head meta also?
headAlso = false
# Video Hosting
# Note: render only in production
# environment
# only support absolute URLs
# relative to root, e.g.
# /videos/meme.mp4
# and the HTML code you add must
# start with `<video src="`
enableVideoHost = false
videoHostURL = ""
# Footnotes
# Use the square brackets to wrap
# the reference number?
squareBrackets = true
# Replace the text in footnote return
# link with icon?
footnoteReturnLinkIcon = "angle-up"
# Note: will replace
# `footnoteReturnLinkContents`
# with icon if its not
# empty("")
# Insert horizontal rule by yourself?
insertHrBySelf = true
# Note: If true, the automatically
# generated horizontal rule
# (<hr>) will be removed. In
# fact, the horizontal rule you
# added will be removed. This
# option is very useful if you
# prefer to add `---` to separate
# the content from the footnote
# in the Markdown file.
# Scrollbar
customizeScrollbar = true
# Typography
## Font Family
# Note: any option is empty(""),
# fallback to `fontFamilyBody`
# it will. Therefore, it is not
# necessary to set all.
# Additionally, you can leave
# `fontFamilySiteBrand` empty("")
# if you use SVG as your site
# brand.
# Site brand
fontFamilySiteBrand = ""
# Menu bar
fontFamilyMenu = ""
# Post title, post subtitle, list title, year and month title of the list, related posts title, previous/next post title, header of table, term/name in a definition list
fontFamilyTitle = "'Comfortaa', sans-serif"
# Headings, toc title
fontFamilyHeadings = "'Comfortaa', sans-serif"
# Code, superscript, post meta info, post updated badge, post gitinfo, minimal footer, busuanzi site view counter
fontFamilyCode = "'Source Code Pro', monospace"
# Blockquotes
fontFamilyQuote = ""
# Table of contents
fontFamilyTOC = ""
# Caption
fontFamilyCaption = ""
# Footer
fontFamilyFooter = ""
# Body
fontFamilyBody = "'IBM Plex Serif', serif"
# Embed fonts link
fontsLink = ",wght@0,400;0,500;0,700;1,400;1,700&family=Source+Code+Pro:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&family=Comfortaa:wght@700&display=swap"
# Note: In order for the reader to
# experience the fonts you set,
# it is best to use web fonts.
# MemE currently only supports
# Google Fonts, please go to
# to
# get the link. If this is left
# empty(""), web fonts will not
# be used.
## Font Size (unit: px)
fontSize = 18
## Tab Size
tabSize = 4
## Line Height
lineHeight = 1.618
# Note: apply to post paragraph & toc
# only
## Paragraph Indents
enableParagraphIndent = true
indentFirstParagraph = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `indentFirstParagraph` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
paragraphStyle = "margin"
# Note: margin or indent
# *global settings*
# `indent` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
## Text Justification
enableJustify = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `align` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
## Drop Cap
enableDropCap = true
# Note: *global settings*
# `dropCap` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
# Enable drop cap after every
# horizontal rule tag?
enableDropCapAfterHr = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `dropCapAfterHr` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
# Delete horizontal rule tag before
# drop cap?
deleteHrBeforeDropCap = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `deleteHrBeforeDropCap` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
## Small Caps
enableSmallCaps = true
# Note: apply to headings & post toc
# title only
# *global settings*
# `smallCaps` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
## Emphasis Point (Chinese)
# Note: new Markdown syntax created by MemE
# `..文本..`
enableEmphasisPoint = false
## Chinese Punctuation Glyph Correction
enableChinesePunctuationGlyphCorrection = false
# Post Copyright
enablePostCopyright = true
displayPostCopyright = true
# Note: *global settings*
# `displayCopyright` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
# Post Updated Badge
enablePostUpdatedBadge = true
displayUpdatedBadge = true
# Note: *global settings*
# `badge` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
# Add `title` attribute?
enableBadgeTitle = true
badgeTitlePrefix = "Updated @ "
# Post Gitinfo
enablePostGitInfo = false
displayPostGitInfo = false
# Note: *global settings*
# `gitinfo` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
repoURL = ""
repoEditURL = ""
gitIcon = "code-branch"
displayCommitHash = true
displayCommitMessage = true
msgIcon = "info"
displayFeedback = true
feedbackIcon = "question"
feedbackText = "Feedback"
displayEditLink = true
editIcon = "edit"
editText = "Edit Me?"
# Post Share
enablePostShare = true
displayPostShare = true
# Note: *global settings*
# `share` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
displayShareOnText = false
shareOnTwitter = true
shareOnFacebook = true
shareOnLinkedIn = true
shareOnTelegram = true
shareOnWeibo = true
shareOnDouban = true
shareOnQQ = true
shareOnQzone = true
shareViaQRCode = true
# Related Posts
enableRelatedPosts = true
displayRelatedPosts = true
# Note: *global settings*
# `related` in posts Front Matter
# has a higher priority than here
relatedPostsNumber = 5
relatedPostsIcon = "plus-circle"
# Post Tags
enablePostTags = true
postTagsIcon = "tag"
# Previous/Next Post
# Note: In MemE, it is designed from a
# spatial perspective rather
# than a time perspective like
# most other themes do.
# Therefore, you will get a
# newer post if you click prev
# on the left; you will get an
# older post if you click next
# on the right.
enablePostNav = true
# Apply to posts that below the same
# top level section only?
postNavInSection = true
# Minimal Footer
enableMinimalFooter = false
enableVerticalBarStructure = false
# Note: If you enable this, the
# categories or sections that
# displayed on the right will
# include all top-level
# categories or sections and are
# separated by vertical bar(|).
enableAboutPageMinimalFooter = false
# Back to Top
enableBackToTop = true
enableBackToTopAutoHide = true
displayBackToTopInHome = true
displayBackToTopOnMobile = false
backToTopIcon = "arrow-up"
# Footer
enableFooter = true
displayFooter = true
displayFooterInHome = true
displayCopyleftSymbol = false
displayCopyrightSymbol = true
displaySiteCreatedYear = true
# Leave it empty("") if you dont want
# the icon
iconBetweenYearAndAuthor = "heart"
iconColor = "#f06292"
# Enable heartbeat animation?
iconAnimation = true
# Display links to Hugo and MemE?
displayPoweredBy = true
displaySiteCopyright = true
# Custom Footer (Markdown supported)
customFooter = ""
displayBusuanziSiteUVAndPV = false
busuanziSiteUVText = "Site UV"
busuanziSiteUVIcon = "user"
busuanziSitePVText = "Site PV"
busuanziSitePVIcon = "eye"
# Note: render only in production
# environment
# Leave it empty("") if you
# dont need the text or icon
# Socials
enableSocials = true
# Note: see data/Socials.toml
# Multilingual
enableLangToggle = false
hideLangToggleInHome = false
autoHideLangToggle = true
# Note: in other words, the toggle is
# displayed only when the post
# has a translated version
# Code Blocks
enableHighlight = true
enableOverflowY = true
maxHeight = 20
# Unit: em
enableCopy = true
enableCopyAutoHide = true
# Fingerprinting and SRI
# Note: valid for CSS and JS generated
# by MemE only
enableFingerprint = true
enableSRI = false
# Note: subresource integrity will
# block MemE CSS and JS on third
# party websites like Google
# Translate. To prevent this,
# your server has to send the
# following header for CSS and
# JS requests:
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
# Force HTTPS Redirection
# Note: render only in production
# environment
enableForceHTTPS = false
# Note: use JavaScript for redirection.
# You can enable this if your
# server does not support forced
# Smooth Scroll
enableSmoothScroll = true
# Medium Zoom
enableMediumZoom = true
# Note:
# Instant Page
enableInstantPage = true
# Note:
# Lunr search
# Note: This requires SearchIndex
# output to be enabled.
enableLunrSearch = true
# Note:
# Algolia search
# Note: This requires Algolia
# output to be enabled.
# And you need to upload the
# generated algolia.json to
# Algolia every time you rebuild
# your site.
enableAlgoliaSearch = false
algoliaAppId = ""
algoliaApiKey = ""
algoliaIndexName = ""
# Note:
# 404 Page
fofPoster = ""
fofVideoWebm = ""
fofVideoMp4 = ""
# Note: you can leave these two
# options empty("")