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2023-06-19 17:02:04 +08:00
// Created by Göksu Güvendiren on 2019-05-14.
#include "Scene.hpp"
void Scene::buildBVH() {
printf(" - Generating BVH...\n\n");
this->bvh = new BVHAccel(objects, 1, BVHAccel::SplitMethod::NAIVE);
Intersection Scene::intersect(const Ray &ray) const
return this->bvh->Intersect(ray);
bool Scene::trace(
const Ray &ray,
const std::vector<Object*> &objects,
float &tNear, uint32_t &index, Object **hitObject)
*hitObject = nullptr;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < objects.size(); ++k) {
float tNearK = kInfinity;
uint32_t indexK;
Vector2f uvK;
if (objects[k]->intersect(ray, tNearK, indexK) && tNearK < tNear) {
*hitObject = objects[k];
tNear = tNearK;
index = indexK;
return (*hitObject != nullptr);
// Implementation of the Whitted-syle light transport algorithm (E [S*] (D|G) L)
// This function is the function that compute the color at the intersection point
// of a ray defined by a position and a direction. Note that thus function is recursive (it calls itself).
// If the material of the intersected object is either reflective or reflective and refractive,
// then we compute the reflection/refracton direction and cast two new rays into the scene
// by calling the castRay() function recursively. When the surface is transparent, we mix
// the reflection and refraction color using the result of the fresnel equations (it computes
// the amount of reflection and refractin depending on the surface normal, incident view direction
// and surface refractive index).
// If the surface is duffuse/glossy we use the Phong illumation model to compute the color
// at the intersection point.
Vector3f Scene::castRay(const Ray &ray, int depth) const
if (depth > this->maxDepth) {
return Vector3f(0.0,0.0,0.0);
Intersection intersection = Scene::intersect(ray);
Material *m = intersection.m;
Object *hitObject = intersection.obj;
Vector3f hitColor = this->backgroundColor;
// float tnear = kInfinity;
Vector2f uv;
uint32_t index = 0;
if(intersection.happened) {
Vector3f hitPoint = intersection.coords;
Vector3f N = intersection.normal; // normal
Vector2f st; // st coordinates
hitObject->getSurfaceProperties(hitPoint, ray.direction, index, uv, N, st);
// Vector3f tmp = hitPoint;
switch (m->getType()) {
Vector3f reflectionDirection = normalize(reflect(ray.direction, N));
Vector3f refractionDirection = normalize(refract(ray.direction, N, m->ior));
Vector3f reflectionRayOrig = (dotProduct(reflectionDirection, N) < 0) ?
hitPoint - N * EPSILON :
hitPoint + N * EPSILON;
Vector3f refractionRayOrig = (dotProduct(refractionDirection, N) < 0) ?
hitPoint - N * EPSILON :
hitPoint + N * EPSILON;
Vector3f reflectionColor = castRay(Ray(reflectionRayOrig, reflectionDirection), depth + 1);
Vector3f refractionColor = castRay(Ray(refractionRayOrig, refractionDirection), depth + 1);
float kr;
fresnel(ray.direction, N, m->ior, kr);
hitColor = reflectionColor * kr + refractionColor * (1 - kr);
float kr;
fresnel(ray.direction, N, m->ior, kr);
Vector3f reflectionDirection = reflect(ray.direction, N);
Vector3f reflectionRayOrig = (dotProduct(reflectionDirection, N) < 0) ?
hitPoint + N * EPSILON :
hitPoint - N * EPSILON;
hitColor = castRay(Ray(reflectionRayOrig, reflectionDirection),depth + 1) * kr;
// [comment]
// We use the Phong illumation model int the default case. The phong model
// is composed of a diffuse and a specular reflection component.
// [/comment]
Vector3f lightAmt = 0, specularColor = 0;
Vector3f shadowPointOrig = (dotProduct(ray.direction, N) < 0) ?
hitPoint + N * EPSILON :
hitPoint - N * EPSILON;
// [comment]
// Loop over all lights in the scene and sum their contribution up
// We also apply the lambert cosine law
// [/comment]
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < get_lights().size(); ++i)
auto area_ptr = dynamic_cast<AreaLight*>(this->get_lights()[i].get());
if (area_ptr)
// Do nothing for this assignment
Vector3f lightDir = get_lights()[i]->position - hitPoint;
// square of the distance between hitPoint and the light
float lightDistance2 = dotProduct(lightDir, lightDir);
lightDir = normalize(lightDir);
float LdotN = std::max(0.f, dotProduct(lightDir, N));
Object *shadowHitObject = nullptr;
float tNearShadow = kInfinity;
// is the point in shadow, and is the nearest occluding object closer to the object than the light itself?
bool inShadow = bvh->Intersect(Ray(shadowPointOrig, lightDir)).happened;
lightAmt += (1 - inShadow) * get_lights()[i]->intensity * LdotN;
Vector3f reflectionDirection = reflect(-lightDir, N);
specularColor += powf(std::max(0.f, -dotProduct(reflectionDirection, ray.direction)),
m->specularExponent) * get_lights()[i]->intensity;
hitColor = lightAmt * (hitObject->evalDiffuseColor(st) * m->Kd + specularColor * m->Ks);
return hitColor;