127 lines
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127 lines
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// Created by Göksu Güvendiren on 2019-05-14.
#include "Scene.hpp"
void Scene::buildBVH() {
printf(" - Generating BVH...\n\n");
this->bvh = new BVHAccel(objects, 1, BVHAccel::SplitMethod::NAIVE);
Intersection Scene::intersect(const Ray &ray) const
return this->bvh->Intersect(ray);
void Scene::sampleLight(Intersection &pos, float &pdf) const
float emit_area_sum = 0;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < objects.size(); ++k) {
if (objects[k]->hasEmit()){
emit_area_sum += objects[k]->getArea();
float p = get_random_float() * emit_area_sum;
emit_area_sum = 0;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < objects.size(); ++k) {
if (objects[k]->hasEmit()){
emit_area_sum += objects[k]->getArea();
if (p <= emit_area_sum){
objects[k]->Sample(pos, pdf);
bool Scene::trace(
const Ray &ray,
const std::vector<Object*> &objects,
float &tNear, uint32_t &index, Object **hitObject)
*hitObject = nullptr;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < objects.size(); ++k) {
float tNearK = kInfinity;
uint32_t indexK;
Vector2f uvK;
if (objects[k]->intersect(ray, tNearK, indexK) && tNearK < tNear) {
*hitObject = objects[k];
tNear = tNearK;
index = indexK;
return (*hitObject != nullptr);
// Implementation of Path Tracing
Vector3f Scene::castRay(const Ray &ray, int depth) const
// TO DO Implement Path Tracing Algorithm here
Intersection p_inter = intersect(ray);
return Vector3f();
if (p_inter.m->hasEmission())
return p_inter.m->getEmission();
float EPLISON = 0.0001f;
Vector3f l_dir;
Vector3f l_indir;
Intersection x_inter;
float pdf_light = 0.0001f;
Vector3f p = p_inter.coords;
Vector3f x = x_inter.coords;
float ws_distance = (x-p).norm();
Vector3f ws_dir = (x-p).normalized();
Vector3f N = p_inter.normal.normalized();
Vector3f NN = x_inter.normal.normalized();
Vector3f emit = x_inter.emit;
Ray ws_ray(p,ws_dir);
Intersection ws_ray_inter = intersect(ws_ray);
l_dir=emit * p_inter.m->eval(ray.direction,ws_ray.direction,N)
* dotProduct(ws_ray.direction,N)
* dotProduct(-ws_ray.direction,NN)
return l_dir ;
l_indir =0.0;
Vector3f wi_dir =p_inter.m-> sample(ray.direction,N).normalized();
Ray wi_ray(p_inter.coords,wi_dir);
Intersection wi_inter = intersect(wi_ray);
if(wi_inter.happened && (!wi_inter.m->hasEmission()))
l_indir = castRay(wi_ray,depth+1) * p_inter.m->eval(ray.direction,wi_dir,N)
* dotProduct(wi_dir,N)
return l_dir+l_indir;