// // Created by LEI XU on 4/11/19. // #ifndef RASTERIZER_TRIANGLE_H #define RASTERIZER_TRIANGLE_H #include using namespace Eigen; class Triangle{ public: Vector3f v[3]; /*the original coordinates of the triangle, v0, v1, v2 in counter clockwise order*/ /*Per vertex values*/ Vector3f color[3]; //color at each vertex; Vector2f tex_coords[3]; //texture u,v Vector3f normal[3]; //normal vector for each vertex //Texture *tex; Triangle(); void setVertex(int ind, Vector3f ver); /*set i-th vertex coordinates */ void setNormal(int ind, Vector3f n); /*set i-th vertex normal vector*/ void setColor(int ind, float r, float g, float b); /*set i-th vertex color*/ Vector3f getColor() const { return color[0]*255; } // Only one color per triangle. void setTexCoord(int ind, float s, float t); /*set i-th vertex texture coordinate*/ std::array toVector4() const; }; #endif //RASTERIZER_TRIANGLE_H