// // Created by goksu on 4/6/19. // #include #include "rasterizer.hpp" #include #include rst::pos_buf_id rst::rasterizer::load_positions(const std::vector &positions) { auto id = get_next_id(); pos_buf.emplace(id, positions); return {id}; } rst::ind_buf_id rst::rasterizer::load_indices(const std::vector &indices) { auto id = get_next_id(); ind_buf.emplace(id, indices); return {id}; } rst::col_buf_id rst::rasterizer::load_colors(const std::vector &cols) { auto id = get_next_id(); col_buf.emplace(id, cols); return {id}; } rst::col_buf_id rst::rasterizer::load_normals(const std::vector& normals) { auto id = get_next_id(); nor_buf.emplace(id, normals); normal_id = id; return {id}; } // Bresenham's line drawing algorithm void rst::rasterizer::draw_line(Eigen::Vector3f begin, Eigen::Vector3f end) { auto x1 = begin.x(); auto y1 = begin.y(); auto x2 = end.x(); auto y2 = end.y(); Eigen::Vector3f line_color = {255, 255, 255}; int x,y,dx,dy,dx1,dy1,px,py,xe,ye,i; dx=x2-x1; dy=y2-y1; dx1=fabs(dx); dy1=fabs(dy); px=2*dy1-dx1; py=2*dx1-dy1; if(dy1<=dx1) { if(dx>=0) { x=x1; y=y1; xe=x2; } else { x=x2; y=y2; xe=x1; } Eigen::Vector2i point = Eigen::Vector2i(x, y); set_pixel(point,line_color); for(i=0;x0 && dy>0)) { y=y+1; } else { y=y-1; } px=px+2*(dy1-dx1); } // delay(0); Eigen::Vector2i point = Eigen::Vector2i(x, y); set_pixel(point,line_color); } } else { if(dy>=0) { x=x1; y=y1; ye=y2; } else { x=x2; y=y2; ye=y1; } Eigen::Vector2i point = Eigen::Vector2i(x, y); set_pixel(point,line_color); for(i=0;y0 && dy>0)) { x=x+1; } else { x=x-1; } py=py+2*(dx1-dy1); } // delay(0); Eigen::Vector2i point = Eigen::Vector2i(x, y); set_pixel(point,line_color); } } } auto to_vec4(const Eigen::Vector3f& v3, float w = 1.0f) { return Vector4f(v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z(), w); } static bool insideTriangle(int x, int y, const Vector4f* _v){ Vector3f v[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) v[i] = {_v[i].x(),_v[i].y(), 1.0}; Vector3f f0,f1,f2; f0 = v[1].cross(v[0]); f1 = v[2].cross(v[1]); f2 = v[0].cross(v[2]); Vector3f p(x,y,1.); if((p.dot(f0)*f0.dot(v[2])>0) && (p.dot(f1)*f1.dot(v[0])>0) && (p.dot(f2)*f2.dot(v[1])>0)) return true; return false; } static std::tuple computeBarycentric2D(float x, float y, const Vector4f* v){ float c1 = (x*(v[1].y() - v[2].y()) + (v[2].x() - v[1].x())*y + v[1].x()*v[2].y() - v[2].x()*v[1].y()) / (v[0].x()*(v[1].y() - v[2].y()) + (v[2].x() - v[1].x())*v[0].y() + v[1].x()*v[2].y() - v[2].x()*v[1].y()); float c2 = (x*(v[2].y() - v[0].y()) + (v[0].x() - v[2].x())*y + v[2].x()*v[0].y() - v[0].x()*v[2].y()) / (v[1].x()*(v[2].y() - v[0].y()) + (v[0].x() - v[2].x())*v[1].y() + v[2].x()*v[0].y() - v[0].x()*v[2].y()); float c3 = (x*(v[0].y() - v[1].y()) + (v[1].x() - v[0].x())*y + v[0].x()*v[1].y() - v[1].x()*v[0].y()) / (v[2].x()*(v[0].y() - v[1].y()) + (v[1].x() - v[0].x())*v[2].y() + v[0].x()*v[1].y() - v[1].x()*v[0].y()); return {c1,c2,c3}; } void rst::rasterizer::draw(std::vector &TriangleList) { float f1 = (50 - 0.1) / 2.0; float f2 = (50 + 0.1) / 2.0; Eigen::Matrix4f mvp = projection * view * model; for (const auto& t:TriangleList) { Triangle newtri = *t; std::array mm { (view * model * t->v[0]), (view * model * t->v[1]), (view * model * t->v[2]) }; std::array viewspace_pos; std::transform(mm.begin(), mm.end(), viewspace_pos.begin(), [](auto& v) { return v.template head<3>(); }); Eigen::Vector4f v[] = { mvp * t->v[0], mvp * t->v[1], mvp * t->v[2] }; //Homogeneous division for (auto& vec : v) { vec.x()/=vec.w(); vec.y()/=vec.w(); vec.z()/=vec.w(); } Eigen::Matrix4f inv_trans = (view * model).inverse().transpose(); Eigen::Vector4f n[] = { inv_trans * to_vec4(t->normal[0], 0.0f), inv_trans * to_vec4(t->normal[1], 0.0f), inv_trans * to_vec4(t->normal[2], 0.0f) }; //Viewport transformation for (auto & vert : v) { vert.x() = 0.5*width*(vert.x()+1.0); vert.y() = 0.5*height*(vert.y()+1.0); vert.z() = vert.z() * f1 + f2; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { //screen space coordinates newtri.setVertex(i, v[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { //view space normal newtri.setNormal(i, n[i].head<3>()); } newtri.setColor(0, 148,121.0,92.0); newtri.setColor(1, 148,121.0,92.0); newtri.setColor(2, 148,121.0,92.0); // Also pass view space vertice position rasterize_triangle(newtri, viewspace_pos); } } static Eigen::Vector3f interpolate(float alpha, float beta, float gamma, const Eigen::Vector3f& vert1, const Eigen::Vector3f& vert2, const Eigen::Vector3f& vert3, float weight) { return (alpha * vert1 + beta * vert2 + gamma * vert3) / weight; } static Eigen::Vector2f interpolate(float alpha, float beta, float gamma, const Eigen::Vector2f& vert1, const Eigen::Vector2f& vert2, const Eigen::Vector2f& vert3, float weight) { auto u = (alpha * vert1[0] + beta * vert2[0] + gamma * vert3[0]); auto v = (alpha * vert1[1] + beta * vert2[1] + gamma * vert3[1]); u /= weight; v /= weight; return Eigen::Vector2f(u, v); } //Screen space rasterization void rst::rasterizer::rasterize_triangle(const Triangle& t, const std::array& view_pos) { auto v = t.toVector4(); //creat bounding box float minx = std::min({v[0].x(),v[1].x(),v[2].x()}); float maxx = std::max({v[0].x(),v[1].x(),v[2].x()}); float miny = std::min({v[0].y(),v[1].y(),v[2].y()}); float maxy = std::max({v[0].y(),v[1].y(),v[2].y()}); // TODO: From your HW3, get the triangle rasterization code. // TODO: Inside your rasterization loop: // * v[i].w() is the vertex view space depth value z. // * Z is interpolated view space depth for the current pixel // * zp is depth between zNear and zFar, used for z-buffer float min_x = std::floor(minx); float max_x = std::ceil(maxx); float min_y = std::floor(miny); float max_y = std::ceil(maxy); for(float x=min_x;x <= max_x+1;x++){ for(float y=min_y;y <= max_y+1;y++){ if(insideTriangle((float)x+0.5,(float)y+0.5,t.v)){ auto abg = computeBarycentric2D(x,y,t.v); float alpha = std::get<0>(abg); float beta = std::get<1>(abg); float gamma = std::get<2>(abg); float Z = 1.0 / (alpha / v[0].w() + beta / v[1].w() + gamma / v[2].w()); float zp = alpha * v[0].z() / v[0].w() + beta * v[1].z() / v[1].w() + gamma * v[2].z() / v[2].w(); zp *= Z; if(zp::infinity()); } } rst::rasterizer::rasterizer(int w, int h) : width(w), height(h) { frame_buf.resize(w * h); depth_buf.resize(w * h); texture = std::nullopt; } int rst::rasterizer::get_index(int x, int y) { return (height-y)*width + x; } void rst::rasterizer::set_pixel(const Vector2i &point, const Eigen::Vector3f &color) { //old index: auto ind = point.y() + point.x() * width; int ind = (height-point.y())*width + point.x(); frame_buf[ind] = color; } void rst::rasterizer::set_vertex_shader(std::function vert_shader) { vertex_shader = vert_shader; } void rst::rasterizer::set_fragment_shader(std::function frag_shader) { fragment_shader = frag_shader; }