// // Created by Göksu Güvendiren on 2019-05-14. // #pragma once #include #include "Vector.hpp" #include "Object.hpp" #include "Light.hpp" #include "AreaLight.hpp" #include "BVH.hpp" #include "Ray.hpp" class Scene { public: // setting up options int width = 1280; int height = 960; double fov = 40; Vector3f backgroundColor = Vector3f(0.235294, 0.67451, 0.843137); int maxDepth = 1; float RussianRoulette = 0.8; Scene(int w, int h) : width(w), height(h) {} void Add(Object *object) { objects.push_back(object); } void Add(std::unique_ptr light) { lights.push_back(std::move(light)); } const std::vector& get_objects() const { return objects; } const std::vector >& get_lights() const { return lights; } Intersection intersect(const Ray& ray) const; BVHAccel *bvh; void buildBVH(); Vector3f castRay(const Ray &ray, int depth) const; void sampleLight(Intersection &pos, float &pdf) const; bool trace(const Ray &ray, const std::vector &objects, float &tNear, uint32_t &index, Object **hitObject); std::tuple HandleAreaLight(const AreaLight &light, const Vector3f &hitPoint, const Vector3f &N, const Vector3f &shadowPointOrig, const std::vector &objects, uint32_t &index, const Vector3f &dir, float specularExponent); // creating the scene (adding objects and lights) std::vector objects; std::vector > lights; // Compute reflection direction Vector3f reflect(const Vector3f &I, const Vector3f &N) const { return I - 2 * dotProduct(I, N) * N; } // Compute refraction direction using Snell's law // // We need to handle with care the two possible situations: // // - When the ray is inside the object // // - When the ray is outside. // // If the ray is outside, you need to make cosi positive cosi = -N.I // // If the ray is inside, you need to invert the refractive indices and negate the normal N Vector3f refract(const Vector3f &I, const Vector3f &N, const float &ior) const { float cosi = clamp(-1, 1, dotProduct(I, N)); float etai = 1, etat = ior; Vector3f n = N; if (cosi < 0) { cosi = -cosi; } else { std::swap(etai, etat); n= -N; } float eta = etai / etat; float k = 1 - eta * eta * (1 - cosi * cosi); return k < 0 ? 0 : eta * I + (eta * cosi - sqrtf(k)) * n; } // Compute Fresnel equation // // \param I is the incident view direction // // \param N is the normal at the intersection point // // \param ior is the material refractive index // // \param[out] kr is the amount of light reflected void fresnel(const Vector3f &I, const Vector3f &N, const float &ior, float &kr) const { float cosi = clamp(-1, 1, dotProduct(I, N)); float etai = 1, etat = ior; if (cosi > 0) { std::swap(etai, etat); } // Compute sini using Snell's law float sint = etai / etat * sqrtf(std::max(0.f, 1 - cosi * cosi)); // Total internal reflection if (sint >= 1) { kr = 1; } else { float cost = sqrtf(std::max(0.f, 1 - sint * sint)); cosi = fabsf(cosi); float Rs = ((etat * cosi) - (etai * cost)) / ((etat * cosi) + (etai * cost)); float Rp = ((etai * cosi) - (etat * cost)) / ((etai * cosi) + (etat * cost)); kr = (Rs * Rs + Rp * Rp) / 2; } // As a consequence of the conservation of energy, transmittance is given by: // kt = 1 - kr; } };