function loadOBJ(renderer, path, name) { const manager = new THREE.LoadingManager(); manager.onProgress = function (item, loaded, total) { console.log(item, loaded, total); }; function onProgress(xhr) { if (xhr.lengthComputable) { const percentComplete = xhr.loaded / * 100; console.log('model ' + Math.round(percentComplete, 2) + '% downloaded'); } } function onError() { } new THREE.MTLLoader(manager) .setPath(path) .load(name + '.mtl', function (materials) { materials.preload(); new THREE.OBJLoader(manager) .setMaterials(materials) .setPath(path) .load(name + '.obj', function (object) { object.traverse(function (child) { if (child.isMesh) { let geo = child.geometry; let mat; if (Array.isArray(child.material)) mat = child.material[0]; else mat = child.material; var indices = Array.from({ length: geo.attributes.position.count }, (v, k) => k); let mesh = new Mesh({ name: 'aVertexPosition', array: geo.attributes.position.array }, { name: 'aNormalPosition', array: geo.attributes.normal.array }, { name: 'aTextureCoord', array: geo.attributes.uv.array }, indices); let colorMap = null; if ( != null) colorMap = new Texture(,; // MARK: You can change the myMaterial object to your own Material instance let textureSample = 0; let myMaterial; if (colorMap != null) { textureSample = 1; myMaterial = new Material({ 'uSampler': { type: 'texture', value: colorMap }, 'uTextureSample': { type: '1i', value: textureSample }, 'uKd': { type: '3fv', value: mat.color.toArray() } },[],VertexShader, FragmentShader); }else{ myMaterial = new Material({ 'uTextureSample': { type: '1i', value: textureSample }, 'uKd': { type: '3fv', value: mat.color.toArray() } },[],VertexShader, FragmentShader); } let meshRender = new MeshRender(, mesh, myMaterial); renderer.addMesh(meshRender); } }); }, onProgress, onError); }); }