# Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ifeq ($(tbb_strict),1) ifeq ($(WARNING_AS_ERROR_KEY),) $(error WARNING_AS_ERROR_KEY is empty) endif # Do not remove line below! WARNING_KEY += $(WARNING_AS_ERROR_KEY) endif ifneq (,$(findstring s,$(MAKEFLAGS))) override largs+=-q endif ifneq (,$(repeat)) override largs+=-r $(repeat) endif ifneq (,$(largs)$(run_prefix)) override run_cmd:=$(run_cmd) $(TEST_LAUNCHER) TEST_LAUNCHER= ifeq (,$(strip $(run_cmd))) $(warning Test launcher is not defined for the platform, ignoring launcher arguments) endif endif ifndef TEST_EXT TEST_EXT = exe endif INCLUDES += $(INCLUDE_KEY)$(tbb_root)/src $(INCLUDE_KEY)$(tbb_root)/src/rml/include $(INCLUDE_KEY)$(tbb_root)/include CPLUS_FLAGS += $(WARNING_KEY) $(CXXFLAGS) ifeq (1,$(tbb_cpf)) CPLUS_FLAGS += $(DEFINE_KEY)__TBB_CPF_BUILD=1 endif ifeq (0,$(exceptions)) CPLUS_FLAGS += $(DEFINE_KEY)TBB_USE_EXCEPTIONS=0 endif LINK_FLAGS += $(LDFLAGS) LIB_LINK_FLAGS += $(LDFLAGS) LIB_LINK_CMD ?= $(CPLUS) $(PIC_KEY) ifeq ($(origin LIB_OUTPUT_KEY), undefined) LIB_OUTPUT_KEY = $(OUTPUT_KEY) endif ifeq ($(origin LIB_LINK_LIBS), undefined) LIB_LINK_LIBS = $(LIBDL) $(LIBS) endif # some platforms do not provide separate C-only compiler CONLY ?= $(CPLUS) # The most generic rules #$(1) - is the target pattern define make-cxx-obj $1: %.cpp $$(CPLUS) $$(OUTPUTOBJ_KEY)$$@ $$(COMPILE_ONLY) $$(CPLUS_FLAGS) $$(CXX_ONLY_FLAGS) $$(CXX_WARN_SUPPRESS) $$(INCLUDES) $$< endef TEST_AFFIXES_OBJS=$(addsuffix .$(OBJ),$(addprefix %_,$(TEST_SUFFIXES)) $(addsuffix _%,$(TEST_PREFIXES))) # Make will not process the same recipe for each test pattern (since the dependency on the same %.cpp) # thus the separated recipes should be provided $(foreach t,%.$(OBJ) $(TEST_AFFIXES_OBJS),$(eval $(call make-cxx-obj,$(t)))) .PRECIOUS: %.$(OBJ) %.$(TEST_EXT) %.res $(TEST_AFFIXES_OBJS) # Rules for generating a test DLL %_dll.$(OBJ): %.cpp $(CPLUS) $(COMPILE_ONLY) $(OUTPUTOBJ_KEY)$@ $(CPLUS_FLAGS) $(PIC_KEY) $(DEFINE_KEY)_USRDLL $(INCLUDES) $< #$(1) - is the binary name #$(2) - is the input obj files and libraries define make-test-binary $(CPLUS) $(OUTPUT_KEY)$(strip $1) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) $(2) $(LIBS) $(LINK_FLAGS) endef # LINK_FILES the list of options to link test specific files (libraries and object files) LINK_FILES+=$(TEST_LIBS) # Rule for generating executable test %.$(TEST_EXT): %.$(OBJ) $(TEST_LIBS) $(TEST_PREREQUISITE) $(if $(use_proxy),$(PROXY.LIB)) $(call make-test-binary,$@,$< $(LINK_FILES) $(PIE_FLAG)) # Rules for generating a test DLL %_dll.$(DLL): LINK_FLAGS += $(PIC_KEY) $(DYLIB_KEY) %_dll.$(DLL): TEST_LIBS := $(subst %_dll.$(DLL),,$(TEST_LIBS)) %_dll.$(DLL): %_dll.$(OBJ) $(call make-test-binary,$@,$< $(LINK_FILES)) .PRECIOUS: %_dll.$(OBJ) %_dll.$(DLL) %.$(OBJ): %.c $(CONLY) $(COMPILE_ONLY) $(OUTPUTOBJ_KEY)$@ $(C_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< %.$(OBJ): %.asm $(ASM) $(ASM_FLAGS) $< %.$(OBJ): %.s cpp <$< | grep -v '^#' >$*.tmp $(ASM) $(ASM_FLAGS) -o $@ $*.tmp # Rule for generating .E file if needed for visual inspection # Note that ICL treats an argument after PREPROC_ONLY as a file to open, # so all uses of PREPROC_ONLY should be immediately followed by a file name %.E: %.cpp $(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) $(CXX_ONLY_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(PREPROC_ONLY) $< >$@ # TODO Rule for generating .asm file if needed for visual inspection %.asm: %.cpp $(CPLUS) /c /FAs /Fa $(CPLUS_FLAGS) $(CXX_ONLY_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< # TODO Rule for generating .s file if needed for visual inspection %.s: %.cpp $(CPLUS) -S $(CPLUS_FLAGS) $(CXX_ONLY_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< # Customizations $(KNOWN_WARNINGS): %.$(OBJ): %.cpp $(CPLUS) $(COMPILE_ONLY) $(subst $(WARNING_KEY),,$(CPLUS_FLAGS)) $(CXX_ONLY_FLAGS) $(CXX_WARN_SUPPRESS) $(INCLUDES) $< tbb_misc.$(OBJ): version_string.ver tbb_misc.$(OBJ): INCLUDES+=$(INCLUDE_KEY). tbb_misc.E: tbb_misc.cpp version_string.ver $(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) $(CXX_ONLY_FLAGS) $(INCLUDE_KEY). $(INCLUDES) $(PREPROC_ONLY) $< >$@ %.res: %.rc version_string.ver $(TBB.MANIFEST) rc /Fo$@ $(INCLUDES) $(filter /D%,$(CPLUS_FLAGS)) $< # TODO: add $(LIB_LINK_LIBS) $(LIB_LINK_FLAGS) (in a separate line?) and remove useless $(INCLUDES) VERSION_FLAGS=$(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS) $(CXX_ONLY_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) ifneq (,$(TBB.MANIFEST)) $(TBB.MANIFEST): cmd /C "echo #include ^ >tbbmanifest.c" cmd /C "echo int main(){return 0;} >>tbbmanifest.c" cl /nologo $(C_FLAGS) tbbmanifest.c version_string.ver: $(TBB.MANIFEST) $(MAKE_VERSIONS) cmd /C "echo #define TBB_MANIFEST 1 >> version_string.ver" # TODO: fix parallel build by writing to a temporary file and rename it when complete else # TODO: make version strings directly representative for all the libraries version_string.ver: $(MAKE_VERSIONS) endif test_% debug_%: test_%.$(TEST_EXT) $(TEST_PREREQUISITE) $(run_cmd) ./$< $(args) ifneq (,$(codecov)) profmerge codecov $(if $(findstring -,$(codecov)),$(codecov),) -demang -comp $(tbb_root)/build/codecov.txt endif