# Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Per-build Makefile rules (for recursive $(MAKE) calls from Makefile) # Base compile/link options MYCXXFLAGS = /nologo /EHsc /Zc:forScope /D WIN32 /D _MBCS /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /MP $(CXXFLAGS) MYLFLAGS = /link /incremental:no /fixed:no $(LFLAGS) CXXFLAGS_NDEBUG = /MD /O2 /Ot /Gy /D NDEBUG CXXFLAGS_DEBUG = /MDd /Od /Zi /D _DEBUG # Specify library directory for Direct X SDK DDLIB_DIR=$(DXSDK_DIR)\lib\$(XARCH:AMD64=x64) # Input and output files #SOURCE = v #RCNAME = specified externaly #EXE = ^ # defaults on XARCH = x86 UISRC = ../../common/gui/$(UI)video.cpp default: build_echo: -@echo Building$(DEBUG) $(EXE) with UI=$(UI) XARCH=$(XARCH) build_one: build_echo build_$(UI)$(DEBUG) build_con: $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) compiler_check $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_NDEBUG) $(MYCXXFLAGS) $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) $(MYLFLAGS) /subsystem:console /OUT:$(EXE) @cmd.exe /C del *.obj build_con_debug: $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) compiler_check $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_DEBUG) $(MYCXXFLAGS) $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) $(MYLFLAGS) /debug /subsystem:console /OUT:$(EXE) @cmd.exe /C del *.obj build_gdi: $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) msvs/$(RCNAME).res compiler_check $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_NDEBUG) /D _WINDOWS $(MYCXXFLAGS) $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) $(MYLFLAGS) msvs/$(RCNAME).res /subsystem:windows /machine:$(XARCH) /OUT:$(EXE) @cmd.exe /C del *.obj build_gdi_debug: $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) msvs/$(RCNAME).res compiler_check $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_DEBUG) /D _WINDOWS $(MYCXXFLAGS) $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) $(MYLFLAGS) msvs/$(RCNAME).res /debug /subsystem:windows /machine:$(XARCH) /OUT:$(EXE) @cmd.exe /C del *.obj build_d2d: $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) msvs/$(RCNAME).res compiler_check -@echo Using DirectX SDK from "$(DDLIB_DIR)" $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_NDEBUG) /D _WINDOWS $(MYCXXFLAGS) /I "$(DXSDK_DIR)\include" $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) $(MYLFLAGS) /LIBPATH:"$(DDLIB_DIR)" msvs/$(RCNAME).res /subsystem:windows /machine:$(XARCH) /OUT:$(EXE) @cmd.exe /C del *.obj build_d2d_debug: $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) msvs/$(RCNAME).res compiler_check -@echo Using DirectX SDK from "$(DDLIB_DIR)" $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS_DEBUG) /D _WINDOWS $(MYCXXFLAGS) /I "$(DXSDK_DIR)\include" $(SOURCE) $(UISRC) $(MYLFLAGS) /LIBPATH:"$(DDLIB_DIR)" msvs/$(RCNAME).res /debug /subsystem:windows /machine:$(XARCH) /OUT:$(EXE) @cmd.exe /C del *.obj msvs/$(RCNAME).res: rc /r msvs/$(RCNAME) compiler_check: @echo compiler_test>compiler_test && @$(CXX) /E compiler_test >nul 2>&1 || echo "$(CXX) command not found. Check if CXX=$(CXX) is set properly" @cmd.exe /C del compiler_test