This directory contains the source code and unit tests for Intel® Threading Building Blocks.
- tbb
- Source code of the TBB library core.
- tbbmalloc
- Source code of the TBB scalable memory allocator.
- test
- Source code of the TBB unit tests.
- rml
- Source code of the Resource Management Layer (RML).
- perf
- Source code of microbenchmarks.
- old
- Source code of deprecated TBB entities that are still shipped as part of the TBB library for the sake of backward compatibility.
- Makefile
- Advanced Makefile for developing and debugging of TBB. See the basic build directions. Additional targets and options:
- make test_{name} time_{name}
- Make and run individual test or benchmark.
- make stress_{name}
- Equivalent to 'make test_{name}' but runs until a failure detected or terminated by user.
- make run_cmd="{command}" [(above options or targets)]
- Command prefix for tests execution. Also, "run_cmd=-" will ignore test execution failures. See also -k and -i options of the GNU make for more options to keep building and testing despite of failures.
- make debug_{name}
- Equivalent to 'make test_{name}' but compiles in debug mode and runs under debugger ("run_cmd=$(debugger)").
- make args="{command-line arguments}" [(above options or targets)]
- Additional arguments for the run.
- make repeat="{N}" [(above options or targets)]
- Repeats execution N times.
- make clean_{filename}
- Removes executable, object, and other intermediate files with specified filename ('*' also works).
- make cfg={debug|release} [(above options or targets)]
- Specifies a build mode or corresponding directory to work in.
- make tbb_strict=1 [(above options or targets)]
- Enables warnings as errors.
- make examples/{target}
- Invokes examples/Makefile with specified target. Available in the open-source version only.
For the commercial version, you can download Intel TBB Samples at the Intel® Software Product Samples and Tutorials website.
- make python_{target} [compiler={icl, icc}]
- Invokes Makefile with the specified target in python directory. E.g. 'python_install' target builds and installs the module into Python.
- make clean_release clean_debug clean_examples
- Removes release or debug build directories, or cleans all examples. The target clean_examples is available in the open-source version only.
- make test_no_depends
- Equivalent to 'make test' but does not check for libraries updates.
- make info
- Output information about build configuration and directories.
- make cpp0x=1 [(above options or targets)]
- Enables C++0x extensions like lambdas for compilers that implement them as experimental features.
- make CXXFLAGS={Flags} [(above options or targets)]
- Specifies additional options for compiler.
- make target={name} [(above options or targets)]
- Includes additional build/{name}.inc file after OS-specific one.
- make extra_inc={filename} [(above options or targets)]
- Includes additional makefile.
Up to parent directory
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