# Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This file should be always located and called in $(tbb_root)/examples # Usage: # make [all] [clean] [release] [debug] [test] # executes specified targets for all examples. # make {example's dir}/{target} # calls specified example with specified target. # For instance: make task/tree_sum/all tbb_root?=.. BUILDING_PHASE:=0 include ../build/common.inc #check, if tbb_root is not absolute path (the filter keeps only /* paths) ifeq ($(filter /% $(SLASH)%, $(subst :, ,$(tbb_root)) ),) # also changes related variables like work_dir override tbb_root := $(CWD)$(SLASH).. export TBBROOT := $(tbb_root) endif override CXXFLAGS += $(CXX_STD_FLAGS) # give stdver priotity over autodetection ifneq (,$(stdver)) CXX0XFLAGS=-std=$(stdver) endif # empty CXX0XFLAGS exported as well, to have control over C++ autodetection export CXX0XFLAGS ifeq ($(tbb_os),windows) ifeq ($(UNIXMODE),1) EXAMPLE_MAKEFILE = Makefile EXAMPLES = $(wildcard */*/$(EXAMPLE_MAKEFILE)) ifeq ($(compiler),gcc) override CXXFLAGS += -Wl,--enable-auto-import endif export CPATH := $(CPATH);$(tbb_root)/include export LIBRARY_PATH := $(LIBRARY_PATH);$(work_dir)_release;$(work_dir)_debug export RM = cmd /C del /Q /F else EXAMPLE_MAKEFILE = Makefile.windows EXAMPLES = $(wildcard */*/$(EXAMPLE_MAKEFILE)) EXAMPLE_MAKEFILE := $(if $(EXAMPLES),Makefile.windows,Makefile) export INCLUDE := $(tbb_root)$(SLASH)include;$(INCLUDE) export LIB := $(work_dir)_release;$(work_dir)_debug;$(LIB) endif work_dir := $(subst /,$(SLASH),$(work_dir)) export PATH := $(work_dir)_release;$(work_dir)_debug;$(PATH) export TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM = $(arch)\$(runtime) export TBB_TARGET_ARCH = $(arch) else EXAMPLE_MAKEFILE = Makefile EXAMPLES := $(wildcard */*/$(EXAMPLE_MAKEFILE)) # platform-specific settings ifeq ($(arch),ia64) override CXXFLAGS += $(PIC_KEY) endif ifneq ($(filter suncc gcc clang,$(compiler)),) ifeq ($(compiler),suncc) override CXXFLAGS += -I$(tbb_root)$(SLASH)include -library=stlport4 -M$(tbb_root)/build/suncc.map.pause -erroff=unassigned,attrskipunsup,badargtype2w,badbinaryopw,wbadasg,wvarhidemem,wbadinit endif ifeq ($(arch),intel64) override CXXFLAGS += -m64 endif ifeq ($(arch),ia32) override CXXFLAGS += -m32 endif ifeq ($(arch),ppc64) override CXXFLAGS += -m64 endif ifeq ($(arch),ppc32) override CXXFLAGS += -m32 endif ifeq ($(arch),sparc) override CXXFLAGS += -mcpu=v9 -m64 endif endif ifeq ($(compiler),xl) # -qsuppress=1540-0198 suppresses warnings like "1540-0198 (W) The omitted keyword "private" is assumed for base class "no_copy"." # -qsuppress=1540-1401 suppresses warnings like "1540-1401 (I) An unknown "pragma ivdep" is specified." override CXXFLAGS += -I$(tbb_root)$(SLASH)include -qsuppress=1540-0198:1540-1401 -L$(work_dir)_release -L$(work_dir)_debug ifeq ($(arch),intel64) override CXXFLAGS += -q64 endif ifeq ($(arch),ia32) override CXXFLAGS += -q32 endif ifeq ($(arch),ppc64) override CXXFLAGS += -q64 endif ifeq ($(arch),ppc32) override CXXFLAGS += -q32 endif endif ifeq ($(tbb_os),macos) export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH):$(work_dir)_release:$(work_dir)_debug override CXXFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,$(work_dir)_release -Wl,-rpath,$(work_dir)_debug else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):$(work_dir)_release:$(work_dir)_debug ifeq ($(findstring mic,$(offload) $(target)),mic) mic_path=$(tbb_build_dir)$(SLASH)$(mic_tbb_build_prefix) export MIC_LIBRARY_PATH := $(mic_path)_release:$(mic_path)_debug:$(MIC_LIBRARY_PATH) export MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(mic_path)_release:$(mic_path)_debug:$(MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH) else # -L necessary for non-native compilers which don't search $LIBRARY_PATH override CXXFLAGS += -L$(work_dir)_release -L$(work_dir)_debug endif endif export LIBS export LIBRARY_PATH := $(LIBRARY_PATH):$(work_dir)_release:$(work_dir)_debug export CPATH := $(CPATH):$(tbb_root)/include endif export CXXFLAGS COMMON_TARGETS := all clean release debug test perf_build perf_run # list of directories of examples EXAMPLES_DIRS := $(foreach T,$(EXAMPLES),$(dir $(T))) # targets to explicitly call example have format: {example's dir}/{example's target} EXAMPLES_TARGETS := $(foreach T,$(COMMON_TARGETS),$(addsuffix $(T),$(EXAMPLES_DIRS))) .PHONY: $(COMMON_TARGETS) $(EXAMPLES_TARGETS) .DEFAULT: all # execute standard targets for all examples $(COMMON_TARGETS):: % : $(addsuffix %,$(EXAMPLES_DIRS)) # proxy rule for calling appropriate example $(EXAMPLES_TARGETS):: @echo ------------------------ $@ ------------------------ -$(MAKE) -C $(@D) -f $(EXAMPLE_MAKEFILE) $(notdir $@) CXX="$(CPLUS)" $(if $(run_cmd),run_cmd="$(run_cmd)",) $(if $(args),ARGS="$(args)",) $(if $(UI),UI="$(UI)") printenv: ifeq ($(tbb_os),windows) @cmd /C set PATH @cmd /C set LIB @cmd /C set INCLUDE else @env | grep PATH endif