@echo off REM REM Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Intel Corporation REM REM Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); REM you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. REM You may obtain a copy of the License at REM REM http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 REM REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software REM distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. REM See the License for the specific language governing permissions and REM limitations under the License. REM :: Getting parameters if ("%1") == ("") goto error0 if ("%2") == ("") goto error0 if ("%3") == ("") goto error0 set arch=%1 if ("%2") == ("debug") set postfix=_debug set output_dir=%3 :: Check if necessary .dll's already exist in output directory set dlls=tbb%postfix%.dll tbbmalloc%postfix%.dll (for %%a in (%dlls%) do ( if not exist %output_dir%\%%a ( goto copy_libs ) )) :: Necessary .dll's already exist; no need to do anything exit /B 0 :copy_libs :: Optional 4th parameter to set install root if ("%4") NEQ ("") set TBBROOT=%4 :: Actually we can set install root by ourselves if ("%TBBROOT%") == ("") set TBBROOT=%~d0%~p0..\..\ :: Getting vs folders in case vc_mt binaries are not provided :: ordered from oldest to newest, so we end with newest available version if ("%VS110COMNTOOLS%") NEQ ("") set vc_dir=vc11 if ("%VS120COMNTOOLS%") NEQ ("") set vc_dir=vc12 if ("%VS140COMNTOOLS%") NEQ ("") set vc_dir=vc14 :: To use Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2017 IDE, make sure the variable VS150COMNTOOLS is set in your IDE instance. :: If it is not, try running Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 from Microsoft* Developer Command Prompt* for VS 2017. :: For details, see https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/730/vs154-env-var-vs150comntools-missing-from-build-sy.html if ("%VS150COMNTOOLS%") NEQ ("") set vc_dir=vc14 :: The same comment also applies to Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and variable VS160COMNTOOLS if ("%VS160COMNTOOLS%") NEQ ("") set vc_dir=vc14 :: Are we standalone/oss or inside compiler? if exist "%TBBROOT%\bin\%arch%\%vc_dir%\tbb%postfix%.dll" set interim_path=bin\%arch% if exist "%TBBROOT%\..\redist\%arch%\tbb\%vc_dir%\tbb%postfix%.dll" set interim_path=..\redist\%arch%\tbb if ("%interim_path%") == ("") goto error1 :: Do we provide vc_mt binaries? if exist "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\vc_mt\tbb%postfix%.dll" set vc_dir=vc_mt if ("%vc_dir%") == ("") goto error2 :: We know everything we wanted and there are no errors :: Copying binaries copy "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\%vc_dir%\tbb%postfix%.dll" "%output_dir%" copy "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\%vc_dir%\tbb%postfix%.pdb" "%output_dir%" copy "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\%vc_dir%\tbbmalloc%postfix%.dll" "%output_dir%" copy "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\%vc_dir%\tbbmalloc%postfix%.pdb" "%output_dir%" if exist "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\%vc_dir%\tbb_preview%postfix%.dll" copy "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\%vc_dir%\tbb_preview%postfix%.dll" "%output_dir%" if exist "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\%vc_dir%\tbb_preview%postfix%.pdb" copy "%TBBROOT%\%interim_path%\%vc_dir%\tbb_preview%postfix%.pdb" "%output_dir%" goto end :error0 echo number of parameters not correct exit /B 1 :error1 echo Could not determine path to TBB libraries exit /B 1 :error2 echo Could not determine Visual Studio version exit /B 1 :end exit /B 0