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// Example program that computes number of prime numbers up to n,
// where n is a command line argument. The algorithm here is a
// fairly efficient version of the sieve of Eratosthenes.
// The parallel version demonstrates how to use parallel_reduce,
// and in particular how to exploit lazy splitting.
#include "primes.h"
#pragma offload_attribute (target(mic))
#endif // __TBB_MIC_OFFLOAD
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
using namespace std;
//! If true, then print primes on stdout.
static bool printPrimes = false;
class Multiples {
inline NumberType strike( NumberType start, NumberType limit, NumberType stride ) {
// Hoist "my_is_composite" into register for sake of speed.
bool* is_composite = my_is_composite;
assert( stride>=2 );
for( ;start<limit; start+=stride )
is_composite[start] = true;
return start;
//! Window into conceptual sieve
bool* my_is_composite;
//! Indexes into window
/** my_striker[k] is an index into my_composite corresponding to
an odd multiple multiple of my_factor[k]. */
NumberType* my_striker;
//! Prime numbers less than m.
NumberType* my_factor;
//! NumberType of factors in my_factor.
NumberType n_factor;
NumberType m;
Multiples( NumberType n ) {
m = NumberType(sqrt(double(n)));
// Round up to even
m += m&1;
my_is_composite = new bool[m/2];
my_striker = new NumberType[m/2];
my_factor = new NumberType[m/2];
n_factor = 0;
memset( my_is_composite, 0, m/2 );
for( NumberType i=3; i<m; i+=2 ) {
if( !my_is_composite[i/2] ) {
if( printPrimes )
my_striker[n_factor] = strike( i/2, m/2, i );
my_factor[n_factor++] = i;
//! Find primes in range [start,window_size), advancing my_striker as we go.
/** Returns number of primes found. */
NumberType find_primes_in_window( NumberType start, NumberType window_size ) {
bool* is_composite = my_is_composite;
memset( is_composite, 0, window_size/2 );
for( size_t k=0; k<n_factor; ++k )
my_striker[k] = strike( my_striker[k]-m/2, window_size/2, my_factor[k] );
NumberType count = 0;
for( NumberType k=0; k<window_size/2; ++k ) {
if( !is_composite[k] ) {
if( printPrimes )
return count;
~Multiples() {
delete[] my_factor;
delete[] my_striker;
delete[] my_is_composite;
// Begin extra members required by parallel version
// Splitting constructor
Multiples( const Multiples& f, tbb::split ) :
bool is_initialized() const {
return my_is_composite!=NULL;
void initialize( NumberType start ) {
assert( start>=1 );
my_is_composite = new bool[m/2];
my_striker = new NumberType[m/2];
for( size_t k=0; k<n_factor; ++k ) {
NumberType f = my_factor[k];
NumberType p = (start-1)/f*f % m;
my_striker[k] = (p&1 ? p+2*f : p+f)/2;
assert( m/2<=my_striker[k] );
// Move other to *this.
void move( Multiples& other ) {
// The swap moves the contents of other to *this and causes the old contents
// of *this to be deleted later when other is destroyed.
std::swap( my_striker, other.my_striker );
std::swap( my_is_composite, other.my_is_composite );
// other.my_factor is a shared pointer that was copied by the splitting constructor.
// Set it to NULL to prevent premature deletion by the destructor of ~other.
other.my_factor = NULL;
// End extra methods required by parallel version
//! Count number of primes between 0 and n
/** This is the serial version. */
NumberType SerialCountPrimes( NumberType n ) {
// Two is special case
NumberType count = n>=2;
if( n>=3 ) {
Multiples multiples(n);
count += multiples.n_factor;
if( printPrimes )
NumberType window_size = multiples.m;
for( NumberType j=multiples.m; j<=n; j+=window_size ) {
if( j+window_size>n+1 )
window_size = n+1-j;
count += multiples.find_primes_in_window( j, window_size );
return count;
//! Range of a sieve window.
class SieveRange {
//! Width of full-size window into sieve.
const NumberType my_stride;
//! Always multiple of my_stride
NumberType my_begin;
//! One past last number in window.
NumberType my_end;
//! Width above which it is worth forking.
const NumberType my_grainsize;
bool assert_okay() const {
assert( my_begin%my_stride==0 );
assert( my_begin<=my_end );
assert( my_stride<=my_grainsize );
return true;
// Begin signatures required by parallel_reduce
bool is_divisible() const {return my_end-my_begin>my_grainsize;}
bool empty() const {return my_end<=my_begin;}
SieveRange( SieveRange& r, tbb::split ) :
assert( r.is_divisible() );
assert( r.assert_okay() );
NumberType middle = r.my_begin + (r.my_end-r.my_begin+r.my_stride-1)/2;
middle = middle/my_stride*my_stride;
my_begin = middle;
r.my_end = middle;
assert( assert_okay() );
assert( r.assert_okay() );
// End of signatures required by parallel_reduce
NumberType begin() const {return my_begin;}
NumberType end() const {return my_end;}
SieveRange( NumberType begin, NumberType end, NumberType stride, NumberType grainsize ) :
assert( assert_okay() );
//! Loop body for parallel_reduce.
/** parallel_reduce splits the sieve into subsieves.
Each subsieve handles a subrange of [0..n]. */
class Sieve {
//! Prime Multiples to consider, and working storage for this subsieve.
::Multiples multiples;
//! NumberType of primes found so far by this subsieve.
NumberType count;
//! Construct Sieve for counting primes in [0..n].
Sieve( NumberType n ) :
// Begin signatures required by parallel_reduce
void operator()( const SieveRange& r ) {
NumberType m = multiples.m;
if( multiples.is_initialized() ) {
// Simply reuse "Multiples" structure from previous window
// This works because parallel_reduce always applies
// *this from left to right.
} else {
// Need to initialize "Multiples" because *this is a forked copy
// that needs to be set up to start at r.begin().
multiples.initialize( r.begin() );
NumberType window_size = m;
for( NumberType j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j+=window_size ) {
assert( j%multiples.m==0 );
if( j+window_size>r.end() )
window_size = r.end()-j;
count += multiples.find_primes_in_window( j, window_size );
void join( Sieve& other ) {
count += other.count;
// Final value of multiples needs to final value of other multiples,
// so that *this can correctly process next window to right.
multiples.move( other.multiples );
Sieve( Sieve& other, tbb::split ) :
// End of signatures required by parallel_reduce
//! Count number of primes between 0 and n
/** This is the parallel version. */
NumberType ParallelCountPrimes( NumberType n , int number_of_threads, NumberType grain_size ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(number_of_threads);
// Two is special case
NumberType count = n>=2;
if( n>=3 ) {
Sieve s(n);
count += s.multiples.n_factor;
if( printPrimes )
using namespace tbb;
// Explicit grain size and simple_partitioner() used here instead of automatic grainsize
// determination becase we want SieveRange to be decomposed down to grainSize or smaller.
// Doing so improves odds that the working set fits in cache when evaluating Sieve::operator().
parallel_reduce( SieveRange( s.multiples.m, n, s.multiples.m, grain_size ), s, simple_partitioner() );
count += s.count;
return count;