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Introduction {#mainpage}
libktx is a small library of functions for creating and reading KTX (Khronos
TeXture) files and instantiating OpenGL® and OpenGL® ES
textures and Vulkan images from them.
For information about the KTX format see the
<a href="">
formal specification.</a>
The library is open source software. Source code is available at
<a href="">GitHub</a>. Most of the source
code and the documentation is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See @ref license
for details. When distributing the library, whether in source or binary form, this
documentation must be included in the distribution or otherwise made available to
See @ref libktx_history for the list of changes.
See @ref todo for the current To Do list.
Mark Callow, <a href="">Edgewise Consulting</a>,
formerly at <a href="">HI Corporation</a>\n
Georg Kolling, <a href="">Imagination Technology</a>\n
Jacob Str&ouml;m, <a href="">Ericsson AB</a>
@version 3.0.0
# Usage Overview {#overview}
## Reading a KTX file for non-GL and non-Vulkan Use {#readktx}
#include <ktx.h>
ktxTexture* texture;
KTX_error_code result;
ktx_size_t offset;
ktx_uint8_t* image;
ktx_uint32_t level, layer, faceSlice;
result = ktxTexture_CreateFromNamedFile("mytex3d.ktx",
// Retrieve information about the texture from fields in the ktxTexture
// such as:
ktx_uint32 numLevels = texture->numLevels;
ktx_uint32 baseWidth = texture->baseWidth;
ktx_bool_t isArray = texture->isArray;
// Retrieve a pointer to the image for a specific mip level, array layer
// & face or depth slice.
level = 1; layer = 0; faceSlice = 3;
result = ktxTexture_GetImageOffset(texture, level, layer, faceSlice, &offset);
image = ktxTexture_GetData(texture) + offset;
// ...
// Do something with the texture image.
// ...
## Creating a GL texture object from a KTX file. {#createGL}
#include <ktx.h>
ktxTexture* kTexture;
KTX_error_code result;
ktx_size_t offset;
ktx_uint8_t* image;
ktx_uint32_t level, layer, faceSlice;
GLuint texture = 0;
GLenum target, glerror;
result = ktxTexture_CreateFromNamedFile("mytex3d.ktx",
glGenTextures(1, &texture); // Optional. GLUpload can generate a texture.
result = ktxtexture_GLUpload(kTexture, &texture, &target, &glerror);
// ...
// GL rendering using the texture
// ...
## Creating a Vulkan image object from a KTX file. {#createVulkan}
#include <ktxvulkan.h>
ktxTexture* kTexture;
KTX_error_code result;
ktx_size_t offset;
ktx_uint8_t* image;
ktx_uint32_t level, layer, faceSlice;
ktxVulkanDeviceInfo vdi;
ktxVulkanTexture texture;
// Set up Vulkan physical device (gpu), logical device (device), queue
// and command pool. Save the handles to these in a struct called vkctx.
// ktx VulkanDeviceInfo is used to pass these with the expectation that
// apps are likely to upload a large number of textures.
ktxVulkanDeviceInfo_Construct(&vdi, vkctx.gpu, vkctx.device,
vkctx.queue, vkctx.commandPool, nullptr);
ktxresult = ktxTexture_CreateFromNamedFile("mytex3d.ktx",
ktxresult = ktxTexture_VkUploadEx(kTexture, &vdi, &texture,
// ...
// Vulkan rendering using the texture
// ...
// When done using the image in Vulkan...
ktxVulkanTexture_Destruct(&texture, vkctx.device, nullptr);
## Extracting Metadata {#subsection}
Once a ktxTexture object has been created, metadata can be easily found
and extracted. The following can be added to any of the above.
char* pValue;
uint32_t valueLen;
if (KTX_SUCCESS == ktxHashList_FindValue(&kTexture->kvDataHead,
&valueLen, (void**)&pValue))
char s, t;
if (sscanf(pValue, KTX_ORIENTATION2_FMT, &s, &t) == 2) {
## Writing a KTX file {#writektx}
#include <ktx.h>
ktxTexture* texture;
ktxTextureCreateInfo createInfo;
KTX_error_code result;
ktx_uint32_t level, layer, faceSlice;
FILE* src;
ktx_size_t srcSize;
createInfo.glInternalformat = GL_RGB8;
createInfo.baseWidth = 2048;
createInfo.baseHeight = 1024;
createInfo.baseDepth = 16;
createInfo.numDimensions = 3.
// Note: it is not necessary to provide a full mipmap pyramid.
createInfo.numLevels = log2(createInfo.baseWidth) + 1
createInfo.numLayers = 1;
createInfo.numFaces = 1;
createInfo.isArray = KTX_FALSE;
createInfo.generateMipmaps = KTX_FALSE;
result = ktxTexture_Create(createInfo,
src = // Open a stdio FILE* on the baseLevel image, slice 0.
srcSize = // Query size of the file.
level = 0;
layer = 0;
faceSlice = 0;
result = ktxTexture_SetImageFromMemory(texture, level, layer, faceSlice,
src, srcSize);
// Repeat for the other 15 slices of the base level and all other levels
// up to createInfo.numLevels.
ktxTexture_WriteToNamedFile(texture, "mytex3d.ktx");
## Modifying a KTX file {#modifyktx}
#include <ktx.h>
ktxTexture* texture;
KTX_error_code result;
ktx_size_t offset;
ktx_uint8_t* image;
ktx_uint32_t level, layer, faceSlice;
result = ktxTexture_CreateFromNamedFile("mytex3d.ktx",
// The file is closed after all the data has been read.
// It is the responsibilty of the application to make sure its
// modifications are valid.
texture->generateMipmaps = KTX_TRUE;
ktxTexture_WriteToNamedFile(texture, "mytex3d.ktx");