Revert "save to revert"

This reverts commit 58212f943e.
InkSoul 2023-06-05 21:13:17 +08:00
parent 58212f943e
commit b18564c1f5
4 changed files with 1555 additions and 1285 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -34,27 +34,35 @@
namespace glTFModel namespace glTFModel
{ {
struct Node; enum DescriptorBindingFlags {
ImageBaseColor = 0x00000001,
struct BoundingBox { ImageNormalMap = 0x00000002
glm::vec3 min;
glm::vec3 max;
bool valid = false;
BoundingBox(glm::vec3 min, glm::vec3 max);
BoundingBox getAABB(glm::mat4 m);
}; };
struct TextureSampler { enum FileLoadingFlags {
VkFilter magFilter; None = 0x00000000,
VkFilter minFilter; PreTransformVertices = 0x00000001,
VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeU; PreMultiplyVertexColors = 0x00000002,
VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeV; FlipY = 0x00000004,
VkSamplerAddressMode addressModeW; DontLoadImages = 0x00000008
}; };
enum RenderFlags {
BindImages = 0x00000001,
RenderOpaqueNodes = 0x00000002,
RenderAlphaMaskedNodes = 0x00000004,
RenderAlphaBlendedNodes = 0x00000008
extern VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayoutImage;
extern VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayoutUbo;
extern VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryPropertyFlags;
extern uint32_t descriptorBindingFlags;
// A glTF texture stores a reference to the image and a sampler
struct Texture { struct Texture {
vks::VulkanDevice* device; int32_t imageIndex;
vks::VulkanDevice* device = nullptr;
VkImage image; VkImage image;
VkImageLayout imageLayout; VkImageLayout imageLayout;
VkDeviceMemory deviceMemory; VkDeviceMemory deviceMemory;
@ -66,85 +74,96 @@ namespace glTFModel
VkSampler sampler; VkSampler sampler;
void updateDescriptor(); void updateDescriptor();
void destroy(); void destroy();
// Load a texture from a glTF image (stored as vector of chars loaded via stb_image) and generate a full mip chaing for it void fromglTfImage(tinygltf::Image& gltfimage, std::string path, vks::VulkanDevice* device, VkQueue copyQueue);
void fromglTfImage(tinygltf::Image& gltfimage, TextureSampler textureSampler, vks::VulkanDevice* device, VkQueue copyQueue);
}; };
// A glTF material stores information in e.g. the texture that is attached to it and colors
struct Material { struct Material {
vks::VulkanDevice* device = nullptr;
AlphaMode alphaMode = ALPHAMODE_OPAQUE; AlphaMode alphaMode = ALPHAMODE_OPAQUE;
float alphaCutoff = 1.0f; float alphaCutoff = 1.0f;
float metallicFactor = 1.0f; float metallicFactor = 1.0f;
float roughnessFactor = 1.0f; float roughnessFactor = 1.0f;
glm::vec4 baseColorFactor = glm::vec4(1.0f); glm::vec4 baseColorFactor = glm::vec4(1.0f);
glm::vec4 emissiveFactor = glm::vec4(1.0f); glTFModel::Texture* baseColorTexture = nullptr;
glTFModel::Texture* baseColorTexture; glTFModel::Texture* metallicRoughnessTexture = nullptr;
glTFModel::Texture* metallicRoughnessTexture; glTFModel::Texture* normalTexture = nullptr;
glTFModel::Texture* normalTexture; glTFModel::Texture* occlusionTexture = nullptr;
glTFModel::Texture* occlusionTexture; glTFModel::Texture* emissiveTexture = nullptr;
glTFModel::Texture* emissiveTexture;
bool doubleSided = false; glTFModel::Texture* specularGlossinessTexture;
struct TexCoordSets { glTFModel::Texture* diffuseTexture;
uint8_t baseColor = 0;
uint8_t metallicRoughness = 0;
uint8_t specularGlossiness = 0;
uint8_t normal = 0;
uint8_t occlusion = 0;
uint8_t emissive = 0;
} texCoordSets;
struct Extension {
glTFModel::Texture* specularGlossinessTexture;
glTFModel::Texture* diffuseTexture;
glm::vec4 diffuseFactor = glm::vec4(1.0f);
glm::vec3 specularFactor = glm::vec3(0.0f);
} extension;
struct PbrWorkflows {
bool metallicRoughness = true;
bool specularGlossiness = false;
} pbrWorkflows;
VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE; VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
Material(vks::VulkanDevice* device) : device(device) {};
void createDescriptorSet(VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool, VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayout, uint32_t descriptorBindingFlags);
}; };
// A primitive contains the data for a single draw call
struct Primitive { struct Primitive {
uint32_t firstIndex; uint32_t firstIndex;
uint32_t indexCount; uint32_t indexCount;
uint32_t firstVertex;
uint32_t vertexCount; uint32_t vertexCount;
Material& material; Material& material;
bool hasIndices;
BoundingBox bb; struct Dimensions {
Primitive(uint32_t firstIndex, uint32_t indexCount, uint32_t vertexCount, Material& material); glm::vec3 min = glm::vec3(FLT_MAX);
void setBoundingBox(glm::vec3 min, glm::vec3 max); glm::vec3 max = glm::vec3(-FLT_MAX);
glm::vec3 size;
glm::vec3 center;
float radius;
} dimensions;
void setDimensions(glm::vec3 min, glm::vec3 max);
Primitive(uint32_t firstIndex, uint32_t indexCount, Material& material) : firstIndex(firstIndex), indexCount(indexCount), material(material) {};
}; };
// Contains the node's (optional) geometry and can be made up of an arbitrary number of primitives
struct Mesh { struct Mesh {
vks::VulkanDevice* device; vks::VulkanDevice* device;
std::vector<Primitive*> primitives; std::vector<Primitive*> primitives;
BoundingBox bb; std::string name;
BoundingBox aabb;
struct UniformBuffer { struct UniformBuffer {
VkBuffer buffer; VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceMemory memory; VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDescriptorBufferInfo descriptor; VkDescriptorBufferInfo descriptor;
VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet; VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
void* mapped; void* mapped;
} uniformBuffer; } uniformBuffer;
struct UniformBlock { struct UniformBlock {
glm::mat4 matrix; glm::mat4 matrix;
glm::mat4 jointMatrix[128]{}; glm::mat4 jointMatrix[64]{};
float jointcount{ 0 }; float jointCount{ 0 };
} uniformBlock; } uniformBlock;
Mesh(vks::VulkanDevice* device, glm::mat4 matrix); Mesh(vks::VulkanDevice* device, glm::mat4 matrix);
~Mesh(); ~Mesh();
void setBoundingBox(glm::vec3 min, glm::vec3 max);
}; };
struct Node;
glTF skin
struct Skin { struct Skin {
std::string name; std::string name;
Node* skeletonRoot = nullptr; Node* skeletonRoot = nullptr;
std::vector<glm::mat4> inverseBindMatrices; std::vector<glm::mat4> inverseBindMatrices;
std::vector<Node*> joints; std::vector<Node*> joints;
}; };
// A node represents an object in the glTF scene graph
struct Node { struct Node {
Node* parent; Node* parent;
uint32_t index; uint32_t index;
@ -157,102 +176,133 @@ namespace glTFModel
glm::vec3 translation{}; glm::vec3 translation{};
glm::vec3 scale{ 1.0f }; glm::vec3 scale{ 1.0f };
glm::quat rotation{}; glm::quat rotation{};
BoundingBox bvh;
BoundingBox aabb;
glm::mat4 localMatrix(); glm::mat4 localMatrix();
glm::mat4 getMatrix(); glm::mat4 getMatrix();
void update(); void update();
~Node(); ~Node();
}; };
struct AnimationChannel { /*
enum PathType { TRANSLATION, ROTATION, SCALE }; glTF default vertex layout with easy Vulkan mapping functions
PathType path; */
Node* node; enum class VertexComponent { Position, Normal, UV, Color, Tangent, Joint0, Weight0 };
uint32_t samplerIndex;
// The vertex layout for the samples' model
struct Vertex {
glm::vec3 pos;
glm::vec3 normal;
glm::vec2 uv;
glm::vec4 color;
glm::vec4 joint0;
glm::vec4 weight0;
glm::vec4 tangent;
static VkVertexInputBindingDescription vertexInputBindingDescription;
static std::vector<VkVertexInputAttributeDescription> vertexInputAttributeDescriptions;
static VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo pipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo;
static VkVertexInputBindingDescription inputBindingDescription(uint32_t binding);
static VkVertexInputAttributeDescription inputAttributeDescription(uint32_t binding, uint32_t location, VertexComponent component);
static std::vector<VkVertexInputAttributeDescription> inputAttributeDescriptions(uint32_t binding, const std::vector<VertexComponent> components);
/** @brief Returns the default pipeline vertex input state create info structure for the requested vertex components */
static VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo* getPipelineVertexInputState(const std::vector<VertexComponent> components);
}; };
struct AnimationSampler {
struct AnimationSampler
enum InterpolationType { LINEAR, STEP, CUBICSPLINE }; enum InterpolationType { LINEAR, STEP, CUBICSPLINE };
InterpolationType interpolation; InterpolationType interpolation;
std::vector<float> inputs; std::vector<float> inputs;
std::vector<glm::vec4> outputsVec4; std::vector<glm::vec4> outputsVec4;
}; };
struct Animation { struct AnimationChannel
PathType path;
Node* node;
uint32_t samplerIndex;
struct Animation
std::string name; std::string name;
std::vector<AnimationSampler> samplers; std::vector<AnimationSampler> samplers;
std::vector<AnimationChannel> channels; std::vector<AnimationChannel> channels;
float start = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); float start = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float end = std::numeric_limits<float>::min(); float end = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
float currentTime = 0.0f;
}; };
struct Model { /*
glTF model loading and rendering class
class Model {
glTFModel::Texture* getTexture(uint32_t index);
glTFModel::Texture emptyTexture;
void createEmptyTexture(VkQueue transferQueue);
vks::VulkanDevice* device; vks::VulkanDevice* device;
VkDescriptorPool descriptorPool;
struct Vertex {
glm::vec3 pos;
glm::vec3 normal;
glm::vec2 uv0;
glm::vec2 uv1;
glm::vec4 joint0;
glm::vec4 weight0;
glm::vec4 color;
struct Vertices { struct Vertices {
VkBuffer buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; int count;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceMemory memory; VkDeviceMemory memory;
} vertices; } vertices;
struct Indices { struct Indices {
VkBuffer buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; int count;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceMemory memory; VkDeviceMemory memory;
} indices; } indices;
glm::mat4 aabb;
std::vector<Node*> nodes; std::vector<Node*> nodes;
std::vector<Node*> linearNodes; std::vector<Node*> linearNodes;
std::vector<Skin*> skins; std::vector<Skin*> skins;
std::vector<Texture> textures; std::vector<Texture> textures;
std::vector<TextureSampler> textureSamplers;
std::vector<Material> materials; std::vector<Material> materials;
std::vector<Animation> animations; std::vector<Animation> animations;
std::vector<std::string> extensions;
struct Dimensions { struct Dimensions {
glm::vec3 min = glm::vec3(FLT_MAX); glm::vec3 min = glm::vec3(FLT_MAX);
glm::vec3 max = glm::vec3(-FLT_MAX); glm::vec3 max = glm::vec3(-FLT_MAX);
glm::vec3 size;
glm::vec3 center;
float radius;
} dimensions; } dimensions;
struct LoaderInfo { bool metallicRoughnessWorkflow = true;
uint32_t* indexBuffer; bool buffersBound = false;
Vertex* vertexBuffer; std::string path;
size_t indexPos = 0;
size_t vertexPos = 0;
void destroy(VkDevice device); Model() {};
void loadNode(glTFModel::Node* parent, const tinygltf::Node& node, uint32_t nodeIndex, const tinygltf::Model& model, LoaderInfo& loaderInfo, float globalscale); ~Model();
void getNodeProps(const tinygltf::Node& node, const tinygltf::Model& model, size_t& vertexCount, size_t& indexCount); void loadNode(glTFModel::Node* parent, const tinygltf::Node& node, uint32_t nodeIndex, const tinygltf::Model& model, std::vector<uint32_t>& indexBuffer, std::vector<Vertex>& vertexBuffer, float globalscale);
void loadSkins(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel); void loadSkins(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel);
void loadTextures(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel, vks::VulkanDevice* device, VkQueue transferQueue); void loadImages(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel, vks::VulkanDevice* device, VkQueue transferQueue);
VkSamplerAddressMode getVkWrapMode(int32_t wrapMode);
VkFilter getVkFilterMode(int32_t filterMode);
void loadTextureSamplers(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel);
void loadMaterials(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel); void loadMaterials(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel);
void loadAnimations(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel); void loadAnimations(tinygltf::Model& gltfModel);
void loadFromFile(std::string filename, vks::VulkanDevice* device, VkQueue transferQueue, float scale = 1.0f); void loadFromFile(std::string filename, vks::VulkanDevice* device, VkQueue transferQueue, uint32_t fileLoadingFlags = glTFModel::FileLoadingFlags::None, float scale = 1.0f);
void drawNode(Node* node, VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer); void bindBuffers(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
void draw(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer); void drawNode(Node* node, VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t renderFlags = 0, VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout = VK_NULL_HANDLE, uint32_t bindImageSet = 1);
void calculateBoundingBox(Node* node, Node* parent); void draw(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t renderFlags = 0, VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout = VK_NULL_HANDLE, uint32_t bindImageSet = 1);
void getNodeDimensions(Node* node, glm::vec3& min, glm::vec3& max);
void getSceneDimensions(); void getSceneDimensions();
void updateAnimation(uint32_t index, float time); void updateAnimation(uint32_t index, float time);
Node* findNode(Node* parent, uint32_t index); Node* findNode(Node* parent, uint32_t index);
Node* nodeFromIndex(uint32_t index); Node* nodeFromIndex(uint32_t index);
void prepareNodeDescriptor(glTFModel::Node* node, VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayout);
}; };

View File

@ -49,83 +49,7 @@ PlumageRender::PlumageRender():
}; };
} }
void PlumageRender::renderNode(glTFModel::Node* node, uint32_t cbIndex, glTFModel::Material::AlphaMode alphaMode) {
if (node->mesh) {
// Render mesh primitives
for (glTFModel::Primitive* primitive : node->mesh->primitives) {
if (primitive->material.alphaMode == alphaMode) {
VkPipeline pipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
switch (alphaMode) {
case glTFModel::Material::ALPHAMODE_OPAQUE:
case glTFModel::Material::ALPHAMODE_MASK:
pipeline = primitive->material.doubleSided ? pipelines.pbrDoubleSided : pipelines.pbr;
case glTFModel::Material::ALPHAMODE_BLEND:
pipeline = pipelines.pbrAlphaBlend;
if (pipeline != boundPipeline) {
vkCmdBindPipeline(commandBuffers[cbIndex], VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipeline);
boundPipeline = pipeline;
const std::vector<VkDescriptorSet> descriptorsets = {
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(commandBuffers[cbIndex], VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipelineLayout, 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(descriptorsets.size()),, 0, NULL);
// Pass material parameters as push constants
PushConstBlockMaterial pushConstBlockMaterial{};
pushConstBlockMaterial.emissiveFactor = primitive->material.emissiveFactor;
// To save push constant space, availabilty and texture coordiante set are combined
// -1 = texture not used for this material, >= 0 texture used and index of texture coordinate set
pushConstBlockMaterial.colorTextureSet = primitive->material.baseColorTexture != nullptr ? primitive->material.texCoordSets.baseColor : -1;
pushConstBlockMaterial.normalTextureSet = primitive->material.normalTexture != nullptr ? primitive->material.texCoordSets.normal : -1;
pushConstBlockMaterial.occlusionTextureSet = primitive->material.occlusionTexture != nullptr ? primitive->material.texCoordSets.occlusion : -1;
pushConstBlockMaterial.emissiveTextureSet = primitive->material.emissiveTexture != nullptr ? primitive->material.texCoordSets.emissive : -1;
pushConstBlockMaterial.alphaMask = static_cast<float>(primitive->material.alphaMode == vkglTF::Material::ALPHAMODE_MASK);
pushConstBlockMaterial.alphaMaskCutoff = primitive->material.alphaCutoff;
// TODO: glTF specs states that metallic roughness should be preferred, even if specular glosiness is present
if (primitive->material.pbrWorkflows.metallicRoughness) {
// Metallic roughness workflow
pushConstBlockMaterial.workflow = static_cast<float>(PBR_WORKFLOW_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS);
pushConstBlockMaterial.baseColorFactor = primitive->material.baseColorFactor;
pushConstBlockMaterial.metallicFactor = primitive->material.metallicFactor;
pushConstBlockMaterial.roughnessFactor = primitive->material.roughnessFactor;
pushConstBlockMaterial.PhysicalDescriptorTextureSet = primitive->material.metallicRoughnessTexture != nullptr ? primitive->material.texCoordSets.metallicRoughness : -1;
pushConstBlockMaterial.colorTextureSet = primitive->material.baseColorTexture != nullptr ? primitive->material.texCoordSets.baseColor : -1;
if (primitive->material.pbrWorkflows.specularGlossiness) {
// Specular glossiness workflow
pushConstBlockMaterial.workflow = static_cast<float>(PBR_WORKFLOW_SPECULAR_GLOSINESS);
pushConstBlockMaterial.PhysicalDescriptorTextureSet = primitive->material.extension.specularGlossinessTexture != nullptr ? primitive->material.texCoordSets.specularGlossiness : -1;
pushConstBlockMaterial.colorTextureSet = primitive->material.extension.diffuseTexture != nullptr ? primitive->material.texCoordSets.baseColor : -1;
pushConstBlockMaterial.diffuseFactor = primitive->material.extension.diffuseFactor;
pushConstBlockMaterial.specularFactor = glm::vec4(primitive->material.extension.specularFactor, 1.0f);
vkCmdPushConstants(commandBuffers[cbIndex], pipelineLayout, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, 0, sizeof(PushConstBlockMaterial), &pushConstBlockMaterial);
if (primitive->hasIndices) {
vkCmdDrawIndexed(commandBuffers[cbIndex], primitive->indexCount, 1, primitive->firstIndex, 0, 0);
else {
vkCmdDraw(commandBuffers[cbIndex], primitive->vertexCount, 1, 0, 0);
for (auto child : node->children) {
renderNode(child, cbIndex, alphaMode);
void PlumageRender::buildCommandBuffers() void PlumageRender::buildCommandBuffers()
{ {

View File

@ -1,18 +1,6 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include "algorithm"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "vulkanexamplebase.h" #include "vulkanexamplebase.h"
#include "glTFModel.h" #include "glTFModel.h"
@ -33,7 +21,7 @@ public:
{ {
glTFModel::Model scene; glTFModel::Model scene;
glTFModel::Model skybox; glTFModel::Model skybox;
}models; };
struct Textures { struct Textures {
vks::TextureCubeMap environmentCube; vks::TextureCubeMap environmentCube;
@ -54,9 +42,9 @@ public:
} shaderData; } shaderData;
struct UniformBufferSet { struct UniformBufferSet {
vks::Buffer scene; Buffer scene;
vks::Buffer skybox; Buffer skybox;
vks::Buffer params; Buffer params;
}; };
struct UBOMatrices { struct UBOMatrices {
@ -103,20 +91,6 @@ public:
} filePath; } filePath;
bool rotateModel = false;
glm::vec3 modelrot = glm::vec3(0.0f);
glm::vec3 modelPos = glm::vec3(0.0f);
std::map<std::string, std::string> environments;
std::string selectedEnvironment = "papermill";
int32_t debugViewInputs = 0;
int32_t debugViewEquation = 0;
struct StagingBuffer { struct StagingBuffer {
VkBuffer buffer; VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceMemory memory; VkDeviceMemory memory;
@ -132,8 +106,6 @@ public:
VkPipeline toneMapping = VK_NULL_HANDLE; VkPipeline toneMapping = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
} pipelines; } pipelines;
VkPipeline boundPipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
struct PipelineLayouts struct PipelineLayouts
{ {
VkDescriptorSetLayout scene; VkDescriptorSetLayout scene;
@ -143,45 +115,23 @@ public:
} pipelineLayouts; } pipelineLayouts;
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout; VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout;
struct DescriptorSets { struct DescriptorSets {
VkDescriptorSet scene; VkDescriptorSet scene;
VkDescriptorSet skybox; VkDescriptorSet skybox;
VkDescriptorSet tonemappingDescriptorSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE; VkDescriptorSet tonemappingDescriptorSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
}; };
struct DescriptorSetLayouts { struct DescriptorSetLayouts {
VkDescriptorSetLayout scene; VkDescriptorSetLayout scene;
VkDescriptorSetLayout material; VkDescriptorSetLayout material;
VkDescriptorSetLayout node; VkDescriptorSetLayout node;
} descriptorSetLayouts; } descriptorSetLayouts;
std::vector<DescriptorSets> descriptorSets;
std::vector<VkCommandBuffer> commandBuffers;
std::vector<UniformBufferSet> uniformBuffers;
std::vector<VkFence> waitFences;
std::vector<VkSemaphore> renderCompleteSemaphores;
std::vector<VkSemaphore> presentCompleteSemaphores;
const uint32_t renderAhead = 2;
uint32_t frameIndex = 0;
int32_t animationIndex = 0;
float animationTimer = 0.0f;
bool animate = true;
bool displayBackground = true;
struct LightSource {
glm::vec3 color = glm::vec3(1.0f);
glm::vec3 rotation = glm::vec3(75.0f, 40.0f, 0.0f);
} lightSource;
struct OffScreen struct OffScreen
{ {
VkImage image; VkImage image;
@ -189,7 +139,7 @@ public:
VkDeviceMemory memory; VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkFramebuffer framebuffer; VkFramebuffer framebuffer;
} offscreen; } offscreen;
struct IrradiancePushBlock struct IrradiancePushBlock
{ {
glm::mat4 mvp; glm::mat4 mvp;
@ -211,42 +161,30 @@ public:
{ {
// Clean up used Vulkan resources // Clean up used Vulkan resources
// Note : Inherited destructor cleans up resources stored in base class // Note : Inherited destructor cleans up resources stored in base class
vkDestroyPipeline(device, pipelines.skybox, nullptr); vkDestroyPipeline(device, pipelines.solid, nullptr);
vkDestroyPipeline(device, pipelines.pbr, nullptr); vkDestroyPipeline(device, pipelines.toneMapping, nullptr);
vkDestroyPipeline(device, pipelines.pbrAlphaBlend, nullptr); if (pipelines.wireframe != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
vkDestroyPipeline(device, pipelines.wireframe, nullptr);
vkDestroyPipelineLayout(device, pipelineLayout, nullptr);
vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout(device, descriptorSetLayouts.scene, nullptr);
vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout(device, descriptorSetLayouts.material, nullptr);
vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout(device, descriptorSetLayouts.node, nullptr);
for (auto buffer : uniformBuffers) {
for (auto fence : waitFences) {
vkDestroyFence(device, fence, nullptr);
for (auto semaphore : renderCompleteSemaphores) {
vkDestroySemaphore(device, semaphore, nullptr);
for (auto semaphore : presentCompleteSemaphores) {
vkDestroySemaphore(device, semaphore, nullptr);
} }
textures.environmentCube.destroy(); vkDestroyPipelineLayout(device, pipelineLayouts.pbrLayout, nullptr);
textures.irradianceCube.destroy(); vkDestroyPipelineLayout(device, pipelineLayouts.tonemappingLayout, nullptr);
textures.prefilteredCube.destroy(); vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout(device, descriptorSetLayouts.matrices, nullptr);
textures.lutBrdf.destroy(); vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout(device, descriptorSetLayouts.textures, nullptr);
textures.empty.destroy(); vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout(device, descriptorSetLayouts.materialUniform, nullptr);
vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout(device, descriptorSetLayouts.ssbo, nullptr);
vkDestroySampler(device, colorSampler, nullptr);
} }
virtual void getEnabledFeatures(); virtual void getEnabledFeatures();
void renderNode(glTFModel::Node* node, uint32_t cbIndex, glTFModel::Material::AlphaMode alphaMode); void createAttachment(VkFormat format, VkImageUsageFlagBits usage, FrameBufferAttachment* attachment, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
virtual void setupFrameBuffer(); virtual void setupFrameBuffer();
void buildCommandBuffers(); void buildCommandBuffers();
void loadAssets(); void loadAssets();