![gli](/doc/manual/logo-mini.png) [OpenGL Image](http://gli.g-truc.net/) (*GLI*) is a header only C++ image library for graphics software. *GLI* provides classes and functions to load image files (*[KTX](https://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/tools/KTX/)* and *[DDS](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb943990%28v=vs.85%29.aspx)*), facilitate graphics APIs texture creation, compare textures, access texture texels, sample textures, convert textures, generate mipmaps, etc. This library works perfectly with *[OpenGL](https://www.opengl.org)* or *[Vulkan](https://www.khronos.org/vulkan)* but it also ensures interoperability with other third party libraries and SDK. It is a good candidate for software rendering (raytracing / rasterisation), image processing, image based software testing or any development context that requires a simple and convenient image library. *GLI* is written in C++11. It is a platform independent library with no dependence and it supports the following compilers: - [Apple Clang 5.0](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/CompilerTools/Conceptual/LLVMCompilerOverview/index.html) and higher - [GCC](http://gcc.gnu.org/) 4.6 and higher - [Intel C++ Composer](https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-compilers) XE 2013 and higher - [LLVM](http://llvm.org/) 3.2 and higher - [Visual C++](http://www.visualstudio.com/) 2010 and higher - Any conform C++11 compiler For more information about *GLI*, please have a look at the [manual](manual.md) and the [API reference documentation](http://gli.g-truc.net/0.8.0/api/index.html). The source code and the documentation are licensed under the [Happy Bunny License (Modified MIT) or the MIT License](manual.md#section0). Thanks for contributing to the project by [submitting issues](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/issues) for bug reports and feature requests. Any feedback is welcome at [gli@g-truc.net](mailto://gli@g-truc.net). ```cpp #include GLuint CreateTexture(char const* Filename) { gli::texture Texture = gli::load(Filename); if(Texture.empty()) return 0; gli::gl GL(gli::gl::PROFILE_GL33); gli::gl::format const Format = GL.translate(Texture.format(), Texture.swizzles()); GLenum Target = GL.translate(Texture.target()); assert(gli::is_compressed(Texture.format()) && Target == gli::TARGET_2D); GLuint TextureName = 0; glGenTextures(1, &TextureName); glBindTexture(Target, TextureName); glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0); glTexParameteri(Target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, static_cast(Texture.levels() - 1)); glTexParameteriv(Target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA, &Format.Swizzles[0]); glTexStorage2D(Target, static_cast(Texture.levels()), Format.Internal, Extent.x, Extent.y); for(std::size_t Level = 0; Level < Texture.levels(); ++Level) { glm::tvec3 Extent(Texture.extent(Level)); glCompressedTexSubImage2D( Target, static_cast(Level), 0, 0, Extent.x, Extent.y, Format.Internal, static_cast(Texture.size(Level)), Texture.data(0, 0, Level)); } return TextureName; } ``` ## [Lastest release](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/latest) ## Project Health | Service | System | Compiler | Status | | ------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | | [Drone](https://drone.io/github.com/g-truc/gli) | Linux 64 bits | GCC 4.6.3 | [![Build Status](https://drone.io/github.com/g-truc/gli/status.png)](https://drone.io/github.com/g-truc/gli/latest) | | [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/g-truc/gli)| Linux 64 bits | Clang 3.4, Clang 3.8, GCC 4.9 | [![Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/g-truc/gli.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/g-truc/gli) | [AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Groovounet/gli)| Windows 32 and 64 | Visual Studio 2013 | [![AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/32r7s2skrgm9ubva?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Groovounet/gli) ## Release notes ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/latest) - 2017-XX-XX #### Features: - Added decompression and sampling of DXT1, DXT3, DXT5, ATI1N and ATI2N #110 #119 - Added depth and stencil format queries #119 #### Fixes: - Fixed R8 SRGB #120 --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2016-11-13 #### Features: - Extend flip() for S3TC compressed textures #94 - Added format property queries #102 #### Improvements: - Fixed texture operator= - Added initial manual #### Fixes: - Fixed ATI2N swizzle parameters #121 --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2016-09-11 #### Improvements: - Updated GLM to release #### Fixes: - Fixed KTX cube maps saving - Fixed texture::clear build --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2016-03-16 #### Features: - Added texture copy, no allocation involved, only transfer - Added sub-image copy - Added non-member clear - Added make_texture* helper functions #### Improvements: - Added compressed npot textures support #73 - Added image access cache to generic textures - Added luminance alpha format translation to OpenGL 3.3+ through RG swizzling. #93 - Improved performance when sampling using mipmaps - Improved nearest filter without border using texture_lod performance (~2.5x faster with texture2d) - Improved texture::data() (~18x with cube array, ~68x with 2D) - Improved texture::size() (~3.1x with cube array, ~3.9x with 2D) - Improved simultanous texture::size() and texture::extent() calls (~2.1x with cube array, ~2.3x with 2D) #### Fixes: - Fixed DX10 DDS saving of 3D textures #91 - Fixed BGRX translation with PROFILE_GL33 profile #92 - Fixed DDS9 loading of 3D texture detected as 2D texture #93 --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2016-02-16 #### Features: - Added texture swizzle support #79 - Added texture memory swizzle support - Added texture conversion from any uncompressed format to any uncompressed format - Added texture lod - Added texture mipmaps generation for uncompressed formats - Added support for load and store - Added support for many new formats - Added sampler 1D, 2D, 3D, array and cube map - Added sampler texel fetch and texel write - Added sampler clear - Added transform algorithm to compute arithmetic between texels - Added reduce algorithm to compare all texels within an image #### Improvements: - Reordered formats to match Vulkan formats - Improved OpenGL translation with for multiple profiles: KTX, ES2.0, ES3.0, GL3.2 and GL3.3 - Improved Doxygen documentation #### Fixes: - Fixed PVRTC2 support - Fixed luminance and alpha translation to OpenGL #56 - Fixed DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB support #59 - Fixed FORMAT_RGBA8_UNORM DDS loading using DDPF_RGBA mode #60 - Fixed handling of DDS DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS #68 - Fixed images, better matching names and formats #78 #81 #80 - Fixed BC4U and BC5U files generated from MS DDS loader #82 #### Work in progress: - Added KMG container support and spec proposal --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2015-09-01 - Added KTX loading and saving - Added gli::load for generic file loading, either DDS or KTX files depending on filename extensions - Added gli::save for generic file saving, either DDS or KTX files depending on filename extensions - Added texture views using different texture format, including compressed texture formats - Added fine granularity includes - Improved API documentation - Much faster texture comparisons is non optimal cases. (Measured ~21x faster on Intel IVB) - Explicitly handling of texture targets: fixed various cases of cubemap and texture arrays failing to load with DDS - Fixed GCC build - Fixed warnings - Fixed saved DDS header size on #52 --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2015-07-18 - Updated API documentation - Fixed link error --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2015-07-18 - Fixed interface inconsistencies - Improved clear(), data() and size() performance using caching - Removed internal dependence to std::fstream - Added FORMAT_BGRX8_UNORM and FORMAT_BGRX8_SRGB support #48, #43 - Improved FORMAT_RGB8_UNORM loading --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2015-06-28 - Large refactoring - Added loading DDS from memory - Added saving DDS to memory - Improved DDS coverage for R, RG, RGB and RGBA formats - Added DDS ASTC, PVRTC, ATC and ETC support - Added DDS alpha, luminance and alpha luminance support - Added PVRTC2, ETC2 and EAC formats --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2014-01-20 - Fixed swizzled RGB channel when reading back a DDS - Fixed getMask* link error --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2014-01-18 - Added flip function - Added level_count function - Fixed interaction with std::map (#33) - Added texelFetch and texelWrite functions --- ### [GLI](https://github.com/g-truc/gli/releases/tag/ - 2013-11-24 - Essencially a rewrite of the library - Added explicit copies - Added single memory allocation per texture storage - Added texture views - Added texture copies - Added comparison operators - Added clear --- ### GLI 2013-03-10 - Added DDS saving - Fixed GCC build - Fixed XCode build --- ### GLI 2013-01-28 - Large API refactoring - Performance improvements at loading: 50x in debug and 50% in release build - Added texture2DArray - Added textureCube and textureCubeArray - Added texture3D - Added texture1D and texture1DArray - Improved DDS loading support --- ### GLI 2011-04-05 - Fixed bugs --- ### GLI 2011-02-08 - Fixed bugs --- ### GLI 2010-10-15 - Fixed bugs --- ### GLI 2010-10-01 - Added DDS10 load and store (BC1 - BC7) - Added extension system - Added automatic OpenGL texture object creation from file --- ### GLI 2010-09-07 - Added DDS exporter --- ### GLI 2010-05-12 - Fixed GCC build --- ### GLI 2010-02-15 - Added texelWrite function - Fixed Visual Studio 2010 warnings - Added readme.txt and copying.txt --- ### GLI 2010-01-10 - Updated API - Removed Boost dependency --- ### GLI 2009-09-18 - Fixed DDS loader - Added RGB8 to DDS loader - Added component swizzle operation - Added 32 bits integer components support - Fixed texel fetch --- ### GLI 2009-03-28 - Added TGA loader - Added DDS loader - Added duplicate, crop, partial copy - Added mipmaps generation.