// Copyright(c) 2015-present, Gabi Melman, mguludag and spdlog contributors. // Distributed under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) #pragma once // // Custom sink for QPlainTextEdit or QTextEdit and its childs(QTextBrowser... // etc) Building and using requires Qt library. // // Warning: the qt_sink won't be notified if the target widget is destroyed. // If the widget's lifetime can be shorter than the logger's one, you should provide some permanent QObject, // and then use a standard signal/slot. // #include "spdlog/common.h" #include "spdlog/details/log_msg.h" #include "spdlog/details/synchronous_factory.h" #include "spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h" #include #include #include // // qt_sink class // namespace spdlog { namespace sinks { template class qt_sink : public base_sink { public: qt_sink(QObject *qt_object, std::string meta_method) : qt_object_(qt_object) , meta_method_(std::move(meta_method)) { if (!qt_object_) { throw_spdlog_ex("qt_sink: qt_object is null"); } } ~qt_sink() { flush_(); } protected: void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override { memory_buf_t formatted; base_sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted); const string_view_t str = string_view_t(formatted.data(), formatted.size()); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(qt_object_, meta_method_.c_str(), Qt::AutoConnection, Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromUtf8(str.data(), static_cast(str.size())).trimmed())); } void flush_() override {} private: QObject *qt_object_ = nullptr; std::string meta_method_; }; // QT color sink to QTextEdit. // Color location is determined by the sink log pattern like in the rest of spdlog sinks. // Colors can be modified if needed using sink->set_color(level, qtTextCharFormat). // max_lines is the maximum number of lines that the sink will hold before removing the oldest lines. // Note: Only ascii (latin1) is supported by this sink. template class qt_color_sink : public base_sink { public: qt_color_sink(QTextEdit *qt_text_edit, int max_lines) : qt_text_edit_(qt_text_edit) , max_lines_(max_lines) { if (!qt_text_edit_) { throw_spdlog_ex("qt_color_text_sink: text_edit is null"); } default_color_ = qt_text_edit_->currentCharFormat(); // set colors QTextCharFormat format; // trace format.setForeground(Qt::gray); colors_.at(level::trace) = format; // debug format.setForeground(Qt::cyan); colors_.at(level::debug) = format; // info format.setForeground(Qt::green); colors_.at(level::info) = format; // warn format.setForeground(Qt::yellow); colors_.at(level::warn) = format; // err format.setForeground(Qt::red); colors_.at(level::err) = format; // critical format.setForeground(Qt::white); format.setBackground(Qt::red); colors_.at(level::critical) = format; } ~qt_color_sink() { flush_(); } void set_default_color(QTextCharFormat format) { // std::lock_guard lock(base_sink::mutex_); default_color_ = format; } void set_level_color(level::level_enum color_level, QTextCharFormat format) { // std::lock_guard lock(base_sink::mutex_); colors_.at(static_cast(color_level)) = format; } QTextCharFormat &get_level_color(level::level_enum color_level) { std::lock_guard lock(base_sink::mutex_); return colors_.at(static_cast(color_level)); } QTextCharFormat &get_default_color() { std::lock_guard lock(base_sink::mutex_); return default_color_; } protected: struct invoke_params { invoke_params(int max_lines, QTextEdit *q_text_edit, QString payload, QTextCharFormat default_color, QTextCharFormat level_color, int color_range_start, int color_range_end) : max_lines(max_lines) , q_text_edit(q_text_edit) , payload(std::move(payload)) , default_color(default_color) , level_color(level_color) , color_range_start(color_range_start) , color_range_end(color_range_end) {} int max_lines; QTextEdit *q_text_edit; QString payload; QTextCharFormat default_color; QTextCharFormat level_color; int color_range_start; int color_range_end; }; void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg) override { memory_buf_t formatted; base_sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted); const string_view_t str = string_view_t(formatted.data(), formatted.size()); // apply the color to the color range in the formatted message. auto payload = QString::fromLatin1(str.data(), static_cast(str.size())); invoke_params params{max_lines_, // max lines qt_text_edit_, // text edit to append to std::move(payload), // text to append default_color_, // default color colors_.at(msg.level), // color to apply static_cast(msg.color_range_start), // color range start static_cast(msg.color_range_end)}; // color range end QMetaObject::invokeMethod( qt_text_edit_, [params]() { invoke_method_(params); }, Qt::AutoConnection); } void flush_() override {} // Add colored text to the text edit widget. This method is invoked in the GUI thread. // It is a static method to ensure that it is handled correctly even if the sink is destroyed prematurely // before it is invoked. static void invoke_method_(invoke_params params) { auto *document = params.q_text_edit->document(); QTextCursor cursor(document); // remove first blocks if number of blocks exceeds max_lines while (document->blockCount() > params.max_lines) { cursor.select(QTextCursor::BlockUnderCursor); cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.deleteChar(); // delete the newline after the block } cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); cursor.setCharFormat(params.default_color); // if color range not specified or not not valid, just append the text with default color if (params.color_range_end <= params.color_range_start) { cursor.insertText(params.payload); return; } // insert the text before the color range cursor.insertText(params.payload.left(params.color_range_start)); // insert the colorized text cursor.setCharFormat(params.level_color); cursor.insertText(params.payload.mid(params.color_range_start, params.color_range_end - params.color_range_start)); // insert the text after the color range with default format cursor.setCharFormat(params.default_color); cursor.insertText(params.payload.mid(params.color_range_end)); } QTextEdit *qt_text_edit_; int max_lines_; QTextCharFormat default_color_; std::array colors_; }; #include "spdlog/details/null_mutex.h" #include using qt_sink_mt = qt_sink; using qt_sink_st = qt_sink; using qt_color_sink_mt = qt_color_sink; using qt_color_sink_st = qt_color_sink; } // namespace sinks // // Factory functions // // log to QTextEdit template inline std::shared_ptr qt_logger_mt(const std::string &logger_name, QTextEdit *qt_object, const std::string &meta_method = "append") { return Factory::template create(logger_name, qt_object, meta_method); } template inline std::shared_ptr qt_logger_st(const std::string &logger_name, QTextEdit *qt_object, const std::string &meta_method = "append") { return Factory::template create(logger_name, qt_object, meta_method); } // log to QPlainTextEdit template inline std::shared_ptr qt_logger_mt( const std::string &logger_name, QPlainTextEdit *qt_object, const std::string &meta_method = "appendPlainText") { return Factory::template create(logger_name, qt_object, meta_method); } template inline std::shared_ptr qt_logger_st( const std::string &logger_name, QPlainTextEdit *qt_object, const std::string &meta_method = "appendPlainText") { return Factory::template create(logger_name, qt_object, meta_method); } // log to QObject template inline std::shared_ptr qt_logger_mt(const std::string &logger_name, QObject *qt_object, const std::string &meta_method) { return Factory::template create(logger_name, qt_object, meta_method); } template inline std::shared_ptr qt_logger_st(const std::string &logger_name, QObject *qt_object, const std::string &meta_method) { return Factory::template create(logger_name, qt_object, meta_method); } // log to QTextEdit with colorize output template inline std::shared_ptr qt_color_logger_mt(const std::string &logger_name, QTextEdit *qt_text_edit, int max_lines) { return Factory::template create(logger_name, qt_text_edit, max_lines); } template inline std::shared_ptr qt_color_logger_st(const std::string &logger_name, QTextEdit *qt_text_edit, int max_lines) { return Factory::template create(logger_name, qt_text_edit, max_lines); } } // namespace spdlog