// // Header-only tiny glTF 2.0 loader and serializer. // // // The MIT License (MIT) // // Copyright (c) 2015 - 2020 Syoyo Fujita, AurĂ©lien Chatelain and many // contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // Version: // - v2.4.2 Decode percent-encoded URI. // - v2.4.1 Fix some glTF object class does not have `extensions` and/or // `extras` property. // - v2.4.0 Experimental RapidJSON and C++14 support(Thanks to @jrkoone). // - v2.3.1 Set default value of minFilter and magFilter in Sampler to -1. // - v2.3.0 Modified Material representation according to glTF 2.0 schema // (and introduced TextureInfo class) // Change the behavior of `Value::IsNumber`. It return true either the // value is int or real. // - v2.2.0 Add loading 16bit PNG support. Add Sparse accessor support(Thanks // to @Ybalrid) // - v2.1.0 Add draco compression. // - v2.0.1 Add comparsion feature(Thanks to @Selmar). // - v2.0.0 glTF 2.0!. // // Tiny glTF loader is using following third party libraries: // // - jsonhpp: C++ JSON library. // - base64: base64 decode/encode library. // - stb_image: Image loading library. // #ifndef TINY_GLTF_H_ #define TINY_GLTF_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef TINYGLTF_USE_CPP14 #include #endif #ifdef __ANDROID__ #ifdef TINYGLTF_ANDROID_LOAD_FROM_ASSETS #include #endif #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #if (__GNUC__ < 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ <= 8)) #define TINYGLTF_NOEXCEPT #else #define TINYGLTF_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #else #define TINYGLTF_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #define DEFAULT_METHODS(x) \ ~x() = default; \ x(const x &) = default; \ x(x &&) TINYGLTF_NOEXCEPT = default; \ x &operator=(const x &) = default; \ x &operator=(x &&) TINYGLTF_NOEXCEPT = default; namespace tinygltf { #define TINYGLTF_MODE_POINTS (0) #define TINYGLTF_MODE_LINE (1) #define TINYGLTF_MODE_LINE_LOOP (2) #define TINYGLTF_MODE_LINE_STRIP (3) #define TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES (4) #define TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLE_STRIP (5) #define TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLE_FAN (6) #define TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_BYTE (5120) #define TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE (5121) #define TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_SHORT (5122) #define TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT (5123) #define TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_INT (5124) #define TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT (5125) #define TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT (5126) #define TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_DOUBLE (5130) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST (9728) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR (9729) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST (9984) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST (9985) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR (9986) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (9987) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT (10497) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE (33071) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT (33648) // Redeclarations of the above for technique.parameters. #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BYTE (5120) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE (5121) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_SHORT (5122) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT (5123) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT (5124) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT (5125) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT (5126) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC2 (35664) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC3 (35665) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4 (35666) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT_VEC2 (35667) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT_VEC3 (35668) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT_VEC4 (35669) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL (35670) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL_VEC2 (35671) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL_VEC3 (35672) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL_VEC4 (35673) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2 (35674) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_MAT3 (35675) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4 (35676) #define TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_SAMPLER_2D (35678) // End parameter types #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC2 (2) #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC3 (3) #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC4 (4) #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT2 (32 + 2) #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT3 (32 + 3) #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT4 (32 + 4) #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_SCALAR (64 + 1) #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_VECTOR (64 + 4) #define TINYGLTF_TYPE_MATRIX (64 + 16) #define TINYGLTF_IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG (0) #define TINYGLTF_IMAGE_FORMAT_PNG (1) #define TINYGLTF_IMAGE_FORMAT_BMP (2) #define TINYGLTF_IMAGE_FORMAT_GIF (3) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ALPHA (6406) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB (6407) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA (6408) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FORMAT_LUMINANCE (6409) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FORMAT_LUMINANCE_ALPHA (6410) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_TARGET_TEXTURE2D (3553) #define TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE (5121) #define TINYGLTF_TARGET_ARRAY_BUFFER (34962) #define TINYGLTF_TARGET_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER (34963) #define TINYGLTF_SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX_SHADER (35633) #define TINYGLTF_SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT_SHADER (35632) #define TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EPS (1.e-12) #define TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(a, b) (std::fabs((b) - (a)) < TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EPS) #ifdef __ANDROID__ #ifdef TINYGLTF_ANDROID_LOAD_FROM_ASSETS AAssetManager *asset_manager = nullptr; #endif #endif typedef enum { NULL_TYPE = 0, REAL_TYPE = 1, INT_TYPE = 2, BOOL_TYPE = 3, STRING_TYPE = 4, ARRAY_TYPE = 5, BINARY_TYPE = 6, OBJECT_TYPE = 7 } Type; static inline int32_t GetComponentSizeInBytes(uint32_t componentType) { if (componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_BYTE) { return 1; } else if (componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { return 1; } else if (componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_SHORT) { return 2; } else if (componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT) { return 2; } else if (componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_INT) { return 4; } else if (componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) { return 4; } else if (componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT) { return 4; } else if (componentType == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_DOUBLE) { return 8; } else { // Unknown componenty type return -1; } } static inline int32_t GetNumComponentsInType(uint32_t ty) { if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_SCALAR) { return 1; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC2) { return 2; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC3) { return 3; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC4) { return 4; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT2) { return 4; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT3) { return 9; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT4) { return 16; } else { // Unknown componenty type return -1; } } // TODO(syoyo): Move these functions to TinyGLTF class bool IsDataURI(const std::string &in); bool DecodeDataURI(std::vector *out, std::string &mime_type, const std::string &in, size_t reqBytes, bool checkSize); #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push // Suppress warning for : static Value null_value // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15708411/how-to-deal-with-global-constructor-warning-in-clang #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wexit-time-destructors" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded" #endif // Simple class to represent JSON object class Value { public: typedef std::vector Array; typedef std::map Object; Value() : type_(NULL_TYPE), int_value_(0), real_value_(0.0), boolean_value_(false) {} explicit Value(bool b) : type_(BOOL_TYPE) { boolean_value_ = b; } explicit Value(int i) : type_(INT_TYPE) { int_value_ = i; real_value_ = i; } explicit Value(double n) : type_(REAL_TYPE) { real_value_ = n; } explicit Value(const std::string &s) : type_(STRING_TYPE) { string_value_ = s; } explicit Value(std::string &&s) : type_(STRING_TYPE), string_value_(std::move(s)) {} explicit Value(const unsigned char *p, size_t n) : type_(BINARY_TYPE) { binary_value_.resize(n); memcpy(binary_value_.data(), p, n); } explicit Value(std::vector &&v) noexcept : type_(BINARY_TYPE), binary_value_(std::move(v)) {} explicit Value(const Array &a) : type_(ARRAY_TYPE) { array_value_ = a; } explicit Value(Array &&a) noexcept : type_(ARRAY_TYPE), array_value_(std::move(a)) {} explicit Value(const Object &o) : type_(OBJECT_TYPE) { object_value_ = o; } explicit Value(Object &&o) noexcept : type_(OBJECT_TYPE), object_value_(std::move(o)) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(Value) char Type() const { return static_cast(type_); } bool IsBool() const { return (type_ == BOOL_TYPE); } bool IsInt() const { return (type_ == INT_TYPE); } bool IsNumber() const { return (type_ == REAL_TYPE) || (type_ == INT_TYPE); } bool IsReal() const { return (type_ == REAL_TYPE); } bool IsString() const { return (type_ == STRING_TYPE); } bool IsBinary() const { return (type_ == BINARY_TYPE); } bool IsArray() const { return (type_ == ARRAY_TYPE); } bool IsObject() const { return (type_ == OBJECT_TYPE); } // Use this function if you want to have number value as double. double GetNumberAsDouble() const { if (type_ == INT_TYPE) { return double(int_value_); } else { return real_value_; } } // Use this function if you want to have number value as int. double GetNumberAsInt() const { if (type_ == REAL_TYPE) { return int(real_value_); } else { return int_value_; } } // Accessor template const T &Get() const; template T &Get(); // Lookup value from an array const Value &Get(int idx) const { static Value null_value; assert(IsArray()); assert(idx >= 0); return (static_cast(idx) < array_value_.size()) ? array_value_[static_cast(idx)] : null_value; } // Lookup value from a key-value pair const Value &Get(const std::string &key) const { static Value null_value; assert(IsObject()); Object::const_iterator it = object_value_.find(key); return (it != object_value_.end()) ? it->second : null_value; } size_t ArrayLen() const { if (!IsArray()) return 0; return array_value_.size(); } // Valid only for object type. bool Has(const std::string &key) const { if (!IsObject()) return false; Object::const_iterator it = object_value_.find(key); return (it != object_value_.end()) ? true : false; } // List keys std::vector Keys() const { std::vector keys; if (!IsObject()) return keys; // empty for (Object::const_iterator it = object_value_.begin(); it != object_value_.end(); ++it) { keys.push_back(it->first); } return keys; } size_t Size() const { return (IsArray() ? ArrayLen() : Keys().size()); } bool operator==(const tinygltf::Value &other) const; protected: int type_ = NULL_TYPE; int int_value_ = 0; double real_value_ = 0.0; std::string string_value_; std::vector binary_value_; Array array_value_; Object object_value_; bool boolean_value_ = false; }; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #define TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET(ctype, var) \ template <> \ inline const ctype &Value::Get() const { \ return var; \ } \ template <> \ inline ctype &Value::Get() { \ return var; \ } TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET(bool, boolean_value_) TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET(double, real_value_) TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET(int, int_value_) TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET(std::string, string_value_) TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET(std::vector, binary_value_) TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET(Value::Array, array_value_) TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET(Value::Object, object_value_) #undef TINYGLTF_VALUE_GET #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded" #endif /// Agregate object for representing a color using ColorValue = std::array; // === legacy interface ==== // TODO(syoyo): Deprecate `Parameter` class. struct Parameter { bool bool_value = false; bool has_number_value = false; std::string string_value; std::vector number_array; std::map json_double_value; double number_value = 0.0; // context sensitive methods. depending the type of the Parameter you are // accessing, these are either valid or not // If this parameter represent a texture map in a material, will return the // texture index /// Return the index of a texture if this Parameter is a texture map. /// Returned value is only valid if the parameter represent a texture from a /// material int TextureIndex() const { const auto it = json_double_value.find("index"); if (it != std::end(json_double_value)) { return int(it->second); } return -1; } /// Return the index of a texture coordinate set if this Parameter is a /// texture map. Returned value is only valid if the parameter represent a /// texture from a material int TextureTexCoord() const { const auto it = json_double_value.find("texCoord"); if (it != std::end(json_double_value)) { return int(it->second); } // As per the spec, if texCoord is ommited, this parameter is 0 return 0; } /// Return the scale of a texture if this Parameter is a normal texture map. /// Returned value is only valid if the parameter represent a normal texture /// from a material double TextureScale() const { const auto it = json_double_value.find("scale"); if (it != std::end(json_double_value)) { return it->second; } // As per the spec, if scale is ommited, this paramter is 1 return 1; } /// Return the strength of a texture if this Parameter is a an occlusion map. /// Returned value is only valid if the parameter represent an occlusion map /// from a material double TextureStrength() const { const auto it = json_double_value.find("strength"); if (it != std::end(json_double_value)) { return it->second; } // As per the spec, if strenghth is ommited, this parameter is 1 return 1; } /// Material factor, like the roughness or metalness of a material /// Returned value is only valid if the parameter represent a texture from a /// material double Factor() const { return number_value; } /// Return the color of a material /// Returned value is only valid if the parameter represent a texture from a /// material ColorValue ColorFactor() const { return { {// this agregate intialize the std::array object, and uses C++11 RVO. number_array[0], number_array[1], number_array[2], (number_array.size() > 3 ? number_array[3] : 1.0)}}; } Parameter() = default; DEFAULT_METHODS(Parameter) bool operator==(const Parameter &) const; }; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded" #endif typedef std::map ParameterMap; typedef std::map ExtensionMap; struct AnimationChannel { int sampler; // required int target_node; // required (index of the node to target) std::string target_path; // required in ["translation", "rotation", "scale", // "weights"] Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; ExtensionMap target_extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; std::string target_extensions_json_string; AnimationChannel() : sampler(-1), target_node(-1) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(AnimationChannel) bool operator==(const AnimationChannel &) const; }; struct AnimationSampler { int input; // required int output; // required std::string interpolation; // "LINEAR", "STEP","CUBICSPLINE" or user defined // string. default "LINEAR" Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; AnimationSampler() : input(-1), output(-1), interpolation("LINEAR") {} DEFAULT_METHODS(AnimationSampler) bool operator==(const AnimationSampler &) const; }; struct Animation { std::string name; std::vector channels; std::vector samplers; Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Animation() = default; DEFAULT_METHODS(Animation) bool operator==(const Animation &) const; }; struct Skin { std::string name; int inverseBindMatrices; // required here but not in the spec int skeleton; // The index of the node used as a skeleton root std::vector joints; // Indices of skeleton nodes Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Skin() { inverseBindMatrices = -1; skeleton = -1; } DEFAULT_METHODS(Skin) bool operator==(const Skin &) const; }; struct Sampler { std::string name; // glTF 2.0 spec does not define default value for `minFilter` and // `magFilter`. Set -1 in TinyGLTF(issue #186) int minFilter = -1; // optional. -1 = no filter defined. ["NEAREST", "LINEAR", // "NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR", "LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST", // "NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR", "LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"] int magFilter = -1; // optional. -1 = no filter defined. ["NEAREST", "LINEAR"] int wrapS = TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT; // ["CLAMP_TO_EDGE", "MIRRORED_REPEAT", // "REPEAT"], default "REPEAT" int wrapT = TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT; // ["CLAMP_TO_EDGE", "MIRRORED_REPEAT", // "REPEAT"], default "REPEAT" int wrapR = TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT; // TinyGLTF extension Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Sampler() : minFilter(-1), magFilter(-1), wrapS(TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT), wrapT(TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT), wrapR(TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(Sampler) bool operator==(const Sampler &) const; }; struct Image { std::string name; int width; int height; int component; int bits; // bit depth per channel. 8(byte), 16 or 32. int pixel_type; // pixel type(TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_***). usually // UBYTE(bits = 8) or USHORT(bits = 16) std::vector image; int bufferView; // (required if no uri) std::string mimeType; // (required if no uri) ["image/jpeg", "image/png", // "image/bmp", "image/gif"] std::string uri; // (required if no mimeType) uri is not decoded(e.g. // whitespace may be represented as %20) Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; // When this flag is true, data is stored to `image` in as-is format(e.g. jpeg // compressed for "image/jpeg" mime) This feature is good if you use custom // image loader function. (e.g. delayed decoding of images for faster glTF // parsing) Default parser for Image does not provide as-is loading feature at // the moment. (You can manipulate this by providing your own LoadImageData // function) bool as_is; Image() : as_is(false) { bufferView = -1; width = -1; height = -1; component = -1; } DEFAULT_METHODS(Image) bool operator==(const Image &) const; }; struct Texture { std::string name; int sampler; int source; Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Texture() : sampler(-1), source(-1) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(Texture) bool operator==(const Texture &) const; }; struct TextureInfo { int index = -1; // required. int texCoord; // The set index of texture's TEXCOORD attribute used for // texture coordinate mapping. Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; TextureInfo() : index(-1), texCoord(0) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(TextureInfo) bool operator==(const TextureInfo &) const; }; struct NormalTextureInfo { int index = -1; // required int texCoord; // The set index of texture's TEXCOORD attribute used for // texture coordinate mapping. double scale; // scaledNormal = normalize(( // * 2.0 - 1.0) * vec3(, , 1.0)) Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; NormalTextureInfo() : index(-1), texCoord(0), scale(1.0) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(NormalTextureInfo) bool operator==(const NormalTextureInfo &) const; }; struct OcclusionTextureInfo { int index = -1; // required int texCoord; // The set index of texture's TEXCOORD attribute used for // texture coordinate mapping. double strength; // occludedColor = lerp(color, color * , ) Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; OcclusionTextureInfo() : index(-1), texCoord(0), strength(1.0) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(OcclusionTextureInfo) bool operator==(const OcclusionTextureInfo &) const; }; // pbrMetallicRoughness class defined in glTF 2.0 spec. struct PbrMetallicRoughness { std::vector baseColorFactor; // len = 4. default [1,1,1,1] TextureInfo baseColorTexture; double metallicFactor; // default 1 double roughnessFactor; // default 1 TextureInfo metallicRoughnessTexture; Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; PbrMetallicRoughness() : baseColorFactor(std::vector{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}), metallicFactor(1.0), roughnessFactor(1.0) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(PbrMetallicRoughness) bool operator==(const PbrMetallicRoughness &) const; }; // Each extension should be stored in a ParameterMap. // members not in the values could be included in the ParameterMap // to keep a single material model struct Material { std::string name; std::vector emissiveFactor; // length 3. default [0, 0, 0] std::string alphaMode; // default "OPAQUE" double alphaCutoff; // default 0.5 bool doubleSided; // default false; PbrMetallicRoughness pbrMetallicRoughness; NormalTextureInfo normalTexture; OcclusionTextureInfo occlusionTexture; TextureInfo emissiveTexture; // For backward compatibility // TODO(syoyo): Remove `values` and `additionalValues` in the next release. ParameterMap values; ParameterMap additionalValues; ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Material() : alphaMode("OPAQUE"), alphaCutoff(0.5), doubleSided(false) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(Material) bool operator==(const Material &) const; }; struct BufferView { std::string name; int buffer{-1}; // Required size_t byteOffset{0}; // minimum 0, default 0 size_t byteLength{0}; // required, minimum 1. 0 = invalid size_t byteStride{0}; // minimum 4, maximum 252 (multiple of 4), default 0 = // understood to be tightly packed int target{0}; // ["ARRAY_BUFFER", "ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"] for vertex indices // or atttribs. Could be 0 for other data Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; bool dracoDecoded{false}; // Flag indicating this has been draco decoded BufferView() : buffer(-1), byteOffset(0), byteLength(0), byteStride(0), target(0), dracoDecoded(false) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(BufferView) bool operator==(const BufferView &) const; }; struct Accessor { int bufferView; // optional in spec but required here since sparse accessor // are not supported std::string name; size_t byteOffset; bool normalized; // optional. int componentType; // (required) One of TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_*** size_t count; // required int type; // (required) One of TINYGLTF_TYPE_*** .. Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; std::vector minValues; // optional std::vector maxValues; // optional struct { int count; bool isSparse; struct { int byteOffset; int bufferView; int componentType; // a TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_ value } indices; struct { int bufferView; int byteOffset; } values; } sparse; /// /// Utility function to compute byteStride for a given bufferView object. /// Returns -1 upon invalid glTF value or parameter configuration. /// int ByteStride(const BufferView &bufferViewObject) const { if (bufferViewObject.byteStride == 0) { // Assume data is tightly packed. int componentSizeInBytes = GetComponentSizeInBytes(static_cast(componentType)); if (componentSizeInBytes <= 0) { return -1; } int numComponents = GetNumComponentsInType(static_cast(type)); if (numComponents <= 0) { return -1; } return componentSizeInBytes * numComponents; } else { // Check if byteStride is a mulple of the size of the accessor's component // type. int componentSizeInBytes = GetComponentSizeInBytes(static_cast(componentType)); if (componentSizeInBytes <= 0) { return -1; } if ((bufferViewObject.byteStride % uint32_t(componentSizeInBytes)) != 0) { return -1; } return static_cast(bufferViewObject.byteStride); } // unreachable return 0; } Accessor() : bufferView(-1), byteOffset(0), normalized(false), componentType(-1), count(0), type(-1) { sparse.isSparse = false; } DEFAULT_METHODS(Accessor) bool operator==(const tinygltf::Accessor &) const; }; struct PerspectiveCamera { double aspectRatio; // min > 0 double yfov; // required. min > 0 double zfar; // min > 0 double znear; // required. min > 0 PerspectiveCamera() : aspectRatio(0.0), yfov(0.0), zfar(0.0) // 0 = use infinite projecton matrix , znear(0.0) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(PerspectiveCamera) bool operator==(const PerspectiveCamera &) const; ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; }; struct OrthographicCamera { double xmag; // required. must not be zero. double ymag; // required. must not be zero. double zfar; // required. `zfar` must be greater than `znear`. double znear; // required OrthographicCamera() : xmag(0.0), ymag(0.0), zfar(0.0), znear(0.0) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(OrthographicCamera) bool operator==(const OrthographicCamera &) const; ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; }; struct Camera { std::string type; // required. "perspective" or "orthographic" std::string name; PerspectiveCamera perspective; OrthographicCamera orthographic; Camera() {} DEFAULT_METHODS(Camera) bool operator==(const Camera &) const; ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; }; struct Primitive { std::map attributes; // (required) A dictionary object of // integer, where each integer // is the index of the accessor // containing an attribute. int material; // The index of the material to apply to this primitive // when rendering. int indices; // The index of the accessor that contains the indices. int mode; // one of TINYGLTF_MODE_*** std::vector > targets; // array of morph targets, // where each target is a dict with attribues in ["POSITION, "NORMAL", // "TANGENT"] pointing // to their corresponding accessors ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Primitive() { material = -1; indices = -1; } DEFAULT_METHODS(Primitive) bool operator==(const Primitive &) const; }; struct Mesh { std::string name; std::vector primitives; std::vector weights; // weights to be applied to the Morph Targets ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Mesh() = default; DEFAULT_METHODS(Mesh) bool operator==(const Mesh &) const; }; class Node { public: Node() : camera(-1), skin(-1), mesh(-1) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(Node) bool operator==(const Node &) const; int camera; // the index of the camera referenced by this node std::string name; int skin; int mesh; std::vector children; std::vector rotation; // length must be 0 or 4 std::vector scale; // length must be 0 or 3 std::vector translation; // length must be 0 or 3 std::vector matrix; // length must be 0 or 16 std::vector weights; // The weights of the instantiated Morph Target ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; }; struct Buffer { std::string name; std::vector data; std::string uri; // considered as required here but not in the spec (need to clarify) // uri is not decoded(e.g. whitespace may be represented as %20) Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Buffer() = default; DEFAULT_METHODS(Buffer) bool operator==(const Buffer &) const; }; struct Asset { std::string version; // required std::string generator; std::string minVersion; std::string copyright; ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Asset() = default; DEFAULT_METHODS(Asset) bool operator==(const Asset &) const; }; struct Scene { std::string name; std::vector nodes; ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; Scene() = default; DEFAULT_METHODS(Scene) bool operator==(const Scene &) const; }; struct SpotLight { double innerConeAngle; double outerConeAngle; SpotLight() : innerConeAngle(0.0), outerConeAngle(0.7853981634) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(SpotLight) bool operator==(const SpotLight &) const; ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; }; struct Light { std::string name; std::vector color; double intensity; std::string type; double range; SpotLight spot; Light() : intensity(1.0), range(0.0) {} DEFAULT_METHODS(Light) bool operator==(const Light &) const; ExtensionMap extensions; Value extras; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; }; class Model { public: Model() = default; DEFAULT_METHODS(Model) bool operator==(const Model &) const; std::vector accessors; std::vector animations; std::vector buffers; std::vector bufferViews; std::vector materials; std::vector meshes; std::vector nodes; std::vector textures; std::vector images; std::vector skins; std::vector samplers; std::vector cameras; std::vector scenes; std::vector lights; int defaultScene = -1; std::vector extensionsUsed; std::vector extensionsRequired; Asset asset; Value extras; ExtensionMap extensions; // Filled when SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions is enabled. std::string extras_json_string; std::string extensions_json_string; }; enum SectionCheck { NO_REQUIRE = 0x00, REQUIRE_VERSION = 0x01, REQUIRE_SCENE = 0x02, REQUIRE_SCENES = 0x04, REQUIRE_NODES = 0x08, REQUIRE_ACCESSORS = 0x10, REQUIRE_BUFFERS = 0x20, REQUIRE_BUFFER_VIEWS = 0x40, REQUIRE_ALL = 0x7f }; /// /// LoadImageDataFunction type. Signature for custom image loading callbacks. /// typedef bool (*LoadImageDataFunction)(Image *, const int, std::string *, std::string *, int, int, const unsigned char *, int, void *); /// /// WriteImageDataFunction type. Signature for custom image writing callbacks. /// typedef bool (*WriteImageDataFunction)(const std::string *, const std::string *, Image *, bool, void *); #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_STB_IMAGE // Declaration of default image loader callback bool LoadImageData(Image *image, const int image_idx, std::string *err, std::string *warn, int req_width, int req_height, const unsigned char *bytes, int size, void *); #endif #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_STB_IMAGE_WRITE // Declaration of default image writer callback bool WriteImageData(const std::string *basepath, const std::string *filename, Image *image, bool embedImages, void *); #endif /// /// FilExistsFunction type. Signature for custom filesystem callbacks. /// typedef bool (*FileExistsFunction)(const std::string &abs_filename, void *); /// /// ExpandFilePathFunction type. Signature for custom filesystem callbacks. /// typedef std::string (*ExpandFilePathFunction)(const std::string &, void *); /// /// ReadWholeFileFunction type. Signature for custom filesystem callbacks. /// typedef bool (*ReadWholeFileFunction)(std::vector *, std::string *, const std::string &, void *); /// /// WriteWholeFileFunction type. Signature for custom filesystem callbacks. /// typedef bool (*WriteWholeFileFunction)(std::string *, const std::string &, const std::vector &, void *); /// /// A structure containing all required filesystem callbacks and a pointer to /// their user data. /// struct FsCallbacks { FileExistsFunction FileExists; ExpandFilePathFunction ExpandFilePath; ReadWholeFileFunction ReadWholeFile; WriteWholeFileFunction WriteWholeFile; void *user_data; // An argument that is passed to all fs callbacks }; #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_FS // Declaration of default filesystem callbacks bool FileExists(const std::string &abs_filename, void *); std::string ExpandFilePath(const std::string &filepath, void *); bool ReadWholeFile(std::vector *out, std::string *err, const std::string &filepath, void *); bool WriteWholeFile(std::string *err, const std::string &filepath, const std::vector &contents, void *); #endif /// /// glTF Parser/Serialier context. /// class TinyGLTF { public: #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat" #endif TinyGLTF() : bin_data_(nullptr), bin_size_(0), is_binary_(false) {} #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif ~TinyGLTF() {} /// /// Loads glTF ASCII asset from a file. /// Set warning message to `warn` for example it fails to load asserts. /// Returns false and set error string to `err` if there's an error. /// bool LoadASCIIFromFile(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const std::string &filename, unsigned int check_sections = REQUIRE_VERSION); /// /// Loads glTF ASCII asset from string(memory). /// `length` = strlen(str); /// Set warning message to `warn` for example it fails to load asserts. /// Returns false and set error string to `err` if there's an error. /// bool LoadASCIIFromString(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const char *str, const unsigned int length, const std::string &base_dir, unsigned int check_sections = REQUIRE_VERSION); /// /// Loads glTF binary asset from a file. /// Set warning message to `warn` for example it fails to load asserts. /// Returns false and set error string to `err` if there's an error. /// bool LoadBinaryFromFile(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const std::string &filename, unsigned int check_sections = REQUIRE_VERSION); /// /// Loads glTF binary asset from memory. /// `length` = strlen(str); /// Set warning message to `warn` for example it fails to load asserts. /// Returns false and set error string to `err` if there's an error. /// bool LoadBinaryFromMemory(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const unsigned char *bytes, const unsigned int length, const std::string &base_dir = "", unsigned int check_sections = REQUIRE_VERSION); /// /// Write glTF to stream, buffers and images will be embeded /// bool WriteGltfSceneToStream(Model *model, std::ostream &stream, bool prettyPrint, bool writeBinary); /// /// Write glTF to file. /// bool WriteGltfSceneToFile(Model *model, const std::string &filename, bool embedImages, bool embedBuffers, bool prettyPrint, bool writeBinary); /// /// Set callback to use for loading image data /// void SetImageLoader(LoadImageDataFunction LoadImageData, void *user_data); /// /// Set callback to use for writing image data /// void SetImageWriter(WriteImageDataFunction WriteImageData, void *user_data); /// /// Set callbacks to use for filesystem (fs) access and their user data /// void SetFsCallbacks(FsCallbacks callbacks); /// /// Set serializing default values(default = false). /// When true, default values are force serialized to .glTF. /// This may be helpfull if you want to serialize a full description of glTF /// data. /// /// TODO(LTE): Supply parsing option as function arguments to /// `LoadASCIIFromFile()` and others, not by a class method /// void SetSerializeDefaultValues(const bool enabled) { serialize_default_values_ = enabled; } bool GetSerializeDefaultValues() const { return serialize_default_values_; } /// /// Store original JSON string for `extras` and `extensions`. /// This feature will be useful when the user want to reconstruct custom data /// structure from JSON string. /// void SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions(const bool enabled) { store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_ = enabled; } bool GetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions() const { return store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_; } private: /// /// Loads glTF asset from string(memory). /// `length` = strlen(str); /// Set warning message to `warn` for example it fails to load asserts /// Returns false and set error string to `err` if there's an error. /// bool LoadFromString(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const char *str, const unsigned int length, const std::string &base_dir, unsigned int check_sections); const unsigned char *bin_data_ = nullptr; size_t bin_size_ = 0; bool is_binary_ = false; bool serialize_default_values_ = false; ///< Serialize default values? bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_ = false; FsCallbacks fs = { #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_FS &tinygltf::FileExists, &tinygltf::ExpandFilePath, &tinygltf::ReadWholeFile, &tinygltf::WriteWholeFile, nullptr // Fs callback user data #else nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr // Fs callback user data #endif }; LoadImageDataFunction LoadImageData = #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_STB_IMAGE &tinygltf::LoadImageData; #else nullptr; #endif void *load_image_user_data_ = reinterpret_cast(&fs); WriteImageDataFunction WriteImageData = #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_STB_IMAGE_WRITE &tinygltf::WriteImageData; #else nullptr; #endif void *write_image_user_data_ = reinterpret_cast(&fs); }; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop // -Wpadded #endif } // namespace tinygltf #endif // TINY_GLTF_H_ #if defined(TINYGLTF_IMPLEMENTATION) || defined(__INTELLISENSE__) #include //#include #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_FS #include #include #endif #include #ifdef __clang__ // Disable some warnings for external files. #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wexit-time-destructors" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors" #if __has_warning("-Wreserved-id-macro") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro" #endif #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdisabled-macro-expansion" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation-unknown-command" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wweak-vtables" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcovered-switch-default" #if __has_warning("-Wdouble-promotion") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wcomma") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcomma" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wcast-qual") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wmissing-variable-declarations") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-variable-declarations" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wmissing-prototypes") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wcast-align") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wnewline-eof") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnewline-eof" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wunused-parameter") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wmismatched-tags") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmismatched-tags" #endif #if __has_warning("-Wextra-semi-stmt") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wextra-semi-stmt" #endif #endif // Disable GCC warnigs #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits" #endif // __GNUC__ #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_INCLUDE_JSON #ifndef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON #include "json.hpp" #else #include "document.h" #include "prettywriter.h" #include "rapidjson.h" #include "stringbuffer.h" #include "writer.h" #endif #endif #ifdef TINYGLTF_ENABLE_DRACO #include "draco/compression/decode.h" #include "draco/core/decoder_buffer.h" #endif #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_STB_IMAGE #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_INCLUDE_STB_IMAGE #include "stb_image.h" #endif #endif #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_STB_IMAGE_WRITE #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_INCLUDE_STB_IMAGE_WRITE #include "stb_image_write.h" #endif #endif #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #ifdef _WIN32 // issue 143. // Define NOMINMAX to avoid min/max defines, // but undef it after included windows.h #ifndef NOMINMAX #define TINYGLTF_INTERNAL_NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define TINYGLTF_INTERNAL_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include // include API for expanding a file path #ifdef TINYGLTF_INTERNAL_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #if defined(TINYGLTF_INTERNAL_NOMINMAX) #undef NOMINMAX #endif #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) // mingw #include // _O_RDONLY #include // fstream (all sorts of IO stuff) + stdio_filebuf (=streambuf) #endif #elif !defined(__ANDROID__) #include #endif #if defined(__sparcv9) // Big endian #else #if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || MINIZ_X86_OR_X64_CPU #define TINYGLTF_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 #endif #endif namespace { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON_CRTALLOCATOR // This uses the RapidJSON CRTAllocator. It is thread safe and multiple // documents may be active at once. using json = rapidjson::GenericValue, rapidjson::CrtAllocator>; using json_const_iterator = json::ConstMemberIterator; using json_const_array_iterator = json const *; using JsonDocument = rapidjson::GenericDocument, rapidjson::CrtAllocator>; rapidjson::CrtAllocator s_CrtAllocator; // stateless and thread safe rapidjson::CrtAllocator &GetAllocator() { return s_CrtAllocator; } #else // This uses the default RapidJSON MemoryPoolAllocator. It is very fast, but // not thread safe. Only a single JsonDocument may be active at any one time, // meaning only a single gltf load/save can be active any one time. using json = rapidjson::Value; using json_const_iterator = json::ConstMemberIterator; using json_const_array_iterator = json const *; rapidjson::Document *s_pActiveDocument = nullptr; rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &GetAllocator() { assert(s_pActiveDocument); // Root json node must be JsonDocument type return s_pActiveDocument->GetAllocator(); } #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push // Suppress JsonDocument(JsonDocument &&rhs) noexcept #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-member-function" #endif struct JsonDocument : public rapidjson::Document { JsonDocument() { assert(s_pActiveDocument == nullptr); // When using default allocator, only one document can be // active at a time, if you need multiple active at once, // define TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON_CRTALLOCATOR s_pActiveDocument = this; } JsonDocument(const JsonDocument &) = delete; JsonDocument(JsonDocument &&rhs) noexcept : rapidjson::Document(std::move(rhs)) { s_pActiveDocument = this; rhs.isNil = true; } ~JsonDocument() { if (!isNil) { s_pActiveDocument = nullptr; } } private: bool isNil = false; }; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #endif // TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON_CRTALLOCATOR #else using nlohmann::json; using json_const_iterator = json::const_iterator; using json_const_array_iterator = json_const_iterator; using JsonDocument = json; #endif void JsonParse(JsonDocument &doc, const char *str, size_t length, bool throwExc = false) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON (void)throwExc; doc.Parse(str, length); #else doc = json::parse(str, str + length, nullptr, throwExc); #endif } } // namespace #ifdef __APPLE__ #include "TargetConditionals.h" #endif #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat" #endif namespace tinygltf { // Equals function for Value, for recursivity static bool Equals(const tinygltf::Value &one, const tinygltf::Value &other) { if (one.Type() != other.Type()) return false; switch (one.Type()) { case NULL_TYPE: return true; case BOOL_TYPE: return one.Get() == other.Get(); case REAL_TYPE: return TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(one.Get(), other.Get()); case INT_TYPE: return one.Get() == other.Get(); case OBJECT_TYPE: { auto oneObj = one.Get(); auto otherObj = other.Get(); if (oneObj.size() != otherObj.size()) return false; for (auto &it : oneObj) { auto otherIt = otherObj.find(it.first); if (otherIt == otherObj.end()) return false; if (!Equals(it.second, otherIt->second)) return false; } return true; } case ARRAY_TYPE: { if (one.Size() != other.Size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < int(one.Size()); ++i) if (!Equals(one.Get(i), other.Get(i))) return false; return true; } case STRING_TYPE: return one.Get() == other.Get(); case BINARY_TYPE: return one.Get >() == other.Get >(); default: { // unhandled type return false; } } } // Equals function for std::vector using TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EPSILON static bool Equals(const std::vector &one, const std::vector &other) { if (one.size() != other.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < int(one.size()); ++i) { if (!TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(one[size_t(i)], other[size_t(i)])) return false; } return true; } bool Accessor::operator==(const Accessor &other) const { return this->bufferView == other.bufferView && this->byteOffset == other.byteOffset && this->componentType == other.componentType && this->count == other.count && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && Equals(this->maxValues, other.maxValues) && Equals(this->minValues, other.minValues) && this->name == other.name && this->normalized == other.normalized && this->type == other.type; } bool Animation::operator==(const Animation &other) const { return this->channels == other.channels && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->name == other.name && this->samplers == other.samplers; } bool AnimationChannel::operator==(const AnimationChannel &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->target_node == other.target_node && this->target_path == other.target_path && this->sampler == other.sampler; } bool AnimationSampler::operator==(const AnimationSampler &other) const { return this->extras == other.extras && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->input == other.input && this->interpolation == other.interpolation && this->output == other.output; } bool Asset::operator==(const Asset &other) const { return this->copyright == other.copyright && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->generator == other.generator && this->minVersion == other.minVersion && this->version == other.version; } bool Buffer::operator==(const Buffer &other) const { return this->data == other.data && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->name == other.name && this->uri == other.uri; } bool BufferView::operator==(const BufferView &other) const { return this->buffer == other.buffer && this->byteLength == other.byteLength && this->byteOffset == other.byteOffset && this->byteStride == other.byteStride && this->name == other.name && this->target == other.target && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->dracoDecoded == other.dracoDecoded; } bool Camera::operator==(const Camera &other) const { return this->name == other.name && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->orthographic == other.orthographic && this->perspective == other.perspective && this->type == other.type; } bool Image::operator==(const Image &other) const { return this->bufferView == other.bufferView && this->component == other.component && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->height == other.height && this->image == other.image && this->mimeType == other.mimeType && this->name == other.name && this->uri == other.uri && this->width == other.width; } bool Light::operator==(const Light &other) const { return Equals(this->color, other.color) && this->name == other.name && this->type == other.type; } bool Material::operator==(const Material &other) const { return (this->pbrMetallicRoughness == other.pbrMetallicRoughness) && (this->normalTexture == other.normalTexture) && (this->occlusionTexture == other.occlusionTexture) && (this->emissiveTexture == other.emissiveTexture) && Equals(this->emissiveFactor, other.emissiveFactor) && (this->alphaMode == other.alphaMode) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->alphaCutoff, other.alphaCutoff) && (this->doubleSided == other.doubleSided) && (this->extensions == other.extensions) && (this->extras == other.extras) && (this->values == other.values) && (this->additionalValues == other.additionalValues) && (this->name == other.name); } bool Mesh::operator==(const Mesh &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->name == other.name && Equals(this->weights, other.weights) && this->primitives == other.primitives; } bool Model::operator==(const Model &other) const { return this->accessors == other.accessors && this->animations == other.animations && this->asset == other.asset && this->buffers == other.buffers && this->bufferViews == other.bufferViews && this->cameras == other.cameras && this->defaultScene == other.defaultScene && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extensionsRequired == other.extensionsRequired && this->extensionsUsed == other.extensionsUsed && this->extras == other.extras && this->images == other.images && this->lights == other.lights && this->materials == other.materials && this->meshes == other.meshes && this->nodes == other.nodes && this->samplers == other.samplers && this->scenes == other.scenes && this->skins == other.skins && this->textures == other.textures; } bool Node::operator==(const Node &other) const { return this->camera == other.camera && this->children == other.children && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && Equals(this->matrix, other.matrix) && this->mesh == other.mesh && this->name == other.name && Equals(this->rotation, other.rotation) && Equals(this->scale, other.scale) && this->skin == other.skin && Equals(this->translation, other.translation) && Equals(this->weights, other.weights); } bool SpotLight::operator==(const SpotLight &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->innerConeAngle, other.innerConeAngle) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->outerConeAngle, other.outerConeAngle); } bool OrthographicCamera::operator==(const OrthographicCamera &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->xmag, other.xmag) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->ymag, other.ymag) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->zfar, other.zfar) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->znear, other.znear); } bool Parameter::operator==(const Parameter &other) const { if (this->bool_value != other.bool_value || this->has_number_value != other.has_number_value) return false; if (!TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->number_value, other.number_value)) return false; if (this->json_double_value.size() != other.json_double_value.size()) return false; for (auto &it : this->json_double_value) { auto otherIt = other.json_double_value.find(it.first); if (otherIt == other.json_double_value.end()) return false; if (!TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(it.second, otherIt->second)) return false; } if (!Equals(this->number_array, other.number_array)) return false; if (this->string_value != other.string_value) return false; return true; } bool PerspectiveCamera::operator==(const PerspectiveCamera &other) const { return TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->aspectRatio, other.aspectRatio) && this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->yfov, other.yfov) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->zfar, other.zfar) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->znear, other.znear); } bool Primitive::operator==(const Primitive &other) const { return this->attributes == other.attributes && this->extras == other.extras && this->indices == other.indices && this->material == other.material && this->mode == other.mode && this->targets == other.targets; } bool Sampler::operator==(const Sampler &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->magFilter == other.magFilter && this->minFilter == other.minFilter && this->name == other.name && this->wrapR == other.wrapR && this->wrapS == other.wrapS && this->wrapT == other.wrapT; } bool Scene::operator==(const Scene &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->name == other.name && this->nodes == other.nodes; } bool Skin::operator==(const Skin &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->inverseBindMatrices == other.inverseBindMatrices && this->joints == other.joints && this->name == other.name && this->skeleton == other.skeleton; } bool Texture::operator==(const Texture &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->name == other.name && this->sampler == other.sampler && this->source == other.source; } bool TextureInfo::operator==(const TextureInfo &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->index == other.index && this->texCoord == other.texCoord; } bool NormalTextureInfo::operator==(const NormalTextureInfo &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->index == other.index && this->texCoord == other.texCoord && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->scale, other.scale); } bool OcclusionTextureInfo::operator==(const OcclusionTextureInfo &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && this->index == other.index && this->texCoord == other.texCoord && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->strength, other.strength); } bool PbrMetallicRoughness::operator==(const PbrMetallicRoughness &other) const { return this->extensions == other.extensions && this->extras == other.extras && (this->baseColorTexture == other.baseColorTexture) && (this->metallicRoughnessTexture == other.metallicRoughnessTexture) && Equals(this->baseColorFactor, other.baseColorFactor) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->metallicFactor, other.metallicFactor) && TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(this->roughnessFactor, other.roughnessFactor); } bool Value::operator==(const Value &other) const { return Equals(*this, other); } static void swap4(unsigned int *val) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_LITTLE_ENDIAN (void)val; #else unsigned int tmp = *val; unsigned char *dst = reinterpret_cast(val); unsigned char *src = reinterpret_cast(&tmp); dst[0] = src[3]; dst[1] = src[2]; dst[2] = src[1]; dst[3] = src[0]; #endif } static std::string JoinPath(const std::string &path0, const std::string &path1) { if (path0.empty()) { return path1; } else { // check '/' char lastChar = *path0.rbegin(); if (lastChar != '/') { return path0 + std::string("/") + path1; } else { return path0 + path1; } } } static std::string FindFile(const std::vector &paths, const std::string &filepath, FsCallbacks *fs) { if (fs == nullptr || fs->ExpandFilePath == nullptr || fs->FileExists == nullptr) { // Error, fs callback[s] missing return std::string(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { std::string absPath = fs->ExpandFilePath(JoinPath(paths[i], filepath), fs->user_data); if (fs->FileExists(absPath, fs->user_data)) { return absPath; } } return std::string(); } static std::string GetFilePathExtension(const std::string &FileName) { if (FileName.find_last_of(".") != std::string::npos) return FileName.substr(FileName.find_last_of(".") + 1); return ""; } static std::string GetBaseDir(const std::string &filepath) { if (filepath.find_last_of("/\\") != std::string::npos) return filepath.substr(0, filepath.find_last_of("/\\")); return ""; } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8520560/get-a-file-name-from-a-path static std::string GetBaseFilename(const std::string &filepath) { return filepath.substr(filepath.find_last_of("/\\") + 1); } std::string base64_encode(unsigned char const *, unsigned int len); std::string base64_decode(std::string const &s); /* base64.cpp and base64.h Copyright (C) 2004-2008 RenĂ© Nyffenegger This source code is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original source code. If you use this source code in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original source code. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. RenĂ© Nyffenegger rene.nyffenegger@adp-gmbh.ch */ #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" #endif static inline bool is_base64(unsigned char c) { return (isalnum(c) || (c == '+') || (c == '/')); } std::string base64_encode(unsigned char const *bytes_to_encode, unsigned int in_len) { std::string ret; int i = 0; int j = 0; unsigned char char_array_3[3]; unsigned char char_array_4[4]; const char *base64_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/"; while (in_len--) { char_array_3[i++] = *(bytes_to_encode++); if (i == 3) { char_array_4[0] = (char_array_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2; char_array_4[1] = ((char_array_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((char_array_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4); char_array_4[2] = ((char_array_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((char_array_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6); char_array_4[3] = char_array_3[2] & 0x3f; for (i = 0; (i < 4); i++) ret += base64_chars[char_array_4[i]]; i = 0; } } if (i) { for (j = i; j < 3; j++) char_array_3[j] = '\0'; char_array_4[0] = (char_array_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2; char_array_4[1] = ((char_array_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((char_array_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4); char_array_4[2] = ((char_array_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((char_array_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6); for (j = 0; (j < i + 1); j++) ret += base64_chars[char_array_4[j]]; while ((i++ < 3)) ret += '='; } return ret; } std::string base64_decode(std::string const &encoded_string) { int in_len = static_cast(encoded_string.size()); int i = 0; int j = 0; int in_ = 0; unsigned char char_array_4[4], char_array_3[3]; std::string ret; const std::string base64_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/"; while (in_len-- && (encoded_string[in_] != '=') && is_base64(encoded_string[in_])) { char_array_4[i++] = encoded_string[in_]; in_++; if (i == 4) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) char_array_4[i] = static_cast(base64_chars.find(char_array_4[i])); char_array_3[0] = (char_array_4[0] << 2) + ((char_array_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4); char_array_3[1] = ((char_array_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2); char_array_3[2] = ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + char_array_4[3]; for (i = 0; (i < 3); i++) ret += char_array_3[i]; i = 0; } } if (i) { for (j = i; j < 4; j++) char_array_4[j] = 0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) char_array_4[j] = static_cast(base64_chars.find(char_array_4[j])); char_array_3[0] = (char_array_4[0] << 2) + ((char_array_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4); char_array_3[1] = ((char_array_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2); char_array_3[2] = ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + char_array_4[3]; for (j = 0; (j < i - 1); j++) ret += char_array_3[j]; } return ret; } #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif // https://github.com/syoyo/tinygltf/issues/228 // TODO(syoyo): Use uriparser https://uriparser.github.io/ for stricter Uri // decoding? // // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18307429/encode-decode-url-in-c // http://dlib.net/dlib/server/server_http.cpp.html // --- dlib beign ------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. namespace dlib { #if 0 inline unsigned char to_hex( unsigned char x ) { return x + (x > 9 ? ('A'-10) : '0'); } const std::string urlencode( const std::string& s ) { std::ostringstream os; for ( std::string::const_iterator ci = s.begin(); ci != s.end(); ++ci ) { if ( (*ci >= 'a' && *ci <= 'z') || (*ci >= 'A' && *ci <= 'Z') || (*ci >= '0' && *ci <= '9') ) { // allowed os << *ci; } else if ( *ci == ' ') { os << '+'; } else { os << '%' << to_hex(static_cast(*ci >> 4)) << to_hex(static_cast(*ci % 16)); } } return os.str(); } #endif inline unsigned char from_hex(unsigned char ch) { if (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0') ch -= '0'; else if (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a') ch -= 'a' - 10; else if (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A') ch -= 'A' - 10; else ch = 0; return ch; } static const std::string urldecode(const std::string &str) { using namespace std; string result; string::size_type i; for (i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { if (str[i] == '+') { result += ' '; } else if (str[i] == '%' && str.size() > i + 2) { const unsigned char ch1 = from_hex(static_cast(str[i + 1])); const unsigned char ch2 = from_hex(static_cast(str[i + 2])); const unsigned char ch = static_cast((ch1 << 4) | ch2); result += static_cast(ch); i += 2; } else { result += str[i]; } } return result; } } // namespace dlib // --- dlib end -------------------------------------------------------------- static bool LoadExternalFile(std::vector *out, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const std::string &filename, const std::string &basedir, bool required, size_t reqBytes, bool checkSize, FsCallbacks *fs) { if (fs == nullptr || fs->FileExists == nullptr || fs->ExpandFilePath == nullptr || fs->ReadWholeFile == nullptr) { // This is a developer error, assert() ? if (err) { (*err) += "FS callback[s] not set\n"; } return false; } std::string *failMsgOut = required ? err : warn; out->clear(); std::vector paths; paths.push_back(basedir); paths.push_back("."); std::string filepath = FindFile(paths, filename, fs); if (filepath.empty() || filename.empty()) { if (failMsgOut) { (*failMsgOut) += "File not found : " + filename + "\n"; } return false; } std::vector buf; std::string fileReadErr; bool fileRead = fs->ReadWholeFile(&buf, &fileReadErr, filepath, fs->user_data); if (!fileRead) { if (failMsgOut) { (*failMsgOut) += "File read error : " + filepath + " : " + fileReadErr + "\n"; } return false; } size_t sz = buf.size(); if (sz == 0) { if (failMsgOut) { (*failMsgOut) += "File is empty : " + filepath + "\n"; } return false; } if (checkSize) { if (reqBytes == sz) { out->swap(buf); return true; } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "File size mismatch : " << filepath << ", requestedBytes " << reqBytes << ", but got " << sz << std::endl; if (failMsgOut) { (*failMsgOut) += ss.str(); } return false; } } out->swap(buf); return true; } void TinyGLTF::SetImageLoader(LoadImageDataFunction func, void *user_data) { LoadImageData = func; load_image_user_data_ = user_data; } #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_STB_IMAGE bool LoadImageData(Image *image, const int image_idx, std::string *err, std::string *warn, int req_width, int req_height, const unsigned char *bytes, int size, void *user_data) { (void)user_data; (void)warn; int w = 0, h = 0, comp = 0, req_comp = 0; unsigned char *data = nullptr; // force 32-bit textures for common Vulkan compatibility. It appears that // some GPU drivers do not support 24-bit images for Vulkan req_comp = 4; int bits = 8; int pixel_type = TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE; // It is possible that the image we want to load is a 16bit per channel image // We are going to attempt to load it as 16bit per channel, and if it worked, // set the image data accodingly. We are casting the returned pointer into // unsigned char, because we are representing "bytes". But we are updating // the Image metadata to signal that this image uses 2 bytes (16bits) per // channel: if (stbi_is_16_bit_from_memory(bytes, size)) { data = reinterpret_cast( stbi_load_16_from_memory(bytes, size, &w, &h, &comp, req_comp)); if (data) { bits = 16; pixel_type = TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT; } } // at this point, if data is still NULL, it means that the image wasn't // 16bit per channel, we are going to load it as a normal 8bit per channel // mage as we used to do: // if image cannot be decoded, ignore parsing and keep it by its path // don't break in this case // FIXME we should only enter this function if the image is embedded. If // image->uri references // an image file, it should be left as it is. Image loading should not be // mandatory (to support other formats) if (!data) data = stbi_load_from_memory(bytes, size, &w, &h, &comp, req_comp); if (!data) { // NOTE: you can use `warn` instead of `err` if (err) { (*err) += "Unknown image format. STB cannot decode image data for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = \"" + image->name + "\".\n"; } return false; } if ((w < 1) || (h < 1)) { stbi_image_free(data); if (err) { (*err) += "Invalid image data for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = \"" + image->name + "\"\n"; } return false; } if (req_width > 0) { if (req_width != w) { stbi_image_free(data); if (err) { (*err) += "Image width mismatch for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = \"" + image->name + "\"\n"; } return false; } } if (req_height > 0) { if (req_height != h) { stbi_image_free(data); if (err) { (*err) += "Image height mismatch. for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = \"" + image->name + "\"\n"; } return false; } } image->width = w; image->height = h; image->component = req_comp; image->bits = bits; image->pixel_type = pixel_type; image->image.resize(static_cast(w * h * req_comp) * size_t(bits / 8)); std::copy(data, data + w * h * req_comp * (bits / 8), image->image.begin()); stbi_image_free(data); return true; } #endif void TinyGLTF::SetImageWriter(WriteImageDataFunction func, void *user_data) { WriteImageData = func; write_image_user_data_ = user_data; } #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_STB_IMAGE_WRITE static void WriteToMemory_stbi(void *context, void *data, int size) { std::vector *buffer = reinterpret_cast *>(context); unsigned char *pData = reinterpret_cast(data); buffer->insert(buffer->end(), pData, pData + size); } bool WriteImageData(const std::string *basepath, const std::string *filename, Image *image, bool embedImages, void *fsPtr) { const std::string ext = GetFilePathExtension(*filename); // Write image to temporary buffer std::string header; std::vector data; if (ext == "png") { if ((image->bits != 8) || (image->pixel_type != TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE)) { // Unsupported pixel format return false; } if (!stbi_write_png_to_func(WriteToMemory_stbi, &data, image->width, image->height, image->component, &image->image[0], 0)) { return false; } header = "data:image/png;base64,"; } else if (ext == "jpg") { if (!stbi_write_jpg_to_func(WriteToMemory_stbi, &data, image->width, image->height, image->component, &image->image[0], 100)) { return false; } header = "data:image/jpeg;base64,"; } else if (ext == "bmp") { if (!stbi_write_bmp_to_func(WriteToMemory_stbi, &data, image->width, image->height, image->component, &image->image[0])) { return false; } header = "data:image/bmp;base64,"; } else if (!embedImages) { // Error: can't output requested format to file return false; } if (embedImages) { // Embed base64-encoded image into URI if (data.size()) { image->uri = header + base64_encode(&data[0], static_cast(data.size())); } else { // Throw error? } } else { // Write image to disc FsCallbacks *fs = reinterpret_cast(fsPtr); if ((fs != nullptr) && (fs->WriteWholeFile != nullptr)) { const std::string imagefilepath = JoinPath(*basepath, *filename); std::string writeError; if (!fs->WriteWholeFile(&writeError, imagefilepath, data, fs->user_data)) { // Could not write image file to disc; Throw error ? return false; } } else { // Throw error? } image->uri = *filename; } return true; } #endif void TinyGLTF::SetFsCallbacks(FsCallbacks callbacks) { fs = callbacks; } #ifdef _WIN32 static inline std::wstring UTF8ToWchar(const std::string &str) { int wstr_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.data(), (int)str.size(), nullptr, 0); std::wstring wstr(wstr_size, 0); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.data(), (int)str.size(), &wstr[0], (int)wstr.size()); return wstr; } #endif #ifndef TINYGLTF_NO_FS // Default implementations of filesystem functions bool FileExists(const std::string &abs_filename, void *) { bool ret; #ifdef TINYGLTF_ANDROID_LOAD_FROM_ASSETS if (asset_manager) { AAsset *asset = AAssetManager_open(asset_manager, abs_filename.c_str(), AASSET_MODE_STREAMING); if (!asset) { return false; } AAsset_close(asset); ret = true; } else { return false; } #else #ifdef _WIN32 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__GLIBCXX__) FILE *fp = nullptr; errno_t err = _wfopen_s(&fp, UTF8ToWchar(abs_filename).c_str(), L"rb"); if (err != 0) { return false; } #else FILE *fp = nullptr; errno_t err = fopen_s(&fp, abs_filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (err != 0) { return false; } #endif #else FILE *fp = fopen(abs_filename.c_str(), "rb"); #endif if (fp) { ret = true; fclose(fp); } else { ret = false; } #endif return ret; } std::string ExpandFilePath(const std::string &filepath, void *) { #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD len = ExpandEnvironmentStringsA(filepath.c_str(), NULL, 0); char *str = new char[len]; ExpandEnvironmentStringsA(filepath.c_str(), str, len); std::string s(str); delete[] str; return s; #else #if defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE) || defined(TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) || \ defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) // no expansion std::string s = filepath; #else std::string s; wordexp_t p; if (filepath.empty()) { return ""; } // Quote the string to keep any spaces in filepath intact. std::string quoted_path = "\"" + filepath + "\""; // char** w; int ret = wordexp(quoted_path.c_str(), &p, 0); if (ret) { // err s = filepath; return s; } // Use first element only. if (p.we_wordv) { s = std::string(p.we_wordv[0]); wordfree(&p); } else { s = filepath; } #endif return s; #endif } bool ReadWholeFile(std::vector *out, std::string *err, const std::string &filepath, void *) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_ANDROID_LOAD_FROM_ASSETS if (asset_manager) { AAsset *asset = AAssetManager_open(asset_manager, filepath.c_str(), AASSET_MODE_STREAMING); if (!asset) { if (err) { (*err) += "File open error : " + filepath + "\n"; } return false; } size_t size = AAsset_getLength(asset); if (size <= 0) { if (err) { (*err) += "Invalid file size : " + filepath + " (does the path point to a directory?)"; } } out->resize(size); AAsset_read(asset, reinterpret_cast(&out->at(0)), size); AAsset_close(asset); return true; } else { if (err) { (*err) += "No asset manager specified : " + filepath + "\n"; } return false; } #else #ifdef _WIN32 #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) // mingw int file_descriptor = _wopen(UTF8ToWchar(filepath).c_str(), _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY); __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf wfile_buf(file_descriptor, std::ios_base::in); std::istream f(&wfile_buf); #elif defined(_MSC_VER) std::ifstream f(UTF8ToWchar(filepath).c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); #else // clang? std::ifstream f(filepath.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); #endif #else std::ifstream f(filepath.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); #endif if (!f) { if (err) { (*err) += "File open error : " + filepath + "\n"; } return false; } f.seekg(0, f.end); size_t sz = static_cast(f.tellg()); f.seekg(0, f.beg); if (int64_t(sz) < 0) { if (err) { (*err) += "Invalid file size : " + filepath + " (does the path point to a directory?)"; } return false; } else if (sz == 0) { if (err) { (*err) += "File is empty : " + filepath + "\n"; } return false; } out->resize(sz); f.read(reinterpret_cast(&out->at(0)), static_cast(sz)); return true; #endif } bool WriteWholeFile(std::string *err, const std::string &filepath, const std::vector &contents, void *) { #ifdef _WIN32 #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) // mingw int file_descriptor = _wopen(UTF8ToWchar(filepath).c_str(), _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY | _O_TRUNC | _O_BINARY); __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf wfile_buf(file_descriptor, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); std::ostream f(&wfile_buf); #elif defined(_MSC_VER) std::ofstream f(UTF8ToWchar(filepath).c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); #else // clang? std::ofstream f(filepath.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); #endif #else std::ofstream f(filepath.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); #endif if (!f) { if (err) { (*err) += "File open error for writing : " + filepath + "\n"; } return false; } f.write(reinterpret_cast(&contents.at(0)), static_cast(contents.size())); if (!f) { if (err) { (*err) += "File write error: " + filepath + "\n"; } return false; } return true; } #endif // TINYGLTF_NO_FS static std::string MimeToExt(const std::string &mimeType) { if (mimeType == "image/jpeg") { return "jpg"; } else if (mimeType == "image/png") { return "png"; } else if (mimeType == "image/bmp") { return "bmp"; } else if (mimeType == "image/gif") { return "gif"; } return ""; } static void UpdateImageObject(Image &image, std::string &baseDir, int index, bool embedImages, WriteImageDataFunction *WriteImageData = nullptr, void *user_data = nullptr) { std::string filename; std::string ext; // If image has uri, use it it as a filename if (image.uri.size()) { filename = GetBaseFilename(image.uri); ext = GetFilePathExtension(filename); } else if (image.bufferView != -1) { //If there's no URI and the data exists in a buffer, //don't change properties or write images } else if (image.name.size()) { ext = MimeToExt(image.mimeType); // Otherwise use name as filename filename = image.name + "." + ext; } else { ext = MimeToExt(image.mimeType); // Fallback to index of image as filename filename = std::to_string(index) + "." + ext; } // If callback is set, modify image data object if (*WriteImageData != nullptr && !filename.empty()) { std::string uri; (*WriteImageData)(&baseDir, &filename, &image, embedImages, user_data); } } bool IsDataURI(const std::string &in) { std::string header = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { return true; } header = "data:image/jpeg;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { return true; } header = "data:image/png;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { return true; } header = "data:image/bmp;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { return true; } header = "data:image/gif;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { return true; } header = "data:text/plain;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { return true; } header = "data:application/gltf-buffer;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { return true; } return false; } bool DecodeDataURI(std::vector *out, std::string &mime_type, const std::string &in, size_t reqBytes, bool checkSize) { std::string header = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,"; std::string data; if (in.find(header) == 0) { data = base64_decode(in.substr(header.size())); // cut mime string. } if (data.empty()) { header = "data:image/jpeg;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { mime_type = "image/jpeg"; data = base64_decode(in.substr(header.size())); // cut mime string. } } if (data.empty()) { header = "data:image/png;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { mime_type = "image/png"; data = base64_decode(in.substr(header.size())); // cut mime string. } } if (data.empty()) { header = "data:image/bmp;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { mime_type = "image/bmp"; data = base64_decode(in.substr(header.size())); // cut mime string. } } if (data.empty()) { header = "data:image/gif;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { mime_type = "image/gif"; data = base64_decode(in.substr(header.size())); // cut mime string. } } if (data.empty()) { header = "data:text/plain;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { mime_type = "text/plain"; data = base64_decode(in.substr(header.size())); } } if (data.empty()) { header = "data:application/gltf-buffer;base64,"; if (in.find(header) == 0) { data = base64_decode(in.substr(header.size())); } } // TODO(syoyo): Allow empty buffer? #229 if (data.empty()) { return false; } if (checkSize) { if (data.size() != reqBytes) { return false; } out->resize(reqBytes); } else { out->resize(data.size()); } std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), out->begin()); return true; } namespace { bool GetInt(const json &o, int &val) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON if (!o.IsDouble()) { if (o.IsInt()) { val = o.GetInt(); return true; } else if (o.IsUint()) { val = static_cast(o.GetUint()); return true; } else if (o.IsInt64()) { val = static_cast(o.GetInt64()); return true; } else if (o.IsUint64()) { val = static_cast(o.GetUint64()); return true; } } return false; #else auto type = o.type(); if ((type == json::value_t::number_integer) || (type == json::value_t::number_unsigned)) { val = static_cast(o.get()); return true; } return false; #endif } #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON bool GetDouble(const json &o, double &val) { if (o.IsDouble()) { val = o.GetDouble(); return true; } return false; } #endif bool GetNumber(const json &o, double &val) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON if (o.IsNumber()) { val = o.GetDouble(); return true; } return false; #else if (o.is_number()) { val = o.get(); return true; } return false; #endif } bool GetString(const json &o, std::string &val) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON if (o.IsString()) { val = o.GetString(); return true; } return false; #else if (o.type() == json::value_t::string) { val = o.get(); return true; } return false; #endif } bool IsArray(const json &o) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return o.IsArray(); #else return o.is_array(); #endif } json_const_array_iterator ArrayBegin(const json &o) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return o.Begin(); #else return o.begin(); #endif } json_const_array_iterator ArrayEnd(const json &o) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return o.End(); #else return o.end(); #endif } bool IsObject(const json &o) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return o.IsObject(); #else return o.is_object(); #endif } json_const_iterator ObjectBegin(const json &o) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return o.MemberBegin(); #else return o.begin(); #endif } json_const_iterator ObjectEnd(const json &o) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return o.MemberEnd(); #else return o.end(); #endif } const char *GetKey(json_const_iterator &it) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return it->name.GetString(); #else return it.key().c_str(); #endif } bool FindMember(const json &o, const char *member, json_const_iterator &it) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON if (!o.IsObject()) { return false; } it = o.FindMember(member); return it != o.MemberEnd(); #else it = o.find(member); return it != o.end(); #endif } const json &GetValue(json_const_iterator &it) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return it->value; #else return it.value(); #endif } std::string JsonToString(const json &o, int spacing = -1) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON using namespace rapidjson; StringBuffer buffer; if (spacing == -1) { Writer writer(buffer); o.Accept(writer); } else { PrettyWriter writer(buffer); writer.SetIndent(' ', uint32_t(spacing)); o.Accept(writer); } return buffer.GetString(); #else return o.dump(spacing); #endif } } // namespace static bool ParseJsonAsValue(Value *ret, const json &o) { Value val{}; #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON using rapidjson::Type; switch (o.GetType()) { case Type::kObjectType: { Value::Object value_object; for (auto it = o.MemberBegin(); it != o.MemberEnd(); ++it) { Value entry; ParseJsonAsValue(&entry, it->value); if (entry.Type() != NULL_TYPE) value_object.emplace(GetKey(it), std::move(entry)); } if (value_object.size() > 0) val = Value(std::move(value_object)); } break; case Type::kArrayType: { Value::Array value_array; value_array.reserve(o.Size()); for (auto it = o.Begin(); it != o.End(); ++it) { Value entry; ParseJsonAsValue(&entry, *it); if (entry.Type() != NULL_TYPE) value_array.emplace_back(std::move(entry)); } if (value_array.size() > 0) val = Value(std::move(value_array)); } break; case Type::kStringType: val = Value(std::string(o.GetString())); break; case Type::kFalseType: case Type::kTrueType: val = Value(o.GetBool()); break; case Type::kNumberType: if (!o.IsDouble()) { int i = 0; GetInt(o, i); val = Value(i); } else { double d = 0.0; GetDouble(o, d); val = Value(d); } break; case Type::kNullType: break; // all types are covered, so no `case default` } #else switch (o.type()) { case json::value_t::object: { Value::Object value_object; for (auto it = o.begin(); it != o.end(); it++) { Value entry; ParseJsonAsValue(&entry, it.value()); if (entry.Type() != NULL_TYPE) value_object.emplace(it.key(), std::move(entry)); } if (value_object.size() > 0) val = Value(std::move(value_object)); } break; case json::value_t::array: { Value::Array value_array; value_array.reserve(o.size()); for (auto it = o.begin(); it != o.end(); it++) { Value entry; ParseJsonAsValue(&entry, it.value()); if (entry.Type() != NULL_TYPE) value_array.emplace_back(std::move(entry)); } if (value_array.size() > 0) val = Value(std::move(value_array)); } break; case json::value_t::string: val = Value(o.get()); break; case json::value_t::boolean: val = Value(o.get()); break; case json::value_t::number_integer: case json::value_t::number_unsigned: val = Value(static_cast(o.get())); break; case json::value_t::number_float: val = Value(o.get()); break; case json::value_t::null: case json::value_t::discarded: // default: break; } #endif if (ret) *ret = std::move(val); return val.Type() != NULL_TYPE; } static bool ParseExtrasProperty(Value *ret, const json &o) { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { return false; } return ParseJsonAsValue(ret, GetValue(it)); } static bool ParseBooleanProperty(bool *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, const bool required, const std::string &parent_node = "") { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } auto &value = GetValue(it); bool isBoolean; bool boolValue = false; #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON isBoolean = value.IsBool(); if (isBoolean) { boolValue = value.GetBool(); } #else isBoolean = value.is_boolean(); if (isBoolean) { boolValue = value.get(); } #endif if (!isBoolean) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not a bool type.\n"; } } return false; } if (ret) { (*ret) = boolValue; } return true; } static bool ParseIntegerProperty(int *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, const bool required, const std::string &parent_node = "") { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } int intValue; bool isInt = GetInt(GetValue(it), intValue); if (!isInt) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not an integer type.\n"; } } return false; } if (ret) { (*ret) = intValue; } return true; } static bool ParseUnsignedProperty(size_t *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, const bool required, const std::string &parent_node = "") { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } auto &value = GetValue(it); size_t uValue = 0; bool isUValue; #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON isUValue = false; if (value.IsUint()) { uValue = value.GetUint(); isUValue = true; } else if (value.IsUint64()) { uValue = value.GetUint64(); isUValue = true; } #else isUValue = value.is_number_unsigned(); if (isUValue) { uValue = value.get(); } #endif if (!isUValue) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not a positive integer.\n"; } } return false; } if (ret) { (*ret) = uValue; } return true; } static bool ParseNumberProperty(double *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, const bool required, const std::string &parent_node = "") { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } double numberValue; bool isNumber = GetNumber(GetValue(it), numberValue); if (!isNumber) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not a number type.\n"; } } return false; } if (ret) { (*ret) = numberValue; } return true; } static bool ParseNumberArrayProperty(std::vector *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, bool required, const std::string &parent_node = "") { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } if (!IsArray(GetValue(it))) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not an array"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } ret->clear(); auto end = ArrayEnd(GetValue(it)); for (auto i = ArrayBegin(GetValue(it)); i != end; ++i) { double numberValue; const bool isNumber = GetNumber(*i, numberValue); if (!isNumber) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not a number.\n"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } ret->push_back(numberValue); } return true; } static bool ParseIntegerArrayProperty(std::vector *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, bool required, const std::string &parent_node = "") { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } if (!IsArray(GetValue(it))) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not an array"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } ret->clear(); auto end = ArrayEnd(GetValue(it)); for (auto i = ArrayBegin(GetValue(it)); i != end; ++i) { int numberValue; bool isNumber = GetInt(*i, numberValue); if (!isNumber) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not an integer type.\n"; if (!parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += " in " + parent_node; } (*err) += ".\n"; } } return false; } ret->push_back(numberValue); } return true; } static bool ParseStringProperty( std::string *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, bool required, const std::string &parent_node = std::string()) { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing"; if (parent_node.empty()) { (*err) += ".\n"; } else { (*err) += " in `" + parent_node + "'.\n"; } } } return false; } std::string strValue; if (!GetString(GetValue(it), strValue)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not a string type.\n"; } } return false; } if (ret) { (*ret) = std::move(strValue); } return true; } static bool ParseStringIntegerProperty(std::map *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, bool required, const std::string &parent = "") { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { if (!parent.empty()) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing in " + parent + ".\n"; } else { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing.\n"; } } } return false; } const json &dict = GetValue(it); // Make sure we are dealing with an object / dictionary. if (!IsObject(dict)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not an object.\n"; } } return false; } ret->clear(); json_const_iterator dictIt(ObjectBegin(dict)); json_const_iterator dictItEnd(ObjectEnd(dict)); for (; dictIt != dictItEnd; ++dictIt) { int intVal; if (!GetInt(GetValue(dictIt), intVal)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' value is not an integer type.\n"; } } return false; } // Insert into the list. (*ret)[GetKey(dictIt)] = intVal; } return true; } static bool ParseJSONProperty(std::map *ret, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &property, bool required) { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, property.c_str(), it)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is missing. \n'"; } } return false; } const json &obj = GetValue(it); if (!IsObject(obj)) { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "'" + property + "' property is not a JSON object.\n"; } } return false; } ret->clear(); json_const_iterator it2(ObjectBegin(obj)); json_const_iterator itEnd(ObjectEnd(obj)); for (; it2 != itEnd; ++it2) { double numVal; if (GetNumber(GetValue(it2), numVal)) ret->emplace(std::string(GetKey(it2)), numVal); } return true; } static bool ParseParameterProperty(Parameter *param, std::string *err, const json &o, const std::string &prop, bool required) { // A parameter value can either be a string or an array of either a boolean or // a number. Booleans of any kind aren't supported here. Granted, it // complicates the Parameter structure and breaks it semantically in the sense // that the client probably works off the assumption that if the string is // empty the vector is used, etc. Would a tagged union work? if (ParseStringProperty(¶m->string_value, err, o, prop, false)) { // Found string property. return true; } else if (ParseNumberArrayProperty(¶m->number_array, err, o, prop, false)) { // Found a number array. return true; } else if (ParseNumberProperty(¶m->number_value, err, o, prop, false)) { return param->has_number_value = true; } else if (ParseJSONProperty(¶m->json_double_value, err, o, prop, false)) { return true; } else if (ParseBooleanProperty(¶m->bool_value, err, o, prop, false)) { return true; } else { if (required) { if (err) { (*err) += "parameter must be a string or number / number array.\n"; } } return false; } } static bool ParseExtensionsProperty(ExtensionMap *ret, std::string *err, const json &o) { (void)err; json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { return false; } auto &obj = GetValue(it); if (!IsObject(obj)) { return false; } ExtensionMap extensions; json_const_iterator extIt = ObjectBegin(obj); // it.value().begin(); json_const_iterator extEnd = ObjectEnd(obj); for (; extIt != extEnd; ++extIt) { auto &itObj = GetValue(extIt); if (!IsObject(itObj)) continue; std::string key(GetKey(extIt)); if (!ParseJsonAsValue(&extensions[key], itObj)) { if (!key.empty()) { // create empty object so that an extension object is still of type // object extensions[key] = Value{Value::Object{}}; } } } if (ret) { (*ret) = std::move(extensions); } return true; } static bool ParseAsset(Asset *asset, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { ParseStringProperty(&asset->version, err, o, "version", true, "Asset"); ParseStringProperty(&asset->generator, err, o, "generator", false, "Asset"); ParseStringProperty(&asset->minVersion, err, o, "minVersion", false, "Asset"); ParseStringProperty(&asset->copyright, err, o, "copyright", false, "Asset"); ParseExtensionsProperty(&asset->extensions, err, o); // Unity exporter version is added as extra here ParseExtrasProperty(&(asset->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { asset->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { asset->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseImage(Image *image, const int image_idx, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions, const std::string &basedir, FsCallbacks *fs, LoadImageDataFunction *LoadImageData = nullptr, void *load_image_user_data = nullptr) { // A glTF image must either reference a bufferView or an image uri // schema says oneOf [`bufferView`, `uri`] // TODO(syoyo): Check the type of each parameters. json_const_iterator it; bool hasBufferView = FindMember(o, "bufferView", it); bool hasURI = FindMember(o, "uri", it); ParseStringProperty(&image->name, err, o, "name", false); if (hasBufferView && hasURI) { // Should not both defined. if (err) { (*err) += "Only one of `bufferView` or `uri` should be defined, but both are " "defined for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = \"" + image->name + "\"\n"; } return false; } if (!hasBufferView && !hasURI) { if (err) { (*err) += "Neither required `bufferView` nor `uri` defined for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = \"" + image->name + "\"\n"; } return false; } ParseExtensionsProperty(&image->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&image->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator eit; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", eit)) { image->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(eit)); } } { json_const_iterator eit; if (FindMember(o, "extras", eit)) { image->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(eit)); } } } if (hasBufferView) { int bufferView = -1; if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&bufferView, err, o, "bufferView", true)) { if (err) { (*err) += "Failed to parse `bufferView` for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = \"" + image->name + "\"\n"; } return false; } std::string mime_type; ParseStringProperty(&mime_type, err, o, "mimeType", false); int width = 0; ParseIntegerProperty(&width, err, o, "width", false); int height = 0; ParseIntegerProperty(&height, err, o, "height", false); // Just only save some information here. Loading actual image data from // bufferView is done after this `ParseImage` function. image->bufferView = bufferView; image->mimeType = mime_type; image->width = width; image->height = height; return true; } // Parse URI & Load image data. std::string uri; std::string tmp_err; if (!ParseStringProperty(&uri, &tmp_err, o, "uri", true)) { if (err) { (*err) += "Failed to parse `uri` for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = \"" + image->name + "\".\n"; } return false; } std::vector img; if (IsDataURI(uri)) { if (!DecodeDataURI(&img, image->mimeType, uri, 0, false)) { if (err) { (*err) += "Failed to decode 'uri' for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = [" + image->name + "]\n"; } return false; } } else { // Assume external file // Keep texture path (for textures that cannot be decoded) image->uri = uri; #ifdef TINYGLTF_NO_EXTERNAL_IMAGE return true; #endif std::string decoded_uri = dlib::urldecode(uri); if (!LoadExternalFile(&img, err, warn, decoded_uri, basedir, /* required */ false, /* required bytes */ 0, /* checksize */ false, fs)) { if (warn) { (*warn) += "Failed to load external 'uri' for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = [" + image->name + "]\n"; } // If the image cannot be loaded, keep uri as image->uri. return true; } if (img.empty()) { if (warn) { (*warn) += "Image data is empty for image[" + std::to_string(image_idx) + "] name = [" + image->name + "] \n"; } return false; } } if (*LoadImageData == nullptr) { if (err) { (*err) += "No LoadImageData callback specified.\n"; } return false; } return (*LoadImageData)(image, image_idx, err, warn, 0, 0, &img.at(0), static_cast(img.size()), load_image_user_data); } static bool ParseTexture(Texture *texture, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions, const std::string &basedir) { (void)basedir; int sampler = -1; int source = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&sampler, err, o, "sampler", false); ParseIntegerProperty(&source, err, o, "source", false); texture->sampler = sampler; texture->source = source; ParseExtensionsProperty(&texture->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&texture->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { texture->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { texture->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } ParseStringProperty(&texture->name, err, o, "name", false); return true; } static bool ParseTextureInfo( TextureInfo *texinfo, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { if (texinfo == nullptr) { return false; } if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&texinfo->index, err, o, "index", /* required */ true, "TextureInfo")) { return false; } ParseIntegerProperty(&texinfo->texCoord, err, o, "texCoord", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&texinfo->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&texinfo->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { texinfo->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { texinfo->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseNormalTextureInfo( NormalTextureInfo *texinfo, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { if (texinfo == nullptr) { return false; } if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&texinfo->index, err, o, "index", /* required */ true, "NormalTextureInfo")) { return false; } ParseIntegerProperty(&texinfo->texCoord, err, o, "texCoord", false); ParseNumberProperty(&texinfo->scale, err, o, "scale", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&texinfo->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&texinfo->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { texinfo->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { texinfo->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseOcclusionTextureInfo( OcclusionTextureInfo *texinfo, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { if (texinfo == nullptr) { return false; } if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&texinfo->index, err, o, "index", /* required */ true, "NormalTextureInfo")) { return false; } ParseIntegerProperty(&texinfo->texCoord, err, o, "texCoord", false); ParseNumberProperty(&texinfo->strength, err, o, "strength", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&texinfo->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&texinfo->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { texinfo->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { texinfo->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseBuffer(Buffer *buffer, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions, FsCallbacks *fs, const std::string &basedir, bool is_binary = false, const unsigned char *bin_data = nullptr, size_t bin_size = 0) { size_t byteLength; if (!ParseUnsignedProperty(&byteLength, err, o, "byteLength", true, "Buffer")) { return false; } // In glTF 2.0, uri is not mandatory anymore buffer->uri.clear(); ParseStringProperty(&buffer->uri, err, o, "uri", false, "Buffer"); // having an empty uri for a non embedded image should not be valid if (!is_binary && buffer->uri.empty()) { if (err) { (*err) += "'uri' is missing from non binary glTF file buffer.\n"; } } json_const_iterator type; if (FindMember(o, "type", type)) { std::string typeStr; if (GetString(GetValue(type), typeStr)) { if (typeStr.compare("arraybuffer") == 0) { // buffer.type = "arraybuffer"; } } } if (is_binary) { // Still binary glTF accepts external dataURI. if (!buffer->uri.empty()) { // First try embedded data URI. if (IsDataURI(buffer->uri)) { std::string mime_type; if (!DecodeDataURI(&buffer->data, mime_type, buffer->uri, byteLength, true)) { if (err) { (*err) += "Failed to decode 'uri' : " + buffer->uri + " in Buffer\n"; } return false; } } else { // External .bin file. std::string decoded_uri = dlib::urldecode(buffer->uri); if (!LoadExternalFile(&buffer->data, err, /* warn */ nullptr, decoded_uri, basedir, /* required */ true, byteLength, /* checkSize */ true, fs)) { return false; } } } else { // load data from (embedded) binary data if ((bin_size == 0) || (bin_data == nullptr)) { if (err) { (*err) += "Invalid binary data in `Buffer'.\n"; } return false; } if (byteLength > bin_size) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Invalid `byteLength'. Must be equal or less than binary size: " "`byteLength' = " << byteLength << ", binary size = " << bin_size << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } // Read buffer data buffer->data.resize(static_cast(byteLength)); memcpy(&(buffer->data.at(0)), bin_data, static_cast(byteLength)); } } else { if (IsDataURI(buffer->uri)) { std::string mime_type; if (!DecodeDataURI(&buffer->data, mime_type, buffer->uri, byteLength, true)) { if (err) { (*err) += "Failed to decode 'uri' : " + buffer->uri + " in Buffer\n"; } return false; } } else { // Assume external .bin file. std::string decoded_uri = dlib::urldecode(buffer->uri); if (!LoadExternalFile(&buffer->data, err, /* warn */ nullptr, decoded_uri, basedir, /* required */ true, byteLength, /* checkSize */ true, fs)) { return false; } } } ParseStringProperty(&buffer->name, err, o, "name", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&buffer->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&buffer->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { buffer->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { buffer->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseBufferView( BufferView *bufferView, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { int buffer = -1; if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&buffer, err, o, "buffer", true, "BufferView")) { return false; } size_t byteOffset = 0; ParseUnsignedProperty(&byteOffset, err, o, "byteOffset", false); size_t byteLength = 1; if (!ParseUnsignedProperty(&byteLength, err, o, "byteLength", true, "BufferView")) { return false; } size_t byteStride = 0; if (!ParseUnsignedProperty(&byteStride, err, o, "byteStride", false)) { // Spec says: When byteStride of referenced bufferView is not defined, it // means that accessor elements are tightly packed, i.e., effective stride // equals the size of the element. // We cannot determine the actual byteStride until Accessor are parsed, thus // set 0(= tightly packed) here(as done in OpenGL's VertexAttribPoiner) byteStride = 0; } if ((byteStride > 252) || ((byteStride % 4) != 0)) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Invalid `byteStride' value. `byteStride' must be the multiple of " "4 : " << byteStride << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } int target = 0; ParseIntegerProperty(&target, err, o, "target", false); if ((target == TINYGLTF_TARGET_ARRAY_BUFFER) || (target == TINYGLTF_TARGET_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER)) { // OK } else { target = 0; } bufferView->target = target; ParseStringProperty(&bufferView->name, err, o, "name", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&bufferView->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&bufferView->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { bufferView->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { bufferView->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } bufferView->buffer = buffer; bufferView->byteOffset = byteOffset; bufferView->byteLength = byteLength; bufferView->byteStride = byteStride; return true; } static bool ParseSparseAccessor(Accessor *accessor, std::string *err, const json &o) { accessor->sparse.isSparse = true; int count = 0; ParseIntegerProperty(&count, err, o, "count", true); json_const_iterator indices_iterator; json_const_iterator values_iterator; if (!FindMember(o, "indices", indices_iterator)) { (*err) = "the sparse object of this accessor doesn't have indices"; return false; } if (!FindMember(o, "values", values_iterator)) { (*err) = "the sparse object ob ths accessor doesn't have values"; return false; } const json &indices_obj = GetValue(indices_iterator); const json &values_obj = GetValue(values_iterator); int indices_buffer_view = 0, indices_byte_offset = 0, component_type = 0; ParseIntegerProperty(&indices_buffer_view, err, indices_obj, "bufferView", true); ParseIntegerProperty(&indices_byte_offset, err, indices_obj, "byteOffset", true); ParseIntegerProperty(&component_type, err, indices_obj, "componentType", true); int values_buffer_view = 0, values_byte_offset = 0; ParseIntegerProperty(&values_buffer_view, err, values_obj, "bufferView", true); ParseIntegerProperty(&values_byte_offset, err, values_obj, "byteOffset", true); accessor->sparse.count = count; accessor->sparse.indices.bufferView = indices_buffer_view; accessor->sparse.indices.byteOffset = indices_byte_offset; accessor->sparse.indices.componentType = component_type; accessor->sparse.values.bufferView = values_buffer_view; accessor->sparse.values.byteOffset = values_byte_offset; // todo check theses values return true; } static bool ParseAccessor(Accessor *accessor, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { int bufferView = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&bufferView, err, o, "bufferView", false, "Accessor"); size_t byteOffset = 0; ParseUnsignedProperty(&byteOffset, err, o, "byteOffset", false, "Accessor"); bool normalized = false; ParseBooleanProperty(&normalized, err, o, "normalized", false, "Accessor"); size_t componentType = 0; if (!ParseUnsignedProperty(&componentType, err, o, "componentType", true, "Accessor")) { return false; } size_t count = 0; if (!ParseUnsignedProperty(&count, err, o, "count", true, "Accessor")) { return false; } std::string type; if (!ParseStringProperty(&type, err, o, "type", true, "Accessor")) { return false; } if (type.compare("SCALAR") == 0) { accessor->type = TINYGLTF_TYPE_SCALAR; } else if (type.compare("VEC2") == 0) { accessor->type = TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC2; } else if (type.compare("VEC3") == 0) { accessor->type = TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC3; } else if (type.compare("VEC4") == 0) { accessor->type = TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC4; } else if (type.compare("MAT2") == 0) { accessor->type = TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT2; } else if (type.compare("MAT3") == 0) { accessor->type = TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT3; } else if (type.compare("MAT4") == 0) { accessor->type = TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT4; } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Unsupported `type` for accessor object. Got \"" << type << "\"\n"; if (err) { (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } ParseStringProperty(&accessor->name, err, o, "name", false); accessor->minValues.clear(); accessor->maxValues.clear(); ParseNumberArrayProperty(&accessor->minValues, err, o, "min", false, "Accessor"); ParseNumberArrayProperty(&accessor->maxValues, err, o, "max", false, "Accessor"); accessor->count = count; accessor->bufferView = bufferView; accessor->byteOffset = byteOffset; accessor->normalized = normalized; { if (componentType >= TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_BYTE && componentType <= TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_DOUBLE) { // OK accessor->componentType = int(componentType); } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Invalid `componentType` in accessor. Got " << componentType << "\n"; if (err) { (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } } ParseExtensionsProperty(&(accessor->extensions), err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(accessor->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { accessor->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { accessor->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } // check if accessor has a "sparse" object: json_const_iterator iterator; if (FindMember(o, "sparse", iterator)) { // here this accessor has a "sparse" subobject return ParseSparseAccessor(accessor, err, GetValue(iterator)); } return true; } #ifdef TINYGLTF_ENABLE_DRACO static void DecodeIndexBuffer(draco::Mesh *mesh, size_t componentSize, std::vector &outBuffer) { if (componentSize == 4) { assert(sizeof(mesh->face(draco::FaceIndex(0))[0]) == componentSize); memcpy(outBuffer.data(), &mesh->face(draco::FaceIndex(0))[0], outBuffer.size()); } else { size_t faceStride = componentSize * 3; for (draco::FaceIndex f(0); f < mesh->num_faces(); ++f) { const draco::Mesh::Face &face = mesh->face(f); if (componentSize == 2) { uint16_t indices[3] = {(uint16_t)face[0].value(), (uint16_t)face[1].value(), (uint16_t)face[2].value()}; memcpy(outBuffer.data() + f.value() * faceStride, &indices[0], faceStride); } else { uint8_t indices[3] = {(uint8_t)face[0].value(), (uint8_t)face[1].value(), (uint8_t)face[2].value()}; memcpy(outBuffer.data() + f.value() * faceStride, &indices[0], faceStride); } } } } template static bool GetAttributeForAllPoints(draco::Mesh *mesh, const draco::PointAttribute *pAttribute, std::vector &outBuffer) { size_t byteOffset = 0; T values[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; for (draco::PointIndex i(0); i < mesh->num_points(); ++i) { const draco::AttributeValueIndex val_index = pAttribute->mapped_index(i); if (!pAttribute->ConvertValue(val_index, pAttribute->num_components(), values)) return false; memcpy(outBuffer.data() + byteOffset, &values[0], sizeof(T) * pAttribute->num_components()); byteOffset += sizeof(T) * pAttribute->num_components(); } return true; } static bool GetAttributeForAllPoints(uint32_t componentType, draco::Mesh *mesh, const draco::PointAttribute *pAttribute, std::vector &outBuffer) { bool decodeResult = false; switch (componentType) { case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: decodeResult = GetAttributeForAllPoints(mesh, pAttribute, outBuffer); break; case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_BYTE: decodeResult = GetAttributeForAllPoints(mesh, pAttribute, outBuffer); break; case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: decodeResult = GetAttributeForAllPoints(mesh, pAttribute, outBuffer); break; case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_SHORT: decodeResult = GetAttributeForAllPoints(mesh, pAttribute, outBuffer); break; case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_INT: decodeResult = GetAttributeForAllPoints(mesh, pAttribute, outBuffer); break; case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: decodeResult = GetAttributeForAllPoints(mesh, pAttribute, outBuffer); break; case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT: decodeResult = GetAttributeForAllPoints(mesh, pAttribute, outBuffer); break; case TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_DOUBLE: decodeResult = GetAttributeForAllPoints(mesh, pAttribute, outBuffer); break; default: return false; } return decodeResult; } static bool ParseDracoExtension(Primitive *primitive, Model *model, std::string *err, const Value &dracoExtensionValue) { auto bufferViewValue = dracoExtensionValue.Get("bufferView"); if (!bufferViewValue.IsInt()) return false; auto attributesValue = dracoExtensionValue.Get("attributes"); if (!attributesValue.IsObject()) return false; auto attributesObject = attributesValue.Get(); int bufferView = bufferViewValue.Get(); BufferView &view = model->bufferViews[bufferView]; Buffer &buffer = model->buffers[view.buffer]; // BufferView has already been decoded if (view.dracoDecoded) return true; view.dracoDecoded = true; const char *bufferViewData = reinterpret_cast(buffer.data.data() + view.byteOffset); size_t bufferViewSize = view.byteLength; // decode draco draco::DecoderBuffer decoderBuffer; decoderBuffer.Init(bufferViewData, bufferViewSize); draco::Decoder decoder; auto decodeResult = decoder.DecodeMeshFromBuffer(&decoderBuffer); if (!decodeResult.ok()) { return false; } const std::unique_ptr &mesh = decodeResult.value(); // create new bufferView for indices if (primitive->indices >= 0) { int32_t componentSize = GetComponentSizeInBytes( model->accessors[primitive->indices].componentType); Buffer decodedIndexBuffer; decodedIndexBuffer.data.resize(mesh->num_faces() * 3 * componentSize); DecodeIndexBuffer(mesh.get(), componentSize, decodedIndexBuffer.data); model->buffers.emplace_back(std::move(decodedIndexBuffer)); BufferView decodedIndexBufferView; decodedIndexBufferView.buffer = int(model->buffers.size() - 1); decodedIndexBufferView.byteLength = int(mesh->num_faces() * 3 * componentSize); decodedIndexBufferView.byteOffset = 0; decodedIndexBufferView.byteStride = 0; decodedIndexBufferView.target = TINYGLTF_TARGET_ARRAY_BUFFER; model->bufferViews.emplace_back(std::move(decodedIndexBufferView)); model->accessors[primitive->indices].bufferView = int(model->bufferViews.size() - 1); model->accessors[primitive->indices].count = int(mesh->num_faces() * 3); } for (const auto &attribute : attributesObject) { if (!attribute.second.IsInt()) return false; auto primitiveAttribute = primitive->attributes.find(attribute.first); if (primitiveAttribute == primitive->attributes.end()) return false; int dracoAttributeIndex = attribute.second.Get(); const auto pAttribute = mesh->GetAttributeByUniqueId(dracoAttributeIndex); const auto pBuffer = pAttribute->buffer(); const auto componentType = model->accessors[primitiveAttribute->second].componentType; // Create a new buffer for this decoded buffer Buffer decodedBuffer; size_t bufferSize = mesh->num_points() * pAttribute->num_components() * GetComponentSizeInBytes(componentType); decodedBuffer.data.resize(bufferSize); if (!GetAttributeForAllPoints(componentType, mesh.get(), pAttribute, decodedBuffer.data)) return false; model->buffers.emplace_back(std::move(decodedBuffer)); BufferView decodedBufferView; decodedBufferView.buffer = int(model->buffers.size() - 1); decodedBufferView.byteLength = bufferSize; decodedBufferView.byteOffset = pAttribute->byte_offset(); decodedBufferView.byteStride = pAttribute->byte_stride(); decodedBufferView.target = primitive->indices >= 0 ? TINYGLTF_TARGET_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : TINYGLTF_TARGET_ARRAY_BUFFER; model->bufferViews.emplace_back(std::move(decodedBufferView)); model->accessors[primitiveAttribute->second].bufferView = int(model->bufferViews.size() - 1); model->accessors[primitiveAttribute->second].count = int(mesh->num_points()); } return true; } #endif static bool ParsePrimitive(Primitive *primitive, Model *model, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { int material = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&material, err, o, "material", false); primitive->material = material; int mode = TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES; ParseIntegerProperty(&mode, err, o, "mode", false); primitive->mode = mode; // Why only triangled were supported ? int indices = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&indices, err, o, "indices", false); primitive->indices = indices; if (!ParseStringIntegerProperty(&primitive->attributes, err, o, "attributes", true, "Primitive")) { return false; } // Look for morph targets json_const_iterator targetsObject; if (FindMember(o, "targets", targetsObject) && IsArray(GetValue(targetsObject))) { auto targetsObjectEnd = ArrayEnd(GetValue(targetsObject)); for (json_const_array_iterator i = ArrayBegin(GetValue(targetsObject)); i != targetsObjectEnd; ++i) { std::map targetAttribues; const json &dict = *i; if (IsObject(dict)) { json_const_iterator dictIt(ObjectBegin(dict)); json_const_iterator dictItEnd(ObjectEnd(dict)); for (; dictIt != dictItEnd; ++dictIt) { int iVal; if (GetInt(GetValue(dictIt), iVal)) targetAttribues[GetKey(dictIt)] = iVal; } primitive->targets.emplace_back(std::move(targetAttribues)); } } } ParseExtrasProperty(&(primitive->extras), o); ParseExtensionsProperty(&primitive->extensions, err, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { primitive->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { primitive->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } #ifdef TINYGLTF_ENABLE_DRACO auto dracoExtension = primitive->extensions.find("KHR_draco_mesh_compression"); if (dracoExtension != primitive->extensions.end()) { ParseDracoExtension(primitive, model, err, dracoExtension->second); } #else (void)model; #endif return true; } static bool ParseMesh(Mesh *mesh, Model *model, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { ParseStringProperty(&mesh->name, err, o, "name", false); mesh->primitives.clear(); json_const_iterator primObject; if (FindMember(o, "primitives", primObject) && IsArray(GetValue(primObject))) { json_const_array_iterator primEnd = ArrayEnd(GetValue(primObject)); for (json_const_array_iterator i = ArrayBegin(GetValue(primObject)); i != primEnd; ++i) { Primitive primitive; if (ParsePrimitive(&primitive, model, err, *i, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions)) { // Only add the primitive if the parsing succeeds. mesh->primitives.emplace_back(std::move(primitive)); } } } // Should probably check if has targets and if dimensions fit ParseNumberArrayProperty(&mesh->weights, err, o, "weights", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&mesh->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(mesh->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { mesh->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { mesh->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseNode(Node *node, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { ParseStringProperty(&node->name, err, o, "name", false); int skin = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&skin, err, o, "skin", false); node->skin = skin; // Matrix and T/R/S are exclusive if (!ParseNumberArrayProperty(&node->matrix, err, o, "matrix", false)) { ParseNumberArrayProperty(&node->rotation, err, o, "rotation", false); ParseNumberArrayProperty(&node->scale, err, o, "scale", false); ParseNumberArrayProperty(&node->translation, err, o, "translation", false); } int camera = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&camera, err, o, "camera", false); node->camera = camera; int mesh = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&mesh, err, o, "mesh", false); node->mesh = mesh; node->children.clear(); ParseIntegerArrayProperty(&node->children, err, o, "children", false); ParseNumberArrayProperty(&node->weights, err, o, "weights", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&node->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(node->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { node->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { node->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParsePbrMetallicRoughness( PbrMetallicRoughness *pbr, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { if (pbr == nullptr) { return false; } std::vector baseColorFactor; if (ParseNumberArrayProperty(&baseColorFactor, err, o, "baseColorFactor", /* required */ false)) { if (baseColorFactor.size() != 4) { if (err) { (*err) += "Array length of `baseColorFactor` parameter in " "pbrMetallicRoughness must be 4, but got " + std::to_string(baseColorFactor.size()) + "\n"; } return false; } pbr->baseColorFactor = baseColorFactor; } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "baseColorTexture", it)) { ParseTextureInfo(&pbr->baseColorTexture, err, GetValue(it), store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "metallicRoughnessTexture", it)) { ParseTextureInfo(&pbr->metallicRoughnessTexture, err, GetValue(it), store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions); } } ParseNumberProperty(&pbr->metallicFactor, err, o, "metallicFactor", false); ParseNumberProperty(&pbr->roughnessFactor, err, o, "roughnessFactor", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&pbr->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&pbr->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { pbr->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { pbr->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseMaterial(Material *material, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { ParseStringProperty(&material->name, err, o, "name", /* required */ false); if (ParseNumberArrayProperty(&material->emissiveFactor, err, o, "emissiveFactor", /* required */ false)) { if (material->emissiveFactor.size() != 3) { if (err) { (*err) += "Array length of `emissiveFactor` parameter in " "material must be 3, but got " + std::to_string(material->emissiveFactor.size()) + "\n"; } return false; } } else { // fill with default values material->emissiveFactor = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; } ParseStringProperty(&material->alphaMode, err, o, "alphaMode", /* required */ false); ParseNumberProperty(&material->alphaCutoff, err, o, "alphaCutoff", /* required */ false); ParseBooleanProperty(&material->doubleSided, err, o, "doubleSided", /* required */ false); { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "pbrMetallicRoughness", it)) { ParsePbrMetallicRoughness(&material->pbrMetallicRoughness, err, GetValue(it), store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "normalTexture", it)) { ParseNormalTextureInfo(&material->normalTexture, err, GetValue(it), store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "occlusionTexture", it)) { ParseOcclusionTextureInfo(&material->occlusionTexture, err, GetValue(it), store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "emissiveTexture", it)) { ParseTextureInfo(&material->emissiveTexture, err, GetValue(it), store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions); } } // Old code path. For backward compatibility, we still store material values // as Parameter. This will create duplicated information for // example(pbrMetallicRoughness), but should be neglible in terms of memory // consumption. // TODO(syoyo): Remove in the next major release. material->values.clear(); material->additionalValues.clear(); json_const_iterator it(ObjectBegin(o)); json_const_iterator itEnd(ObjectEnd(o)); for (; it != itEnd; ++it) { std::string key(GetKey(it)); if (key == "pbrMetallicRoughness") { if (IsObject(GetValue(it))) { const json &values_object = GetValue(it); json_const_iterator itVal(ObjectBegin(values_object)); json_const_iterator itValEnd(ObjectEnd(values_object)); for (; itVal != itValEnd; ++itVal) { Parameter param; if (ParseParameterProperty(¶m, err, values_object, GetKey(itVal), false)) { material->values.emplace(GetKey(itVal), std::move(param)); } } } } else if (key == "extensions" || key == "extras") { // done later, skip, otherwise poorly parsed contents will be saved in the // parametermap and serialized again later } else { Parameter param; if (ParseParameterProperty(¶m, err, o, key, false)) { // names of materials have already been parsed. Putting it in this map // doesn't correctly reflext the glTF specification if (key != "name") material->additionalValues.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(param)); } } } material->extensions.clear(); ParseExtensionsProperty(&material->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(material->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator eit; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", eit)) { material->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(eit)); } } { json_const_iterator eit; if (FindMember(o, "extras", eit)) { material->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(eit)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseAnimationChannel( AnimationChannel *channel, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { int samplerIndex = -1; int targetIndex = -1; if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&samplerIndex, err, o, "sampler", true, "AnimationChannel")) { if (err) { (*err) += "`sampler` field is missing in animation channels\n"; } return false; } json_const_iterator targetIt; if (FindMember(o, "target", targetIt) && IsObject(GetValue(targetIt))) { const json &target_object = GetValue(targetIt); if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&targetIndex, err, target_object, "node", true)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`node` field is missing in animation.channels.target\n"; } return false; } if (!ParseStringProperty(&channel->target_path, err, target_object, "path", true)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`path` field is missing in animation.channels.target\n"; } return false; } ParseExtensionsProperty(&channel->target_extensions, err, target_object); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(target_object, "extensions", it)) { channel->target_extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } channel->sampler = samplerIndex; channel->target_node = targetIndex; ParseExtensionsProperty(&channel->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(channel->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { channel->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { channel->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseAnimation(Animation *animation, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator channelsIt; if (FindMember(o, "channels", channelsIt) && IsArray(GetValue(channelsIt))) { json_const_array_iterator channelEnd = ArrayEnd(GetValue(channelsIt)); for (json_const_array_iterator i = ArrayBegin(GetValue(channelsIt)); i != channelEnd; ++i) { AnimationChannel channel; if (ParseAnimationChannel( &channel, err, *i, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions)) { // Only add the channel if the parsing succeeds. animation->channels.emplace_back(std::move(channel)); } } } } { json_const_iterator samplerIt; if (FindMember(o, "samplers", samplerIt) && IsArray(GetValue(samplerIt))) { const json &sampler_array = GetValue(samplerIt); json_const_array_iterator it = ArrayBegin(sampler_array); json_const_array_iterator itEnd = ArrayEnd(sampler_array); for (; it != itEnd; ++it) { const json &s = *it; AnimationSampler sampler; int inputIndex = -1; int outputIndex = -1; if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&inputIndex, err, s, "input", true)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`input` field is missing in animation.sampler\n"; } return false; } ParseStringProperty(&sampler.interpolation, err, s, "interpolation", false); if (!ParseIntegerProperty(&outputIndex, err, s, "output", true)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`output` field is missing in animation.sampler\n"; } return false; } sampler.input = inputIndex; sampler.output = outputIndex; ParseExtensionsProperty(&(sampler.extensions), err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(sampler.extras), s); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator eit; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", eit)) { sampler.extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(eit)); } } { json_const_iterator eit; if (FindMember(o, "extras", eit)) { sampler.extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(eit)); } } } animation->samplers.emplace_back(std::move(sampler)); } } } ParseStringProperty(&animation->name, err, o, "name", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&animation->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(animation->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { animation->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { animation->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseSampler(Sampler *sampler, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { ParseStringProperty(&sampler->name, err, o, "name", false); int minFilter = -1; int magFilter = -1; int wrapS = TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT; int wrapT = TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT; int wrapR = TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT; ParseIntegerProperty(&minFilter, err, o, "minFilter", false); ParseIntegerProperty(&magFilter, err, o, "magFilter", false); ParseIntegerProperty(&wrapS, err, o, "wrapS", false); ParseIntegerProperty(&wrapT, err, o, "wrapT", false); ParseIntegerProperty(&wrapR, err, o, "wrapR", false); // tinygltf extension // TODO(syoyo): Check the value is alloed one. // (e.g. we allow 9728(NEAREST), but don't allow 9727) sampler->minFilter = minFilter; sampler->magFilter = magFilter; sampler->wrapS = wrapS; sampler->wrapT = wrapT; sampler->wrapR = wrapR; ParseExtensionsProperty(&(sampler->extensions), err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(sampler->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { sampler->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { sampler->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseSkin(Skin *skin, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { ParseStringProperty(&skin->name, err, o, "name", false, "Skin"); std::vector joints; if (!ParseIntegerArrayProperty(&joints, err, o, "joints", false, "Skin")) { return false; } skin->joints = std::move(joints); int skeleton = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&skeleton, err, o, "skeleton", false, "Skin"); skin->skeleton = skeleton; int invBind = -1; ParseIntegerProperty(&invBind, err, o, "inverseBindMatrices", true, "Skin"); skin->inverseBindMatrices = invBind; ParseExtensionsProperty(&(skin->extensions), err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(skin->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { skin->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { skin->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParsePerspectiveCamera( PerspectiveCamera *camera, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { double yfov = 0.0; if (!ParseNumberProperty(&yfov, err, o, "yfov", true, "OrthographicCamera")) { return false; } double znear = 0.0; if (!ParseNumberProperty(&znear, err, o, "znear", true, "PerspectiveCamera")) { return false; } double aspectRatio = 0.0; // = invalid ParseNumberProperty(&aspectRatio, err, o, "aspectRatio", false, "PerspectiveCamera"); double zfar = 0.0; // = invalid ParseNumberProperty(&zfar, err, o, "zfar", false, "PerspectiveCamera"); camera->aspectRatio = aspectRatio; camera->zfar = zfar; camera->yfov = yfov; camera->znear = znear; ParseExtensionsProperty(&camera->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(camera->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { camera->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { camera->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } // TODO(syoyo): Validate parameter values. return true; } static bool ParseSpotLight(SpotLight *light, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { ParseNumberProperty(&light->innerConeAngle, err, o, "innerConeAngle", false); ParseNumberProperty(&light->outerConeAngle, err, o, "outerConeAngle", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&light->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&light->extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { light->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { light->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } // TODO(syoyo): Validate parameter values. return true; } static bool ParseOrthographicCamera( OrthographicCamera *camera, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { double xmag = 0.0; if (!ParseNumberProperty(&xmag, err, o, "xmag", true, "OrthographicCamera")) { return false; } double ymag = 0.0; if (!ParseNumberProperty(&ymag, err, o, "ymag", true, "OrthographicCamera")) { return false; } double zfar = 0.0; if (!ParseNumberProperty(&zfar, err, o, "zfar", true, "OrthographicCamera")) { return false; } double znear = 0.0; if (!ParseNumberProperty(&znear, err, o, "znear", true, "OrthographicCamera")) { return false; } ParseExtensionsProperty(&camera->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(camera->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { camera->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { camera->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } camera->xmag = xmag; camera->ymag = ymag; camera->zfar = zfar; camera->znear = znear; // TODO(syoyo): Validate parameter values. return true; } static bool ParseCamera(Camera *camera, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { if (!ParseStringProperty(&camera->type, err, o, "type", true, "Camera")) { return false; } if (camera->type.compare("orthographic") == 0) { json_const_iterator orthoIt; if (!FindMember(o, "orthographic", orthoIt)) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Orhographic camera description not found." << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } const json &v = GetValue(orthoIt); if (!IsObject(v)) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "\"orthographic\" is not a JSON object." << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } if (!ParseOrthographicCamera( &camera->orthographic, err, v, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions)) { return false; } } else if (camera->type.compare("perspective") == 0) { json_const_iterator perspIt; if (!FindMember(o, "perspective", perspIt)) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Perspective camera description not found." << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } const json &v = GetValue(perspIt); if (!IsObject(v)) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "\"perspective\" is not a JSON object." << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } if (!ParsePerspectiveCamera( &camera->perspective, err, v, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions)) { return false; } } else { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Invalid camera type: \"" << camera->type << "\". Must be \"perspective\" or \"orthographic\"" << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } ParseStringProperty(&camera->name, err, o, "name", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&camera->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(camera->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { camera->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { camera->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } static bool ParseLight(Light *light, std::string *err, const json &o, bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { if (!ParseStringProperty(&light->type, err, o, "type", true)) { return false; } if (light->type == "spot") { json_const_iterator spotIt; if (!FindMember(o, "spot", spotIt)) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Spot light description not found." << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } const json &v = GetValue(spotIt); if (!IsObject(v)) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "\"spot\" is not a JSON object." << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } if (!ParseSpotLight(&light->spot, err, v, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions)) { return false; } } ParseStringProperty(&light->name, err, o, "name", false); ParseNumberArrayProperty(&light->color, err, o, "color", false); ParseNumberProperty(&light->range, err, o, "range", false); ParseNumberProperty(&light->intensity, err, o, "intensity", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&light->extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&(light->extras), o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { light->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { light->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } return true; } bool TinyGLTF::LoadFromString(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const char *json_str, unsigned int json_str_length, const std::string &base_dir, unsigned int check_sections) { if (json_str_length < 4) { if (err) { (*err) = "JSON string too short.\n"; } return false; } JsonDocument v; #if (defined(__cpp_exceptions) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS) || \ defined(_CPPUNWIND)) && \ !defined(TINYGLTF_NOEXCEPTION) try { JsonParse(v, json_str, json_str_length, true); } catch (const std::exception &e) { if (err) { (*err) = e.what(); } return false; } #else { JsonParse(v, json_str, json_str_length); if (!IsObject(v)) { // Assume parsing was failed. if (err) { (*err) = "Failed to parse JSON object\n"; } return false; } } #endif if (!IsObject(v)) { // root is not an object. if (err) { (*err) = "Root element is not a JSON object\n"; } return false; } { bool version_found = false; json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(v, "asset", it) && IsObject(GetValue(it))) { auto &itObj = GetValue(it); json_const_iterator version_it; std::string versionStr; if (FindMember(itObj, "version", version_it) && GetString(GetValue(version_it), versionStr)) { version_found = true; } } if (version_found) { // OK } else if (check_sections & REQUIRE_VERSION) { if (err) { (*err) += "\"asset\" object not found in .gltf or not an object type\n"; } return false; } } // scene is not mandatory. // FIXME Maybe a better way to handle it than removing the code auto IsArrayMemberPresent = [](const json &_v, const char *name) -> bool { json_const_iterator it; return FindMember(_v, name, it) && IsArray(GetValue(it)); }; { if ((check_sections & REQUIRE_SCENES) && !IsArrayMemberPresent(v, "scenes")) { if (err) { (*err) += "\"scenes\" object not found in .gltf or not an array type\n"; } return false; } } { if ((check_sections & REQUIRE_NODES) && !IsArrayMemberPresent(v, "nodes")) { if (err) { (*err) += "\"nodes\" object not found in .gltf\n"; } return false; } } { if ((check_sections & REQUIRE_ACCESSORS) && !IsArrayMemberPresent(v, "accessors")) { if (err) { (*err) += "\"accessors\" object not found in .gltf\n"; } return false; } } { if ((check_sections & REQUIRE_BUFFERS) && !IsArrayMemberPresent(v, "buffers")) { if (err) { (*err) += "\"buffers\" object not found in .gltf\n"; } return false; } } { if ((check_sections & REQUIRE_BUFFER_VIEWS) && !IsArrayMemberPresent(v, "bufferViews")) { if (err) { (*err) += "\"bufferViews\" object not found in .gltf\n"; } return false; } } model->buffers.clear(); model->bufferViews.clear(); model->accessors.clear(); model->meshes.clear(); model->cameras.clear(); model->nodes.clear(); model->extensionsUsed.clear(); model->extensionsRequired.clear(); model->extensions.clear(); model->defaultScene = -1; // 1. Parse Asset { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(v, "asset", it) && IsObject(GetValue(it))) { const json &root = GetValue(it); ParseAsset(&model->asset, err, root, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_); } } #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_CPP14 auto ForEachInArray = [](const json &_v, const char *member, const auto &cb) -> bool #else // The std::function<> implementation can be less efficient because it will // allocate heap when the size of the captured lambda is above 16 bytes with // clang and gcc, but it does not require C++14. auto ForEachInArray = [](const json &_v, const char *member, const std::function &cb) -> bool #endif { json_const_iterator itm; if (FindMember(_v, member, itm) && IsArray(GetValue(itm))) { const json &root = GetValue(itm); auto it = ArrayBegin(root); auto end = ArrayEnd(root); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (!cb(*it)) return false; } } return true; }; // 2. Parse extensionUsed { ForEachInArray(v, "extensionsUsed", [&](const json &o) { std::string str; GetString(o, str); model->extensionsUsed.emplace_back(std::move(str)); return true; }); } { ForEachInArray(v, "extensionsRequired", [&](const json &o) { std::string str; GetString(o, str); model->extensionsRequired.emplace_back(std::move(str)); return true; }); } // 3. Parse Buffer { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "buffers", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`buffers' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Buffer buffer; if (!ParseBuffer(&buffer, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_, &fs, base_dir, is_binary_, bin_data_, bin_size_)) { return false; } model->buffers.emplace_back(std::move(buffer)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 4. Parse BufferView { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "bufferViews", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`bufferViews' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } BufferView bufferView; if (!ParseBufferView(&bufferView, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->bufferViews.emplace_back(std::move(bufferView)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 5. Parse Accessor { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "accessors", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`accessors' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Accessor accessor; if (!ParseAccessor(&accessor, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->accessors.emplace_back(std::move(accessor)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 6. Parse Mesh { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "meshes", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`meshes' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Mesh mesh; if (!ParseMesh(&mesh, model, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->meshes.emplace_back(std::move(mesh)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // Assign missing bufferView target types // - Look for missing Mesh indices // - Look for missing Mesh attributes for (auto &mesh : model->meshes) { for (auto &primitive : mesh.primitives) { if (primitive.indices > -1) // has indices from parsing step, must be Element Array Buffer { if (size_t(primitive.indices) >= model->accessors.size()) { if (err) { (*err) += "primitive indices accessor out of bounds"; } return false; } auto bufferView = model->accessors[size_t(primitive.indices)].bufferView; if (bufferView < 0 || size_t(bufferView) >= model->bufferViews.size()) { if (err) { (*err) += "accessor[" + std::to_string(primitive.indices) + "] invalid bufferView"; } return false; } model->bufferViews[size_t(bufferView)].target = TINYGLTF_TARGET_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER; // we could optionally check if acessors' bufferView type is Scalar, as // it should be } for (auto &attribute : primitive.attributes) { model ->bufferViews[size_t( model->accessors[size_t(attribute.second)].bufferView)] .target = TINYGLTF_TARGET_ARRAY_BUFFER; } for(auto &target : primitive.targets) { for(auto &attribute : target) { model->bufferViews[size_t(model->accessors[size_t(attribute.second)].bufferView)] .target = TINYGLTF_TARGET_ARRAY_BUFFER; } } } } // 7. Parse Node { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "nodes", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`nodes' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Node node; if (!ParseNode(&node, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->nodes.emplace_back(std::move(node)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 8. Parse scenes. { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "scenes", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`scenes' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } std::vector nodes; ParseIntegerArrayProperty(&nodes, err, o, "nodes", false); Scene scene; scene.nodes = std::move(nodes); ParseStringProperty(&scene.name, err, o, "name", false); ParseExtensionsProperty(&scene.extensions, err, o); ParseExtrasProperty(&scene.extras, o); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_) { { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { model->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } { json_const_iterator it; if (FindMember(o, "extras", it)) { model->extras_json_string = JsonToString(GetValue(it)); } } } model->scenes.emplace_back(std::move(scene)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 9. Parse default scenes. { json_const_iterator rootIt; int iVal; if (FindMember(v, "scene", rootIt) && GetInt(GetValue(rootIt), iVal)) { model->defaultScene = iVal; } } // 10. Parse Material { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "materials", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`materials' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Material material; ParseStringProperty(&material.name, err, o, "name", false); if (!ParseMaterial(&material, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->materials.emplace_back(std::move(material)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 11. Parse Image { int idx = 0; bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "images", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "image[" + std::to_string(idx) + "] is not a JSON object."; } return false; } Image image; if (!ParseImage(&image, idx, err, warn, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_, base_dir, &fs, &this->LoadImageData, load_image_user_data_)) { return false; } if (image.bufferView != -1) { // Load image from the buffer view. if (size_t(image.bufferView) >= model->bufferViews.size()) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "image[" << idx << "] bufferView \"" << image.bufferView << "\" not found in the scene." << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } const BufferView &bufferView = model->bufferViews[size_t(image.bufferView)]; if (size_t(bufferView.buffer) >= model->buffers.size()) { if (err) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "image[" << idx << "] buffer \"" << bufferView.buffer << "\" not found in the scene." << std::endl; (*err) += ss.str(); } return false; } const Buffer &buffer = model->buffers[size_t(bufferView.buffer)]; if (*LoadImageData == nullptr) { if (err) { (*err) += "No LoadImageData callback specified.\n"; } return false; } bool ret = LoadImageData( &image, idx, err, warn, image.width, image.height, &buffer.data[bufferView.byteOffset], static_cast(bufferView.byteLength), load_image_user_data_); if (!ret) { return false; } } model->images.emplace_back(std::move(image)); ++idx; return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 12. Parse Texture { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "textures", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`textures' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Texture texture; if (!ParseTexture(&texture, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_, base_dir)) { return false; } model->textures.emplace_back(std::move(texture)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 13. Parse Animation { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "animations", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`animations' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Animation animation; if (!ParseAnimation(&animation, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->animations.emplace_back(std::move(animation)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 14. Parse Skin { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "skins", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`skins' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Skin skin; if (!ParseSkin(&skin, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->skins.emplace_back(std::move(skin)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 15. Parse Sampler { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "samplers", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`samplers' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Sampler sampler; if (!ParseSampler(&sampler, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->samplers.emplace_back(std::move(sampler)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 16. Parse Camera { bool success = ForEachInArray(v, "cameras", [&](const json &o) { if (!IsObject(o)) { if (err) { (*err) += "`cameras' does not contain an JSON object."; } return false; } Camera camera; if (!ParseCamera(&camera, err, o, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->cameras.emplace_back(std::move(camera)); return true; }); if (!success) { return false; } } // 17. Parse Extensions ParseExtensionsProperty(&model->extensions, err, v); // 18. Specific extension implementations { json_const_iterator rootIt; if (FindMember(v, "extensions", rootIt) && IsObject(GetValue(rootIt))) { const json &root = GetValue(rootIt); json_const_iterator it(ObjectBegin(root)); json_const_iterator itEnd(ObjectEnd(root)); for (; it != itEnd; ++it) { // parse KHR_lights_punctual extension std::string key(GetKey(it)); if ((key == "KHR_lights_punctual") && IsObject(GetValue(it))) { const json &object = GetValue(it); json_const_iterator itLight; if (FindMember(object, "lights", itLight)) { const json &lights = GetValue(itLight); if (!IsArray(lights)) { continue; } auto arrayIt(ArrayBegin(lights)); auto arrayItEnd(ArrayEnd(lights)); for (; arrayIt != arrayItEnd; ++arrayIt) { Light light; if (!ParseLight(&light, err, *arrayIt, store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_)) { return false; } model->lights.emplace_back(std::move(light)); } } } } } } // 19. Parse Extras ParseExtrasProperty(&model->extras, v); if (store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions_) { model->extras_json_string = JsonToString(v["extras"]); model->extensions_json_string = JsonToString(v["extensions"]); } return true; } bool TinyGLTF::LoadASCIIFromString(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const char *str, unsigned int length, const std::string &base_dir, unsigned int check_sections) { is_binary_ = false; bin_data_ = nullptr; bin_size_ = 0; return LoadFromString(model, err, warn, str, length, base_dir, check_sections); } bool TinyGLTF::LoadASCIIFromFile(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const std::string &filename, unsigned int check_sections) { std::stringstream ss; if (fs.ReadWholeFile == nullptr) { // Programmer error, assert() ? ss << "Failed to read file: " << filename << ": one or more FS callback not set" << std::endl; if (err) { (*err) = ss.str(); } return false; } std::vector data; std::string fileerr; bool fileread = fs.ReadWholeFile(&data, &fileerr, filename, fs.user_data); if (!fileread) { ss << "Failed to read file: " << filename << ": " << fileerr << std::endl; if (err) { (*err) = ss.str(); } return false; } size_t sz = data.size(); if (sz == 0) { if (err) { (*err) = "Empty file."; } return false; } std::string basedir = GetBaseDir(filename); bool ret = LoadASCIIFromString( model, err, warn, reinterpret_cast(&data.at(0)), static_cast(data.size()), basedir, check_sections); return ret; } bool TinyGLTF::LoadBinaryFromMemory(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const unsigned char *bytes, unsigned int size, const std::string &base_dir, unsigned int check_sections) { if (size < 20) { if (err) { (*err) = "Too short data size for glTF Binary."; } return false; } if (bytes[0] == 'g' && bytes[1] == 'l' && bytes[2] == 'T' && bytes[3] == 'F') { // ok } else { if (err) { (*err) = "Invalid magic."; } return false; } unsigned int version; // 4 bytes unsigned int length; // 4 bytes unsigned int model_length; // 4 bytes unsigned int model_format; // 4 bytes; // @todo { Endian swap for big endian machine. } memcpy(&version, bytes + 4, 4); swap4(&version); memcpy(&length, bytes + 8, 4); swap4(&length); memcpy(&model_length, bytes + 12, 4); swap4(&model_length); memcpy(&model_format, bytes + 16, 4); swap4(&model_format); // In case the Bin buffer is not present, the size is exactly 20 + size of // JSON contents, // so use "greater than" operator. if ((20 + model_length > size) || (model_length < 1) || (length > size) || (20 + model_length > length) || (model_format != 0x4E4F534A)) { // 0x4E4F534A = JSON format. if (err) { (*err) = "Invalid glTF binary."; } return false; } // Extract JSON string. std::string jsonString(reinterpret_cast(&bytes[20]), model_length); is_binary_ = true; bin_data_ = bytes + 20 + model_length + 8; // 4 bytes (buffer_length) + 4 bytes(buffer_format) bin_size_ = length - (20 + model_length); // extract header + JSON scene data. bool ret = LoadFromString(model, err, warn, reinterpret_cast(&bytes[20]), model_length, base_dir, check_sections); if (!ret) { return ret; } return true; } bool TinyGLTF::LoadBinaryFromFile(Model *model, std::string *err, std::string *warn, const std::string &filename, unsigned int check_sections) { std::stringstream ss; if (fs.ReadWholeFile == nullptr) { // Programmer error, assert() ? ss << "Failed to read file: " << filename << ": one or more FS callback not set" << std::endl; if (err) { (*err) = ss.str(); } return false; } std::vector data; std::string fileerr; bool fileread = fs.ReadWholeFile(&data, &fileerr, filename, fs.user_data); if (!fileread) { ss << "Failed to read file: " << filename << ": " << fileerr << std::endl; if (err) { (*err) = ss.str(); } return false; } std::string basedir = GetBaseDir(filename); bool ret = LoadBinaryFromMemory(model, err, warn, &data.at(0), static_cast(data.size()), basedir, check_sections); return ret; } /////////////////////// // GLTF Serialization /////////////////////// namespace { json JsonFromString(const char *s) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return json(s, GetAllocator()); #else return json(s); #endif } void JsonAssign(json &dest, const json &src) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON dest.CopyFrom(src, GetAllocator()); #else dest = src; #endif } void JsonAddMember(json &o, const char *key, json &&value) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON if (!o.IsObject()) { o.SetObject(); } o.AddMember(json(key, GetAllocator()), std::move(value), GetAllocator()); #else o[key] = std::move(value); #endif } void JsonPushBack(json &o, json &&value) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON o.PushBack(std::move(value), GetAllocator()); #else o.push_back(std::move(value)); #endif } bool JsonIsNull(const json &o) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON return o.IsNull(); #else return o.is_null(); #endif } void JsonSetObject(json &o) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON o.SetObject(); #else o = o.object({}); #endif } void JsonReserveArray(json &o, size_t s) { #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON o.SetArray(); o.Reserve(static_cast(s), GetAllocator()); #endif (void)(o); (void)(s); } } // namespace // typedef std::pair json_object_pair; template static void SerializeNumberProperty(const std::string &key, T number, json &obj) { // obj.insert( // json_object_pair(key, json(static_cast(number)))); // obj[key] = static_cast(number); JsonAddMember(obj, key.c_str(), json(number)); } template static void SerializeNumberArrayProperty(const std::string &key, const std::vector &value, json &obj) { if (value.empty()) return; json ary; JsonReserveArray(ary, value.size()); for (const auto &s : value) { JsonPushBack(ary, json(s)); } JsonAddMember(obj, key.c_str(), std::move(ary)); } static void SerializeStringProperty(const std::string &key, const std::string &value, json &obj) { JsonAddMember(obj, key.c_str(), JsonFromString(value.c_str())); } static void SerializeStringArrayProperty(const std::string &key, const std::vector &value, json &obj) { json ary; JsonReserveArray(ary, value.size()); for (auto &s : value) { JsonPushBack(ary, JsonFromString(s.c_str())); } JsonAddMember(obj, key.c_str(), std::move(ary)); } static bool ValueToJson(const Value &value, json *ret) { json obj; #ifdef TINYGLTF_USE_RAPIDJSON switch (value.Type()) { case REAL_TYPE: obj.SetDouble(value.Get()); break; case INT_TYPE: obj.SetInt(value.Get()); break; case BOOL_TYPE: obj.SetBool(value.Get()); break; case STRING_TYPE: obj.SetString(value.Get().c_str(), GetAllocator()); break; case ARRAY_TYPE: { obj.SetArray(); obj.Reserve(static_cast(value.ArrayLen()), GetAllocator()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < value.ArrayLen(); ++i) { Value elementValue = value.Get(int(i)); json elementJson; if (ValueToJson(value.Get(int(i)), &elementJson)) obj.PushBack(std::move(elementJson), GetAllocator()); } break; } case BINARY_TYPE: // TODO // obj = json(value.Get>()); return false; break; case OBJECT_TYPE: { obj.SetObject(); Value::Object objMap = value.Get(); for (auto &it : objMap) { json elementJson; if (ValueToJson(it.second, &elementJson)) { obj.AddMember(json(it.first.c_str(), GetAllocator()), std::move(elementJson), GetAllocator()); } } break; } case NULL_TYPE: default: return false; } #else switch (value.Type()) { case REAL_TYPE: obj = json(value.Get()); break; case INT_TYPE: obj = json(value.Get()); break; case BOOL_TYPE: obj = json(value.Get()); break; case STRING_TYPE: obj = json(value.Get()); break; case ARRAY_TYPE: { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < value.ArrayLen(); ++i) { Value elementValue = value.Get(int(i)); json elementJson; if (ValueToJson(value.Get(int(i)), &elementJson)) obj.push_back(elementJson); } break; } case BINARY_TYPE: // TODO // obj = json(value.Get>()); return false; break; case OBJECT_TYPE: { Value::Object objMap = value.Get(); for (auto &it : objMap) { json elementJson; if (ValueToJson(it.second, &elementJson)) obj[it.first] = elementJson; } break; } case NULL_TYPE: default: return false; } #endif if (ret) *ret = std::move(obj); return true; } static void SerializeValue(const std::string &key, const Value &value, json &obj) { json ret; if (ValueToJson(value, &ret)) { JsonAddMember(obj, key.c_str(), std::move(ret)); } } static void SerializeGltfBufferData(const std::vector &data, json &o) { std::string header = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,"; if (data.size() > 0) { std::string encodedData = base64_encode(&data[0], static_cast(data.size())); SerializeStringProperty("uri", header + encodedData, o); } else { // Issue #229 // size 0 is allowd. Just emit mime header. SerializeStringProperty("uri", header, o); } } static bool SerializeGltfBufferData(const std::vector &data, const std::string &binFilename) { #ifdef _WIN32 #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) // mingw int file_descriptor = _wopen(UTF8ToWchar(binFilename).c_str(), _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY | _O_TRUNC | _O_BINARY); __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf wfile_buf(file_descriptor, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); std::ostream output(&wfile_buf); if (!wfile_buf.is_open()) return false; #elif defined(_MSC_VER) std::ofstream output(UTF8ToWchar(binFilename).c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); if (!output.is_open()) return false; #else std::ofstream output(binFilename.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); if (!output.is_open()) return false; #endif #else std::ofstream output(binFilename.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); if (!output.is_open()) return false; #endif if (data.size() > 0) { output.write(reinterpret_cast(&data[0]), std::streamsize(data.size())); } else { // Issue #229 // size 0 will be still valid buffer data. // write empty file. } return true; } #if 0 // FIXME(syoyo): not used. will be removed in the future release. static void SerializeParameterMap(ParameterMap ¶m, json &o) { for (ParameterMap::iterator paramIt = param.begin(); paramIt != param.end(); ++paramIt) { if (paramIt->second.number_array.size()) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty(paramIt->first, paramIt->second.number_array, o); } else if (paramIt->second.json_double_value.size()) { json json_double_value; for (std::map::iterator it = paramIt->second.json_double_value.begin(); it != paramIt->second.json_double_value.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "index") { json_double_value[it->first] = paramIt->second.TextureIndex(); } else { json_double_value[it->first] = it->second; } } o[paramIt->first] = json_double_value; } else if (!paramIt->second.string_value.empty()) { SerializeStringProperty(paramIt->first, paramIt->second.string_value, o); } else if (paramIt->second.has_number_value) { o[paramIt->first] = paramIt->second.number_value; } else { o[paramIt->first] = paramIt->second.bool_value; } } } #endif static void SerializeExtensionMap(const ExtensionMap &extensions, json &o) { if (!extensions.size()) return; json extMap; for (ExtensionMap::const_iterator extIt = extensions.begin(); extIt != extensions.end(); ++extIt) { // Allow an empty object for extension(#97) json ret; bool isNull = true; if (ValueToJson(extIt->second, &ret)) { isNull = JsonIsNull(ret); JsonAddMember(extMap, extIt->first.c_str(), std::move(ret)); } if (isNull) { if (!(extIt->first.empty())) { // name should not be empty, but for sure // create empty object so that an extension name is still included in // json. json empty; JsonSetObject(empty); JsonAddMember(extMap, extIt->first.c_str(), std::move(empty)); } } } JsonAddMember(o, "extensions", std::move(extMap)); } static void SerializeGltfAccessor(Accessor &accessor, json &o) { if (accessor.bufferView >= 0) SerializeNumberProperty("bufferView", accessor.bufferView, o); if (accessor.byteOffset != 0.0) SerializeNumberProperty("byteOffset", int(accessor.byteOffset), o); SerializeNumberProperty("componentType", accessor.componentType, o); SerializeNumberProperty("count", accessor.count, o); SerializeNumberArrayProperty("min", accessor.minValues, o); SerializeNumberArrayProperty("max", accessor.maxValues, o); if (accessor.normalized) SerializeValue("normalized", Value(accessor.normalized), o); std::string type; switch (accessor.type) { case TINYGLTF_TYPE_SCALAR: type = "SCALAR"; break; case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC2: type = "VEC2"; break; case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC3: type = "VEC3"; break; case TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC4: type = "VEC4"; break; case TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT2: type = "MAT2"; break; case TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT3: type = "MAT3"; break; case TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT4: type = "MAT4"; break; } SerializeStringProperty("type", type, o); if (!accessor.name.empty()) SerializeStringProperty("name", accessor.name, o); if (accessor.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", accessor.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfAnimationChannel(AnimationChannel &channel, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("sampler", channel.sampler, o); { json target; SerializeNumberProperty("node", channel.target_node, target); SerializeStringProperty("path", channel.target_path, target); SerializeExtensionMap(channel.target_extensions, target); JsonAddMember(o, "target", std::move(target)); } if (channel.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", channel.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(channel.extensions, o); } static void SerializeGltfAnimationSampler(AnimationSampler &sampler, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("input", sampler.input, o); SerializeNumberProperty("output", sampler.output, o); SerializeStringProperty("interpolation", sampler.interpolation, o); if (sampler.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", sampler.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfAnimation(Animation &animation, json &o) { if (!animation.name.empty()) SerializeStringProperty("name", animation.name, o); { json channels; JsonReserveArray(channels, animation.channels.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < animation.channels.size(); ++i) { json channel; AnimationChannel gltfChannel = animation.channels[i]; SerializeGltfAnimationChannel(gltfChannel, channel); JsonPushBack(channels, std::move(channel)); } JsonAddMember(o, "channels", std::move(channels)); } { json samplers; JsonReserveArray(samplers, animation.samplers.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < animation.samplers.size(); ++i) { json sampler; AnimationSampler gltfSampler = animation.samplers[i]; SerializeGltfAnimationSampler(gltfSampler, sampler); JsonPushBack(samplers, std::move(sampler)); } JsonAddMember(o, "samplers", std::move(samplers)); } if (animation.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", animation.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(animation.extensions, o); } static void SerializeGltfAsset(Asset &asset, json &o) { if (!asset.generator.empty()) { SerializeStringProperty("generator", asset.generator, o); } if (!asset.copyright.empty()) { SerializeStringProperty("copyright", asset.copyright, o); } if (!asset.version.empty()) { SerializeStringProperty("version", asset.version, o); } if (asset.extras.Keys().size()) { SerializeValue("extras", asset.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(asset.extensions, o); } static void SerializeGltfBufferBin(Buffer &buffer, json &o, std::vector &binBuffer) { SerializeNumberProperty("byteLength", buffer.data.size(), o); binBuffer = buffer.data; if (buffer.name.size()) SerializeStringProperty("name", buffer.name, o); if (buffer.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", buffer.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfBuffer(Buffer &buffer, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("byteLength", buffer.data.size(), o); SerializeGltfBufferData(buffer.data, o); if (buffer.name.size()) SerializeStringProperty("name", buffer.name, o); if (buffer.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", buffer.extras, o); } } static bool SerializeGltfBuffer(Buffer &buffer, json &o, const std::string &binFilename, const std::string &binBaseFilename) { if (!SerializeGltfBufferData(buffer.data, binFilename)) return false; SerializeNumberProperty("byteLength", buffer.data.size(), o); SerializeStringProperty("uri", binBaseFilename, o); if (buffer.name.size()) SerializeStringProperty("name", buffer.name, o); if (buffer.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", buffer.extras, o); } return true; } static void SerializeGltfBufferView(BufferView &bufferView, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("buffer", bufferView.buffer, o); SerializeNumberProperty("byteLength", bufferView.byteLength, o); // byteStride is optional, minimum allowed is 4 if (bufferView.byteStride >= 4) { SerializeNumberProperty("byteStride", bufferView.byteStride, o); } // byteOffset is optional, default is 0 if (bufferView.byteOffset > 0) { SerializeNumberProperty("byteOffset", bufferView.byteOffset, o); } // Target is optional, check if it contains a valid value if (bufferView.target == TINYGLTF_TARGET_ARRAY_BUFFER || bufferView.target == TINYGLTF_TARGET_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { SerializeNumberProperty("target", bufferView.target, o); } if (bufferView.name.size()) { SerializeStringProperty("name", bufferView.name, o); } if (bufferView.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", bufferView.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfImage(Image &image, json &o) { // if uri empty, the mimeType and bufferview should be set if (image.uri.empty()) { SerializeStringProperty("mimeType", image.mimeType, o); SerializeNumberProperty("bufferView", image.bufferView, o); } else { // TODO(syoyo): dlib::urilencode? SerializeStringProperty("uri", image.uri, o); } if (image.name.size()) { SerializeStringProperty("name", image.name, o); } if (image.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", image.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(image.extensions, o); } static void SerializeGltfTextureInfo(TextureInfo &texinfo, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("index", texinfo.index, o); if (texinfo.texCoord != 0) { SerializeNumberProperty("texCoord", texinfo.texCoord, o); } if (texinfo.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", texinfo.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(texinfo.extensions, o); } static void SerializeGltfNormalTextureInfo(NormalTextureInfo &texinfo, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("index", texinfo.index, o); if (texinfo.texCoord != 0) { SerializeNumberProperty("texCoord", texinfo.texCoord, o); } if (!TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(texinfo.scale, 1.0)) { SerializeNumberProperty("scale", texinfo.scale, o); } if (texinfo.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", texinfo.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(texinfo.extensions, o); } static void SerializeGltfOcclusionTextureInfo(OcclusionTextureInfo &texinfo, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("index", texinfo.index, o); if (texinfo.texCoord != 0) { SerializeNumberProperty("texCoord", texinfo.texCoord, o); } if (!TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(texinfo.strength, 1.0)) { SerializeNumberProperty("strength", texinfo.strength, o); } if (texinfo.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", texinfo.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(texinfo.extensions, o); } static void SerializeGltfPbrMetallicRoughness(PbrMetallicRoughness &pbr, json &o) { std::vector default_baseColorFactor = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; if (!Equals(pbr.baseColorFactor, default_baseColorFactor)) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("baseColorFactor", pbr.baseColorFactor, o); } if (!TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(pbr.metallicFactor, 1.0)) { SerializeNumberProperty("metallicFactor", pbr.metallicFactor, o); } if (!TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(pbr.roughnessFactor, 1.0)) { SerializeNumberProperty("roughnessFactor", pbr.roughnessFactor, o); } if (pbr.baseColorTexture.index > -1) { json texinfo; SerializeGltfTextureInfo(pbr.baseColorTexture, texinfo); JsonAddMember(o, "baseColorTexture", std::move(texinfo)); } if (pbr.metallicRoughnessTexture.index > -1) { json texinfo; SerializeGltfTextureInfo(pbr.metallicRoughnessTexture, texinfo); JsonAddMember(o, "metallicRoughnessTexture", std::move(texinfo)); } SerializeExtensionMap(pbr.extensions, o); if (pbr.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", pbr.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfMaterial(Material &material, json &o) { if (material.name.size()) { SerializeStringProperty("name", material.name, o); } // QUESTION(syoyo): Write material parameters regardless of its default value? if (!TINYGLTF_DOUBLE_EQUAL(material.alphaCutoff, 0.5)) { SerializeNumberProperty("alphaCutoff", material.alphaCutoff, o); } if (material.alphaMode.compare("OPAQUE") != 0) { SerializeStringProperty("alphaMode", material.alphaMode, o); } if (material.doubleSided != false) JsonAddMember(o, "doubleSided", json(material.doubleSided)); if (material.normalTexture.index > -1) { json texinfo; SerializeGltfNormalTextureInfo(material.normalTexture, texinfo); JsonAddMember(o, "normalTexture", std::move(texinfo)); } if (material.occlusionTexture.index > -1) { json texinfo; SerializeGltfOcclusionTextureInfo(material.occlusionTexture, texinfo); JsonAddMember(o, "occlusionTexture", std::move(texinfo)); } if (material.emissiveTexture.index > -1) { json texinfo; SerializeGltfTextureInfo(material.emissiveTexture, texinfo); JsonAddMember(o, "emissiveTexture", std::move(texinfo)); } std::vector default_emissiveFactor = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; if (!Equals(material.emissiveFactor, default_emissiveFactor)) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("emissiveFactor", material.emissiveFactor, o); } { json pbrMetallicRoughness; SerializeGltfPbrMetallicRoughness(material.pbrMetallicRoughness, pbrMetallicRoughness); // Issue 204 // Do not serialize `pbrMetallicRoughness` if pbrMetallicRoughness has all // default values(json is null). Otherwise it will serialize to // `pbrMetallicRoughness : null`, which cannot be read by other glTF // importers(and validators). // if (!JsonIsNull(pbrMetallicRoughness)) { JsonAddMember(o, "pbrMetallicRoughness", std::move(pbrMetallicRoughness)); } } #if 0 // legacy way. just for the record. if (material.values.size()) { json pbrMetallicRoughness; SerializeParameterMap(material.values, pbrMetallicRoughness); JsonAddMember(o, "pbrMetallicRoughness", std::move(pbrMetallicRoughness)); } SerializeParameterMap(material.additionalValues, o); #else #endif SerializeExtensionMap(material.extensions, o); if (material.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", material.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfMesh(Mesh &mesh, json &o) { json primitives; JsonReserveArray(primitives, mesh.primitives.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.primitives.size(); ++i) { json primitive; const Primitive &gltfPrimitive = mesh.primitives[i]; // don't make a copy { json attributes; for (auto attrIt = gltfPrimitive.attributes.begin(); attrIt != gltfPrimitive.attributes.end(); ++attrIt) { SerializeNumberProperty(attrIt->first, attrIt->second, attributes); } JsonAddMember(primitive, "attributes", std::move(attributes)); } // Indicies is optional if (gltfPrimitive.indices > -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("indices", gltfPrimitive.indices, primitive); } // Material is optional if (gltfPrimitive.material > -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("material", gltfPrimitive.material, primitive); } SerializeNumberProperty("mode", gltfPrimitive.mode, primitive); // Morph targets if (gltfPrimitive.targets.size()) { json targets; JsonReserveArray(targets, gltfPrimitive.targets.size()); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < gltfPrimitive.targets.size(); ++k) { json targetAttributes; std::map targetData = gltfPrimitive.targets[k]; for (std::map::iterator attrIt = targetData.begin(); attrIt != targetData.end(); ++attrIt) { SerializeNumberProperty(attrIt->first, attrIt->second, targetAttributes); } JsonPushBack(targets, std::move(targetAttributes)); } JsonAddMember(primitive, "targets", std::move(targets)); } SerializeExtensionMap(gltfPrimitive.extensions, primitive); if (gltfPrimitive.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", gltfPrimitive.extras, primitive); } JsonPushBack(primitives, std::move(primitive)); } JsonAddMember(o, "primitives", std::move(primitives)); if (mesh.weights.size()) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("weights", mesh.weights, o); } if (mesh.name.size()) { SerializeStringProperty("name", mesh.name, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(mesh.extensions, o); if (mesh.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", mesh.extras, o); } } static void SerializeSpotLight(SpotLight &spot, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("innerConeAngle", spot.innerConeAngle, o); SerializeNumberProperty("outerConeAngle", spot.outerConeAngle, o); SerializeExtensionMap(spot.extensions, o); if (spot.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", spot.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfLight(Light &light, json &o) { if (!light.name.empty()) SerializeStringProperty("name", light.name, o); SerializeNumberProperty("intensity", light.intensity, o); SerializeNumberProperty("range", light.range, o); SerializeNumberArrayProperty("color", light.color, o); SerializeStringProperty("type", light.type, o); if (light.type == "spot") { json spot; SerializeSpotLight(light.spot, spot); JsonAddMember(o, "spot", std::move(spot)); } SerializeExtensionMap(light.extensions, o); if (light.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", light.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfNode(Node &node, json &o) { if (node.translation.size() > 0) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("translation", node.translation, o); } if (node.rotation.size() > 0) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("rotation", node.rotation, o); } if (node.scale.size() > 0) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("scale", node.scale, o); } if (node.matrix.size() > 0) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("matrix", node.matrix, o); } if (node.mesh != -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("mesh", node.mesh, o); } if (node.skin != -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("skin", node.skin, o); } if (node.camera != -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("camera", node.camera, o); } if (node.weights.size() > 0) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("weights", node.weights, o); } if (node.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", node.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(node.extensions, o); if (!node.name.empty()) SerializeStringProperty("name", node.name, o); SerializeNumberArrayProperty("children", node.children, o); } static void SerializeGltfSampler(Sampler &sampler, json &o) { if (sampler.magFilter != -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("magFilter", sampler.magFilter, o); } if (sampler.minFilter != -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("minFilter", sampler.minFilter, o); } SerializeNumberProperty("wrapR", sampler.wrapR, o); SerializeNumberProperty("wrapS", sampler.wrapS, o); SerializeNumberProperty("wrapT", sampler.wrapT, o); if (sampler.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", sampler.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfOrthographicCamera(const OrthographicCamera &camera, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("zfar", camera.zfar, o); SerializeNumberProperty("znear", camera.znear, o); SerializeNumberProperty("xmag", camera.xmag, o); SerializeNumberProperty("ymag", camera.ymag, o); if (camera.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", camera.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfPerspectiveCamera(const PerspectiveCamera &camera, json &o) { SerializeNumberProperty("zfar", camera.zfar, o); SerializeNumberProperty("znear", camera.znear, o); if (camera.aspectRatio > 0) { SerializeNumberProperty("aspectRatio", camera.aspectRatio, o); } if (camera.yfov > 0) { SerializeNumberProperty("yfov", camera.yfov, o); } if (camera.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", camera.extras, o); } } static void SerializeGltfCamera(const Camera &camera, json &o) { SerializeStringProperty("type", camera.type, o); if (!camera.name.empty()) { SerializeStringProperty("name", camera.name, o); } if (camera.type.compare("orthographic") == 0) { json orthographic; SerializeGltfOrthographicCamera(camera.orthographic, orthographic); JsonAddMember(o, "orthographic", std::move(orthographic)); } else if (camera.type.compare("perspective") == 0) { json perspective; SerializeGltfPerspectiveCamera(camera.perspective, perspective); JsonAddMember(o, "perspective", std::move(perspective)); } else { // ??? } } static void SerializeGltfScene(Scene &scene, json &o) { SerializeNumberArrayProperty("nodes", scene.nodes, o); if (scene.name.size()) { SerializeStringProperty("name", scene.name, o); } if (scene.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", scene.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(scene.extensions, o); } static void SerializeGltfSkin(Skin &skin, json &o) { if (skin.inverseBindMatrices != -1) SerializeNumberProperty("inverseBindMatrices", skin.inverseBindMatrices, o); SerializeNumberArrayProperty("joints", skin.joints, o); SerializeNumberProperty("skeleton", skin.skeleton, o); if (skin.name.size()) { SerializeStringProperty("name", skin.name, o); } } static void SerializeGltfTexture(Texture &texture, json &o) { if (texture.sampler > -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("sampler", texture.sampler, o); } if (texture.source > -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("source", texture.source, o); } if (texture.name.size()) { SerializeStringProperty("name", texture.name, o); } if (texture.extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", texture.extras, o); } SerializeExtensionMap(texture.extensions, o); } /// /// Serialize all properties except buffers and images. /// static void SerializeGltfModel(Model *model, json &o) { // ACCESSORS if (model->accessors.size()) { json accessors; JsonReserveArray(accessors, model->accessors.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->accessors.size(); ++i) { json accessor; SerializeGltfAccessor(model->accessors[i], accessor); JsonPushBack(accessors, std::move(accessor)); } JsonAddMember(o, "accessors", std::move(accessors)); } // ANIMATIONS if (model->animations.size()) { json animations; JsonReserveArray(animations, model->animations.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->animations.size(); ++i) { if (model->animations[i].channels.size()) { json animation; SerializeGltfAnimation(model->animations[i], animation); JsonPushBack(animations, std::move(animation)); } } JsonAddMember(o, "animations", std::move(animations)); } // ASSET json asset; SerializeGltfAsset(model->asset, asset); JsonAddMember(o, "asset", std::move(asset)); // BUFFERVIEWS if(model->bufferViews.size()) { json bufferViews; JsonReserveArray(bufferViews, model->bufferViews.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->bufferViews.size(); ++i) { json bufferView; SerializeGltfBufferView(model->bufferViews[i], bufferView); JsonPushBack(bufferViews, std::move(bufferView)); } JsonAddMember(o, "bufferViews", std::move(bufferViews)); } // Extensions used if (model->extensionsUsed.size()) { SerializeStringArrayProperty("extensionsUsed", model->extensionsUsed, o); } // Extensions required if (model->extensionsRequired.size()) { SerializeStringArrayProperty("extensionsRequired", model->extensionsRequired, o); } // MATERIALS if (model->materials.size()) { json materials; JsonReserveArray(materials, model->materials.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->materials.size(); ++i) { json material; SerializeGltfMaterial(model->materials[i], material); JsonPushBack(materials, std::move(material)); } JsonAddMember(o, "materials", std::move(materials)); } // MESHES if (model->meshes.size()) { json meshes; JsonReserveArray(meshes, model->meshes.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->meshes.size(); ++i) { json mesh; SerializeGltfMesh(model->meshes[i], mesh); JsonPushBack(meshes, std::move(mesh)); } JsonAddMember(o, "meshes", std::move(meshes)); } // NODES if (model->nodes.size()) { json nodes; JsonReserveArray(nodes, model->nodes.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->nodes.size(); ++i) { json node; SerializeGltfNode(model->nodes[i], node); JsonPushBack(nodes, std::move(node)); } JsonAddMember(o, "nodes", std::move(nodes)); } // SCENE if (model->defaultScene > -1) { SerializeNumberProperty("scene", model->defaultScene, o); } // SCENES if (model->scenes.size()) { json scenes; JsonReserveArray(scenes, model->scenes.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->scenes.size(); ++i) { json currentScene; SerializeGltfScene(model->scenes[i], currentScene); JsonPushBack(scenes, std::move(currentScene)); } JsonAddMember(o, "scenes", std::move(scenes)); } // SKINS if (model->skins.size()) { json skins; JsonReserveArray(skins, model->skins.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->skins.size(); ++i) { json skin; SerializeGltfSkin(model->skins[i], skin); JsonPushBack(skins, std::move(skin)); } JsonAddMember(o, "skins", std::move(skins)); } // TEXTURES if (model->textures.size()) { json textures; JsonReserveArray(textures, model->textures.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->textures.size(); ++i) { json texture; SerializeGltfTexture(model->textures[i], texture); JsonPushBack(textures, std::move(texture)); } JsonAddMember(o, "textures", std::move(textures)); } // SAMPLERS if (model->samplers.size()) { json samplers; JsonReserveArray(samplers, model->samplers.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->samplers.size(); ++i) { json sampler; SerializeGltfSampler(model->samplers[i], sampler); JsonPushBack(samplers, std::move(sampler)); } JsonAddMember(o, "samplers", std::move(samplers)); } // CAMERAS if (model->cameras.size()) { json cameras; JsonReserveArray(cameras, model->cameras.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->cameras.size(); ++i) { json camera; SerializeGltfCamera(model->cameras[i], camera); JsonPushBack(cameras, std::move(camera)); } JsonAddMember(o, "cameras", std::move(cameras)); } // EXTENSIONS SerializeExtensionMap(model->extensions, o); // LIGHTS as KHR_lights_cmn if (model->lights.size()) { json lights; JsonReserveArray(lights, model->lights.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->lights.size(); ++i) { json light; SerializeGltfLight(model->lights[i], light); JsonPushBack(lights, std::move(light)); } json khr_lights_cmn; JsonAddMember(khr_lights_cmn, "lights", std::move(lights)); json ext_j; { json_const_iterator it; if (!FindMember(o, "extensions", it)) { JsonAssign(ext_j, GetValue(it)); } } JsonAddMember(ext_j, "KHR_lights_punctual", std::move(khr_lights_cmn)); JsonAddMember(o, "extensions", std::move(ext_j)); } // EXTRAS if (model->extras.Type() != NULL_TYPE) { SerializeValue("extras", model->extras, o); } } static bool WriteGltfStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &content) { stream << content << std::endl; return true; } static bool WriteGltfFile(const std::string &output, const std::string &content) { #ifdef _WIN32 #if defined(_MSC_VER) std::ofstream gltfFile(UTF8ToWchar(output).c_str()); #elif defined(__GLIBCXX__) int file_descriptor = _wopen(UTF8ToWchar(output).c_str(), _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY | _O_TRUNC | _O_BINARY); __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf wfile_buf(file_descriptor, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); std::ostream gltfFile(&wfile_buf); if (!wfile_buf.is_open()) return false; #else std::ofstream gltfFile(output.c_str()); if (!gltfFile.is_open()) return false; #endif #else std::ofstream gltfFile(output.c_str()); if (!gltfFile.is_open()) return false; #endif return WriteGltfStream(gltfFile, content); } static void WriteBinaryGltfStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &content, const std::vector &binBuffer) { const std::string header = "glTF"; const int version = 2; // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3407012/c-rounding-up-to-the-nearest-multiple-of-a-number auto roundUp = [](uint32_t numToRound, uint32_t multiple) { if (multiple == 0) return numToRound; uint32_t remainder = numToRound % multiple; if (remainder == 0) return numToRound; return numToRound + multiple - remainder; }; const uint32_t padding_size = roundUp(uint32_t(content.size()), 4) - uint32_t(content.size()); // 12 bytes for header, JSON content length, 8 bytes for JSON chunk info. // Chunk data must be located at 4-byte boundary. const uint32_t length = 12 + 8 + roundUp(uint32_t(content.size()), 4) + (binBuffer.size() ? (8 + roundUp(uint32_t(binBuffer.size()), 4)) : 0); stream.write(header.c_str(), std::streamsize(header.size())); stream.write(reinterpret_cast(&version), sizeof(version)); stream.write(reinterpret_cast(&length), sizeof(length)); // JSON chunk info, then JSON data const uint32_t model_length = uint32_t(content.size()) + padding_size; const uint32_t model_format = 0x4E4F534A; stream.write(reinterpret_cast(&model_length), sizeof(model_length)); stream.write(reinterpret_cast(&model_format), sizeof(model_format)); stream.write(content.c_str(), std::streamsize(content.size())); // Chunk must be multiplies of 4, so pad with spaces if (padding_size > 0) { const std::string padding = std::string(size_t(padding_size), ' '); stream.write(padding.c_str(), std::streamsize(padding.size())); } if (binBuffer.size() > 0) { const uint32_t bin_padding_size = roundUp(uint32_t(binBuffer.size()), 4) - uint32_t(binBuffer.size()); // BIN chunk info, then BIN data const uint32_t bin_length = uint32_t(binBuffer.size()) + bin_padding_size; const uint32_t bin_format = 0x004e4942; stream.write(reinterpret_cast(&bin_length), sizeof(bin_length)); stream.write(reinterpret_cast(&bin_format), sizeof(bin_format)); stream.write(reinterpret_cast(binBuffer.data()), std::streamsize(binBuffer.size())); // Chunksize must be multiplies of 4, so pad with zeroes if (bin_padding_size > 0) { const std::vector padding = std::vector(size_t(bin_padding_size), 0); stream.write(reinterpret_cast(padding.data()), std::streamsize(padding.size())); } } } static void WriteBinaryGltfFile(const std::string &output, const std::string &content, const std::vector &binBuffer) { #ifdef _WIN32 #if defined(_MSC_VER) std::ofstream gltfFile(UTF8ToWchar(output).c_str(), std::ios::binary); #elif defined(__GLIBCXX__) int file_descriptor = _wopen(UTF8ToWchar(output).c_str(), _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY | _O_TRUNC | _O_BINARY); __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf wfile_buf(file_descriptor, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); std::ostream gltfFile(&wfile_buf); #else std::ofstream gltfFile(output.c_str(), std::ios::binary); #endif #else std::ofstream gltfFile(output.c_str(), std::ios::binary); #endif WriteBinaryGltfStream(gltfFile, content, binBuffer); } bool TinyGLTF::WriteGltfSceneToStream(Model *model, std::ostream &stream, bool prettyPrint = true, bool writeBinary = false) { JsonDocument output; /// Serialize all properties except buffers and images. SerializeGltfModel(model, output); // BUFFERS std::vector binBuffer; if(model->buffers.size()) { json buffers; JsonReserveArray(buffers, model->buffers.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->buffers.size(); ++i) { json buffer; if (writeBinary && i==0 && model->buffers[i].uri.empty()){ SerializeGltfBufferBin(model->buffers[i], buffer,binBuffer); } else { SerializeGltfBuffer(model->buffers[i], buffer); } JsonPushBack(buffers, std::move(buffer)); } JsonAddMember(output, "buffers", std::move(buffers)); } // IMAGES if (model->images.size()) { json images; JsonReserveArray(images, model->images.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->images.size(); ++i) { json image; std::string dummystring = ""; // UpdateImageObject need baseDir but only uses it if embeddedImages is // enabled, since we won't write separate images when writing to a stream we UpdateImageObject(model->images[i], dummystring, int(i), false, &this->WriteImageData, this->write_image_user_data_); SerializeGltfImage(model->images[i], image); JsonPushBack(images, std::move(image)); } JsonAddMember(output, "images", std::move(images)); } if (writeBinary) { WriteBinaryGltfStream(stream, JsonToString(output), binBuffer); } else { WriteGltfStream(stream, JsonToString(output, prettyPrint ? 2 : -1)); } return true; } bool TinyGLTF::WriteGltfSceneToFile(Model *model, const std::string &filename, bool embedImages = false, bool embedBuffers = false, bool prettyPrint = true, bool writeBinary = false) { JsonDocument output; std::string defaultBinFilename = GetBaseFilename(filename); std::string defaultBinFileExt = ".bin"; std::string::size_type pos = defaultBinFilename.rfind('.', defaultBinFilename.length()); if (pos != std::string::npos) { defaultBinFilename = defaultBinFilename.substr(0, pos); } std::string baseDir = GetBaseDir(filename); if (baseDir.empty()) { baseDir = "./"; } /// Serialize all properties except buffers and images. SerializeGltfModel(model, output); // BUFFERS std::vector usedUris; std::vector binBuffer; if (model->buffers.size()) { json buffers; JsonReserveArray(buffers, model->buffers.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->buffers.size(); ++i) { json buffer; if (writeBinary && i==0 && model->buffers[i].uri.empty()){ SerializeGltfBufferBin(model->buffers[i], buffer,binBuffer); } else if (embedBuffers) { SerializeGltfBuffer(model->buffers[i], buffer); } else { std::string binSavePath; std::string binUri; if (!model->buffers[i].uri.empty() && !IsDataURI(model->buffers[i].uri)) { binUri = model->buffers[i].uri; } else { binUri = defaultBinFilename + defaultBinFileExt; bool inUse = true; int numUsed = 0; while (inUse) { inUse = false; for (const std::string &usedName : usedUris) { if (binUri.compare(usedName) != 0) continue; inUse = true; binUri = defaultBinFilename + std::to_string(numUsed++) + defaultBinFileExt; break; } } } usedUris.push_back(binUri); binSavePath = JoinPath(baseDir, binUri); if (!SerializeGltfBuffer(model->buffers[i], buffer, binSavePath, binUri)) { return false; } } JsonPushBack(buffers, std::move(buffer)); } JsonAddMember(output, "buffers", std::move(buffers)); } // IMAGES if (model->images.size()) { json images; JsonReserveArray(images, model->images.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->images.size(); ++i) { json image; UpdateImageObject(model->images[i], baseDir, int(i), embedImages, &this->WriteImageData, this->write_image_user_data_); SerializeGltfImage(model->images[i], image); JsonPushBack(images, std::move(image)); } JsonAddMember(output, "images", std::move(images)); } if (writeBinary) { WriteBinaryGltfFile(filename, JsonToString(output), binBuffer); } else { WriteGltfFile(filename, JsonToString(output, (prettyPrint ? 2 : -1))); } return true; } } // namespace tinygltf #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #endif // TINYGLTF_IMPLEMENTATION