inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
a438e685f3 完成坐标和法线对齐
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
d0ae241479 flip cubemap
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
b588fa1636 完成相机注视
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
9281b77178 修复相机使用旋转矩阵旋转失效
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
683d94a8d7 fix config file type conversion
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
ecc00b6fd2 正在编写配置文件读取
149db74b2e Update .gitignore
- Compare 2 commits »
inksoul pushed to main-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
8e306f2844 fix destroy commandPool error
inksoul pushed to main-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
8ed2ff3307 添加命令行传入配置文件路径
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
d0dee05a1c Merge branch 'main-headless' into test-headless
c02b33ecd2 test for compiled render
5bd007ddb7 fix linux compile error
6fc72ce66e fix _access is os specify
c609c5a354 update GPUselection
- Compare 5 commits »
inksoul pushed to main-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
c02b33ecd2 test for compiled render
inksoul pushed to main-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
5bd007ddb7 fix linux compile error
inksoul pushed to main-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
6fc72ce66e fix _access is os specify
inksoul pushed to main-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
c609c5a354 update GPUselection
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
b3836c99c3 sahder位置修改和配置项准备
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
8461390496 完成将配置类独立
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
014b6e1c4d 编写配置文件读写(未完成
inksoul pushed to test-headless at inksoul/plumageRender
26a66c4f0d 去除swapChain.hpp依赖
inksoul deleted branch headless from inksoul/plumageRender