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inksoul pushed to reconstruct-filesystem at inksoul/plumageRender

  • 58749f5791 更新vulkan版本,添加toml11库,修改_access为跨平台的filesystem

2024-03-28 15:23:45 +08:00

inksoul pushed to reconstruct-filesystem at inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 13:11:21 +08:00

inksoul pushed to reconstruct-filesystem at inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 12:01:21 +08:00

inksoul created branch reconstruct-filesystem in inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 12:01:21 +08:00

inksoul deleted branch reconstruct from inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 11:59:02 +08:00

inksoul deleted branch restart-image-senquence-output from inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 11:28:14 +08:00

inksoul pushed to main at inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 11:28:09 +08:00

inksoul merged pull request inksoul/plumageRender#2

restart-image-senquence-output available

2024-03-28 11:28:07 +08:00

inksoul created pull request inksoul/plumageRender#2

restart-image-senquence-output available

2024-03-28 11:24:09 +08:00

inksoul pushed to restart-image-senquence-output at inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 11:21:08 +08:00

inksoul pushed to restart-image-senquence-output at inksoul/plumageRender

  • 1adef63b80 更换模型后重新生成图片序列和视频

2024-03-28 11:12:52 +08:00

inksoul pushed to restart-image-senquence-output at inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 09:48:34 +08:00

inksoul created branch restart-image-senquence-output in inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-28 09:48:34 +08:00

inksoul deleted branch add-image-output from inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-27 17:37:57 +08:00

inksoul pushed to main at inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-27 17:33:47 +08:00

inksoul pushed to main at inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-27 17:31:10 +08:00

inksoul merged pull request inksoul/plumageRender#1

add-image-output :完成图像序列输出和图像序列到视频的流程

2024-03-27 17:31:09 +08:00

inksoul created pull request inksoul/plumageRender#1

add-image-output :完成图像序列输出和图像序列到视频的流程

2024-03-27 17:30:50 +08:00

inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender

  • fe9c837110 完成图片序列到视频的工作流程

2024-03-27 17:29:35 +08:00

inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender

2024-03-26 18:04:20 +08:00