inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender
8a36a4d721 add headless surface extension
inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender
efd42bdef7 init image writer with screen shot
inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender
04fb6d29e0 Revert "revert"
inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender
a0b8b66f2b revert
inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender
20a30d9192 Revert "更新imgui版本,修复mapMemoryRange问题"
inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender
a3b62775cd 更新imgui版本,修复mapMemoryRange问题
inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender
9cbbb01a83 完成outputImageSequence
inksoul pushed to add-image-output at inksoul/plumageRender
81c289ea9c 添加framebuffer to ppm
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
d71eca3c32 创建descriptor sets
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
4406e944f4 完成indexBuffer
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
7e7f530f3f 完成顶点缓冲区输入描述创建
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
c6d688a055 完成swapchain随窗口大小改变重建