inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
b095fdb291 完成framebuffer创建和修正shader module 中fragment阶段的stage设置错误
inksoul pushed to main at inksoul/plumageRender
5e4acd3f08 更新 cmake最低版本需求和 gitignore
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
7b1d83753f 完成render pass 创建
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
a5df364c00 完成图形管线固定功能设置
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
14905da5ad Update VulkanTutorial.h
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
b6a7ed9d6d 完成图像关系中着色器模块创建
inksoul released "Plumage render " at inksoul/plumageRender
inksoul pushed tag 0.01 to inksoul/plumageRender
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
9a189740e3 完成imageView创建
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/vulkanTutorial
4f45098811 Merge branch 'master' of
9f608cda60 完成swapChain创建
- Compare 2 commits »
inksoul pushed to main at inksoul/hutaoVits
b498f77b19 上传模型,已整理数据集,数据集整理脚本
inksoul created repository inksoul/hutaoVits
inksoul pushed to master at inksoul/tinyrender
9b753769b1 完成bresenham's line